Chapter 910

She understood Bai Ye's mind and why he didn't accept his help“ Night, when I was a student, you told me that a mature doctor and patient can only maintain the relationship between treatment and being treated. Whether you are lying on the bed, your friends or your family, you should keep a good attitude, otherwise... You will make mistakes in the process of treatment. Now... "" I promise you in the name of your white night apprentice that I will never have any undue feelings for this patient during this treatment. Believe me, night! " Words say this, snow Wei's eyes inside emerge matchless firm ray of light. The white night was silent for a long time, nodded slightly, and a handsome face suddenly became extremely calm: "the patient's left brain is bruised by bullets, and there are suspected fragments left in the brain. Now, the operation must be done immediately! " After learning about Huangfu Ming's condition, Xuewei looks around at the simple medical camp: "even if the operation equipment is not perfect, we can complete the operation, right?"“ yes! It can be done. But... The military doctors don't have enough blood This is the key point! Nowadays, the reason why Huangfu Ming is in a coma is not because he lost too much blood, but because he has shrapnel in his head. In fact, it's just a minor injury for soldiers who came from harsh environment. However, if the shrapnel is not removed in time, the longer the patient is in a coma, the slower their brain will recover, which may eventually lead to paralysis. So, they can't wait for the rescue team sent by the regulatory authority, and they have to "me too."“ If you agree, I hope to have a military exercise with your Qinglong military region after my birthday. " When Dongfang Yu sent out the invitation, his eyes were full of expectation. Thunder obviously Leng Leng God, prevaricate smile way: "wait until the time we in fixed."“ OK, I'll wait for your news. Go ahead. " Seeing Dongfang Yu on the plane, thunder frowned with a headache: "is this boy a militant? How to fight around? "“ Brother, it seems that Dongfang Yu is a headache for you? " From the conversation between the two, Xuewei feels that thunder doesn't really want to fight with Dongfang Yuyue“ what you think? I also thought, I stand at the right time, the right place and the right people, and the other side is a smelly boy who doesn't have the same hair. How powerful can I be? I didn't expect that the smelly boy was so hard to deal with. How can he grow up? " This book was first published by the king of reading