
Barossa broke out a stream of blood and gas, and the place he stepped on exploded instantly. Under this driving force, his figure rushed to Minnie falling in the air.

But the excessive tension made him ignore the magic lines appearing under his feet. The surroundings were like a whirling sky. Albert raised three powerful crossbows, and three more appeared above. Barossa could sensitively sense his rear, and three powerful crossbows also appeared!

Nine powerful crossbows, equipped with magic blessings, can penetrate the defense of the silver level with one arrow!

The young master wants to kill the third young lady!

For the first time, Barossa had this idea. When a wave of powerful crossbow broke out, which was not inferior to the full force attack in the later stage of silver, he pulled out his sword boldly, with blood and blood booming. More than a dozen sword shadows flashed in the void and killed the bodyguard at the door!

There must be an ambush outside the balcony. It's better to enter the door and cross out all the way!

As for Minnie

It's good to say that he is hypocritical. When it comes to his life, he will abandon everything mercilessly!

"Barossa, you're crazy!"

Albert was shocked and angry. He looked at Barossa, who broke out with all his strength. With the power of blood and blood, several sword lights flashed in the void to block his retreat!

From his point of view, Barossa was enchanted by his soul, offered his life-saving card, and burst more than ten times his life in an attempt to cut him under the sword!

What surprised him even more was that Yu Guangzhong, Minnie, who jumped out of the balcony, was wearing a white skirt and long hair, but there was no trace of scars on her whole body. Her slender figure stagnated in the void, waving purple wings and falling stars, and a pair of green beautiful pupils revealed her inhospitality and looked down on Albert!

As soon as she lifted her arm, the golden revolver drew a golden rainbow in the void, and six magic lines bloomed. The streamer like bullets tore the air and killed Albert in front of him in an instant!

Six shots a second!!

"What weapon is this!"

Albert was shocked, but always cautious, he laid three layers of invisible magic defense in advance to resist the explosive damage of the golden revolver.


The sharp bullets exploded and condensed into real magic defense. Under the accurate shooting of these six bullets, a gap penetrated into Albert's chest and burst into a flower of blood!

Albert's pupils contracted, and before he could react, Barossa's sword light followed. He gritted his teeth and offered a golden Rune in his right hand. A magnificent life potential poured into his body, condensed the crystal of life, and frozen the broken heart.

Immediately, his figure moved and stepped more than ten meters away. He was in a mess, but except for the fatal injury to his chest, his left arm was cut by the sword gas, bleeding and stained with gorgeous clothes.

Holding his almost useless left arm, he looked at the cold girl stepping on the void outside the balcony, his face was gloomy, and his eyes flashed a touch of poison.

Outside the temple, there were hundreds of ambushes. Even the tulip patriarch personally sent an elder to sit on the town.

Minnie Si can't escape. The shame brought to him must be double returned to her!

"Catch her!"

At the periphery of the temple, with the arrival of a seven potential aura, dozens of figures flocked to form a blocking network to block Minnie's retreat.

It was precisely because the potential awakened elders were dormant in the shadow that Minnie dared not move a little.


The crystal wings whirled in a purple whirlwind, and the dozen trial crossbows shot at Minnie's delicate body were blown away!

"Soul costume! She has a hidden soul costume!"

Albert was surprised. In the next moment, a dark light flashed, and a big eye was blown open!

"Ah ah ah!"

Albert uttered a shrill scream. He covered his blasted eye. The blood spread, mixed with viscous liquid, and his tenacious will forced him to endure the severe pain!

If not for the activation of body defense, that bullet with dark attributes is enough to shoot through the brain!

"Bury swordsmanship! Die!"

Barossa adjusted the direction, his tight legs burst into a powerful way, the earth suddenly sank and killed Albert!

The sharp blade is plated with a layer of blood gas, which turns into a steady stream of magic energy and breaks out the most fatal blow!

This is Barossa's famous stunt. The more blood gas erupts, the more sword damage increases exponentially!


Albert roared, his body retreating in fear.


Just when Albert's body with only one layer of magic defense was exposed under Barossa's sword, behind him, three black potential auras burst into brilliance, and a heavy black hammer set off a sharp wind, which collided with Barossa's full strength sword!


The strong wind is like a knife, cutting the battlefield with a radius of tens of meters!

At the moment when the two forces collided, the void seemed to be grasped by a big hand, forming a hurricane. The vase burst, the curtains tore open, and even the crystal lights hanging high on the ceiling were blown to powder!

At the next moment, Barossa's sword was smashed and exploded. The black hammer dragging the iron chain went down and hit Barossa's chest. It immediately sank in. The fierce pressure squeezed the turbulent blood in his chest and blew up a large blood mist!


A strong man in black armor took back his hammer, covered his body with a black robe, and six potential auras appeared behind him, flashing glittering black light.

He gave Albert a cold look. Then the black hammer crossed Albert's body to block an attack bullet. With his sharp eyes, he looked up at Minnie floating on the balcony.

On the clear night sky, under a silver blue moon, a pure white girl looks like a king, overlooking hundreds of enemies gathered below.

Her clear green eyes, like a natural emerald, exposed golden revolver, aimed at Albert's figure, and six bullets were quickly filled in the bomb nest.

In addition to the elders who watch openly, there is also a potential awakened professional who monitors Minnie.

"Heiyan, the leader of the hidden guard, is the top strong man who has broken the limits of the human body six times."

Minnie Si smiled indifferently and didn't look at each other: "it's just the running dog of the bastard father."

"What do you mean, miss three?"

Black rock said coldly, the black Warhammer station, the iron chain connected with the hammer handle was bound on his arm, and his sharp eyes firmly locked Minnie.

The layout of the patriarch, even his daughter, cannot be destroyed at will.

"Heiyan, Minnie is trying to kill my young master. I suspect that she has already taken refuge in external forces and betrayed the family. She will definitely kill her for her father's plan!"

Albert covered his blasted eyes and stared at Minnie with only one eye.

But Minnie Si didn't respond. She looked up at the bright moon above the sky. A Amethyst mask appeared in the void and was worn on her pretty face.


In an instant, wind and clouds surged!