Chapter 1264

Lin Rosen watched him go away. At that moment, there was a black light in his eyes.

He thought of Chen Dong, even more thought of what he saw outside the window that day.

Chen Dong is definitely not a good man. He is very deep in the city and has been lurking around Dongfang Yu and Bai Ruoxi. What's his purpose?

He must make a clear investigation and not let the people he cares about suffer any harm, especially Bai Ruoxi

And Dongfang Yu was kind to him. When he recovers his language, he will let Dongfang Yu see Chendong's true face.

Lynn Rosen's hands were full of fists.

But at that moment, Lin Xiaoyun stepped forward and held his hand with one hand. There was a green glow in his eyes, as if he was worried about the state and safety of Lin Rosen.

Lin rose and stroked Lin Xiaoyun's head. He nodded to him and said nothing.

He knew that even if he lived in the human world, he would not forget the hatred in the past, and he would find out the murderer who killed all their relatives in the village.

Lin Rosen's eyes were also shining like fire.


In the apartment of Bai Ruoxi in Jinyu garden.

Chen Dong accompanied Bai Ruoxi back here, Bai Ruoxi entered the door. At that time, looking back at Xiang Chendong, he said with a smile: "Chendong, thank you for sending me back."

Chen Dong looked at him, also very shy smile: "I'm thirsty, can I go in and drink a glass of water?"

"Of course." Bai Ruoxi nodded his head, then let Chen Dong into the apartment.

Then he went to the refrigerator, opened the door, looked at the contents and asked, "do you want juice or coffee, or do you prefer coconut milk?"

That end stopped for a moment, quickly said: "no, a glass of boiled water is good."

"Oh, boiled water?" Bai Ruoxi laughed, then quickly poured a glass of boiled water, specially added a little something to it, and then took it to him and said, "OK, here comes the boiled water you want. I hope you can have a good time."

Chen East smile, see white if Xi so gentle and beautiful appearance, that heart all have some can't help beating accelerated.

However, when he drank the first mouthful of boiled water, suddenly, his face changed, he laughed and looked at her: "how do you know that I like to drink boiled water with sugar?"

Bai Ruoxi tilted her head slightly and thought for a moment, then suddenly she gave a mysterious smile: "because I like to drink sugar and boiled water myself! So I wonder if you like it, too? So I added a little to you. I didn't expect that you would like it too. Ha, it's just right. I can drink with the two of you

Then Bai Ruoxi picked up another cup, which was also full of boiled water. It was obvious that there was sugar in the boiled water.

"Well." Chen East listened to heavily place a head, in the heart inexplicably warm for a while.

But at this moment, looking at each other, he did not know what to say. He only held the sugar boiled water in his hand, and then drank all the water in silence.

Compared with Dongfang Yu, he is not good at words. However, under such conditions, he is not allowed to say too much. After all, Bai Ruoxi does not know that he likes her.

Well, what if I knew?

She likes Dongfang Yu.

"What's the matter with you? Chen Dong, you seem to have too many worries? " Bai Ruoxi looked at his face. At that moment, he felt as if he was a little different from before.

Because he would never come in after he sent her to the door. Then the usual way is to turn around and leave here.

But today is not the same, he seems to be a little preoccupied.

"I'm just worried about the young lady and the boss. You are so tolerant to those two savages. We don't know what they think? Besides, the savage kidnaps Miss Bai several times. I'm afraid that if I don't change my mind, it will threaten Miss Bai's safety... "Chen Dong says here. He doesn't have to go on. His face is dark and cold.

Bai Ruoxi looked at him with a smile at the corner of his mouth and said slowly, "you've been thinking about this, but it's hard for you. In fact, both Lin Luosen and Lin Xiaoyun are very good. I believe they will not harm my mind in the future. "

"No, of course it's best, but you have to be defensive. Miss Bai must pay attention." Chen east still has some worries to say.

Bai Ruoxi smiles, but doesn't say anything else. In his heart, he is very grateful for his intention. However, this is unnecessary, because she really understands the ideas of those savages. Especially this time, Dongfang Yu rescued the savages from 457 Research Institute. I'm afraid that the other party will only be grateful to him!

They're not going to hurt them.

"Let you bother, however, I really have nothing to do, I believe they will not do so, by the way, Chendong, you look like you have a lot of worries." White if Xi toward the other party smile, that a pair of beautiful eyes inside also revealed a bright, crystal bright, very charming.

For a time see of Chen East all some flash but God go. I can't help thinking about how he held her when she was drunk and kissing on that night in the hotel. That memory is so bewitching. Up to now, he remembers every detail of that night very clearly. Almost, they had a substantial relationship. Looking at her face, looking at her lips, I can't help feeling my body. Seeing that he didn't answer himself, Bai Ruoxi asked again, "what's the matter with you?" Chen East facial expression some embarrassment, very quickly concealed a while of say: "have no, I really quite good." Bai Ruoxi smiles, looks at each other, thinks and says: "in fact, if you have time, you can really make a girlfriend, so you won't feel that you have a lot of time." Chen East listened to a Leng, didn't expect her to say these with him, but his appearance is like the appearance that lacks a girlfriend? Well, he's not short of girlfriends, he's just a little... "I think I should go. Miss Bai, have a rest. Goodbye. " Chen east also very quickly dark eyes. She avoided her words and drank the last mouthful of sugar water. He quickly stood up, looked at Bai Ruoxi and laughed again. The red tide on his face also spread on his face. Without saying anything, he quickly turned his head and walked towards the gate. White if Xi sent him to the gate, looking at his disappeared back, that moment, also pursed lips smile. But she didn't think much. Bai Ruoxi quickly went into the room and looked at the cup he had drunk. She cleaned the cup and put it in the refrigerator again. Just back on the second floor, my cell phone rang. Bai Ruoxi quickly turned up her mobile phone. When she saw the phone number, she hesitated slightly and quickly cut the phone in: "Hello, Yu Hanxi, is that you?" Although it's not the first time to answer his phone, every time she hears his voice, she always feels a sense of pressure and tension. This article comes from the novel of shushuwang