Early in the morning, the people of Titan welcomed the arrival of a new day.

With the prosperity of the trade routes, carriages transporting goods were transferred to Titan city to earn considerable profits. Then they bought some specialties and transported them to the next destination to earn the price difference.

On the eight special streets, a road sign is inserted at the entrance, with a little fox printed on it, showing a gentle and easygoing smile. Without knowing the truth, businessmen who come to Titan city for the first time will feel a sense of rejuvenation when they see this road sign.

It's really friendly ~ this pure smile seems to imply that you can make a lot of money this day, inexplicably happy.

Tim, who was about to make a fortune in Titan City, smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

He is a Nordic. He is medium-sized and has an ordinary face. However, he has rich experience in commercial trading, especially slaves, and made a lot of money.

For the goods, as a slave merchant in a nearby city, he personally came to Titan city to make his reputation known.

Beside him, there were carriages dragged by two mules and horses. On the carriages, there were three prisons made of fir. Each prison held seven or eight beautiful slave girls. Although they were not well dressed, the coarse linen clothes could not hide their snow-white skin. This fragrant scene made the busy passers-by look more and feel inexplicably happy.

Looking at the fiery eyes around, Tim was confident that he could sell at least 500 silver shells at this slave transfer station.

Of course, the huge amount of money of 500 silver shells will be plundered by vicious forces such as thieves. Perhaps it will be safer to recruit some adventurers to escort the next destination in addition to the mercenaries left at the gate of the city.

"Sister Alice, I'm afraid..."

Inside the prison, a girl with short brown hair felt the greedy eyes from the outside, threw herself into the arms of an elderly blonde girl, curled up and said uneasily.

"It's okay, Nana. I'll protect you."

Alice took the young girl in her arms, she swore, and looked back at the customers who looked outside. The undisguised possessiveness in her eyes made her sick.

In the war-torn northern Europe, it is very common for weak villages to be destroyed overnight.

She and Nana are girls in a village. Because of the rampant bandits, the winter food was robbed, the family was killed, and the village was submerged in a fire.

Fortunately, there was a hidden cellar with more than a dozen survivors, including them, but they managed to escape, but they were caught by slave merchants and became slaves.

Those who are sold everywhere by slave merchants may be lucky to have a powerful aristocrat who favors them, or they may be completely reduced to playthings and tortured.

Along the way, three carts of slave girls have been sold before, and as high-quality rollers and facade, they will squeeze the last and richest value in the prosperous Titan city.

"Sister Alice, this fox is so cute."

As the carriage rolled, Nana pointed to the sign at the intersection and said in surprise.

The carefully made fox, with its long cherry blond hair lifted by the wind, and its blood red glazed pupils, glittered with amazing brilliance. Even Alice, who had always practiced martial arts with her father and was silent, was attracted.

Blood pupil is very rare in northern Europe, and beautiful blood pupil is even rare.

Because this pupil color generally appears in vampires, blood elves, blood demons and other special races, and there is almost no trace of this group of races in northern Europe where bravery prevails.

"Yes, this is the place."

Tim stopped the carriage in a well-conditioned street and grabbed a good position.

Before, deliberately circling was not only looking for a spacious location, but also attracting a group of potential customers to warm up for the next slave auction.

"The young girl's skin is better than my mistress. She can be broken by blowing. I see my blood surging up and the birds are hard."

An old man with an eye mask grabbed the prison and put his hand in to touch Nana's skin. The girl was frightened, while Alice stood in front of her and looked at the skinny hand stuck in the prison with a look of disgust.

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter how the young slave is sold. I'm a rich man with 100 silver shells."

The old man took back his hand, took out a purse and drank to Tim.

"Hey, hey, it's still the blonde girl. With her tall figure and heroic and moving face, I obviously want to open the knight's rank and have more flavor. I'll give 30 silver shells to buy the blonde girl."

On the other side, a fat man with a gorgeous crutch smiled, and his eyes fell greedily on Alice.

"The two guests have a good eye. These two slaves are really the best of them." Tim rubbed his hands and smiled.

In order to expose the snow-white skin of slave girls, he spent a sum of money last night to let them go to the magic bath center to take a bath. He used an expensive soap. Against the backdrop of linen clothes, his snow skin really looked so attractive.

However, the luxurious magic soap is worth three silver shells. The magician selling soap is really a vampire!

But everything is worth it. After sunset today, he must return home with a rich harvest.


In the look of expectation on Tim's face, a broken wind suddenly flew around him. In front of him, a figure crashed into a wall and directly hit a hole.

The scene of the raid made everyone dull for a moment, and then they were frightened and fled everywhere!

"Wocao is the third urban management brigade!!"

"Run! Here comes the ferocious little fox! It is said that he can swallow a whole lamb in one bite!"

"Ah! The little fox who abducted and sold shrem is terrible! Only the resources of Jingyue swamp are strongly occupied by one fox! Just to breed the weak shrem!"

"Hey, isn't the little fox selling ice recently? Forget it, run first!"

The customers who were not easily attracted by the slave girl ran away in an instant. Even Tim himself looked like a beeping dog!


There was something wrong with his imagination~

And why is that little fox so famous?

"Nonsense, it's clearly a gentle, easygoing and kind-hearted little fox!"

The next moment, a grumpy jackal jumped up and yelled to defend the little fox.


The lizard man embedded in the wall pulled out his head, and the scales on his back peeled off, stained with a layer of black carbon and mixed with dark green blood.

Soon, a heavy weapon hit the lizard man's back wound, making the latter eat pain and cry loudly.

"Shit, dare to annoy little fox, you want to die!"

George looked at the dirty green blood flowing with mucus. He had to wash it again with a scabbard. He simply picked up the hammer on a roadside vendor stall. One hammer killed him.

"Woo woo!"

The blood flowed and the shrill howl rang through, frightening the slave girls in the prison.

Alice covered Nana's eyes and looked at the bloody scene, her delicate body trembling


Witnessing this cruel scene, Timothy shivered and his eyes were mixed with a touch of horror.

I heard this is urban management?

For Mao is more fierce than the wanted person!!