On the ground, countless flame lines are running, running with golden and red flames, and flowers condensed by fireworks bloom in front of everyone!

The bright flame flower has charming brilliance. When the flowers are in full bloom, the lines rooted in the ground spread instantly and swept the whole northern planting area, which surprised everyone.

The horse who bit off a flame flower because of curiosity lit a heavy flame all over and hopped around with its hooves.

"What! Enemy attack? Lord Mike, his horse blew up?!"

"Trough, Mike, his horse is on fire!"

"Get off your horse! Can you talk!"

"Water! Pour water... Wait! Why did you pour the purple orchid fragrance film? Kill his horse?!"

Just as everyone went to tame the happy horses who ate chili and played disco, Mike stared at the flame lines across the road and fell into meditation.

The lush and rooted flame grass absorbs heat from the lines on the ground and emits a glittering light all over, which is released in the form of light and heat.

The five senses of silver scale are very sharp. Mike can clearly sense a heat. Through the rise of magic lines, he uses solid flame grass to disperse the cold, and the heat preservation effect is very significant.

The temperature suddenly rises!


On both sides of the groove, the lines spread and grow rich flame grass to provide the heat required for seeds for the land.

The poured purple orchid film liquid rolled up in the rise of temperature and gradually solidified into a layer of film to cover the ditch.

"That's how the little fox city master grows vegetables?"

"Well, when the seeds germinate, and then build a greenhouse to resist the cold and frost, we can grow vegetables in winter."

"Wait... Sprout?"

Mike caught a word and looked strange.

"Yes, according to the calculation of one of our part-time diviners, the seeds buried underground will germinate after ten days after spending the night frost under the insulation of plastic film... Well, you didn't sow them in the ditch in advance?"

The alchemist first explained solemnly, and immediately, he shook Mike's stiff expression.

He gave Mike a strange look, which gave him a bad feeling.

"If you don't sow, why do you pour the film solution? Tell the little fox city master to play with your horse!"

"Cough, report to the little fox Lord. I'm wrong. I'll review myself. Please rest assured."

"Hiss!" (Merry horse)

"Get out of your horse!" (unhappy Mike slapped the horse in the face, spiraled to the sky at 1080 degrees, hit the ground first, the horse broke its leg, convulsed, and a dirty word came out of his mouth, welcoming the cheers of his subordinates)

Alchemist: "

You're crazy!


In the cemetery, the reclaimed gullies are covered with a layer of white purple plastic film. After a new stage of treatment, both sides are pressed in, which is not easy to be blown away by the cold wind.

Fireworks dance. With the spread of magic lines, lush flame grass grows in the cemetery to provide heat for the soil covered with plastic film.

"Hoo, it's finally finished!"

A dark figure carrying a shovel and looking at the potato growing area handled satisfactorily.

Among the four major planting areas, cabbage is planted in the north and West (cabbage has the most seeds). Nancheng manor, which has rich varieties, is more like a pot of hodgepodge, such as carrots, mushrooms and vegetables. Whatever you have, you can plant whatever you have. The source of seeds is handed in voluntarily by each family. No one wants to eat cabbage all the time in winter.

As for the cemetery with a layer of ashes (bone ash sent by meat + plant ash), Xiao Han regards it as an important grain producing area. With the yield increasing effect of plastic film technology and the prayers of a group of magicians, it will produce the most abundant and full grain.

After all, buried in the soil are the ashes of Titan's ancestors. After hundreds of years of accumulation, the soil is fertile. Even small peppers can grow red eyed hot peppers!

It's so immoral to do this

Xiao Han has always been opposed to planting food on people's graves, but due to the advent of winter, food shortage will starve future generations. It's better to let the dead ancestors give play to the last afterglow for the benefit of future generations.

Grow the best food, and then send it to the table. Children and grandchildren will eat it in one bite and feel the warmth of the big family connected by blood.

In short, Xiao Han put on a humanitarian coat for his behavior. The cabinet members were forced by the strength of the little fox. On the surface, they felt the great righteousness of the little fox city master. The private backhand was a report!


The city Lord is right. Just be happy.

Therefore, in addition to half the cabbages in the cemetery, the other half went to grow potatoes.

Due to food shortage, only a part of potatoes can be cultivated in the temporarily built granary, and most of them still serve as main food for daily consumption.

Moreover, the little fox once signed a contract with some villages on the wasteland. There are dishes to provide, but it's far away.

At present, winter is coming. Although Titan city has money, it is limited by the distance. Some chariots out of the city have gone to receive food these days, but the harvest is not big.

The reason why wasteland is called wasteland is that the land is barren and the resources are scarce. It is much more wasteful than the chaotic land where Titan city is located.

"Stop work and have a rest."

The black crow waved and sat on the tombstone without scruples, biting baked potatoes to replenish his strength.

The third urban management brigade behind him also sat down one after another, holding baked potatoes in his hands and eating on the spot.

On the ground, the flame pattern emits warm heat, and the gorgeous flame grass flickers slightly, igniting a weak fire, creating a warm and harmonious atmosphere.

The spread of magic lines (the secret art of the Gubang family) has been transformed into heating facilities. If the three giants of the Gubang family learn about it under the yellow spring, they will be very happy. They want to climb out of the coffin, excitedly pinch the little fox's neck and play discotheque on their own grave.

Oh, I almost forgot that there were no bones of the three giants, and even the coffin was taken away by the little fox. What a pity

The excavated trench is covered with plastic film, which contains vitality, and the seeds quickly take root and break through the soil.

"Can you really grow vegetables according to the method of little fox?"

"Nonsense, the glory of the little fox God shines on us. These seeds are favored by God and will mature in a month!"

"A month? Do you TM despise the little fox God? Three days is enough! I bet potatoes grow as big as pumpkins!"

"Well, it's too exaggerated. I think cabbage can live!"

Everyone talked to each other and felt the greatness of the little fox city master. With a blind self-confidence on his face, the black crow on one side felt speechless.

Suddenly, he looked a cold, raised his eyes to the sky, and his pupils reflected a dazzling fire!


The void cut through a hot breath, twined the virtual shadow of the temple with the golden flame, and dragged the terrible tail flame, such as a launched intercontinental missile, accurately killed the ruins of the shenting!