Chapter 562

Xuewei is angry and funny.

She said that the son of her family was born to be a master of right and wrong. He didn't want to leave daddy and Mommy. He didn't show any performance at all. He cheated other people's cats into getting on the plane, but he came back. What a cunning!

"What?!" Suddenly, Huang Fu Ming's voice on the phone increased by several decibels.

"What happened, Ming?" Xuewei rushes over anxiously.

He put down the phone with a frozen face: "people in the army have contacted the captain by satellite phone, but the captain said that... Two minutes before the plane took off, my father and cat were hijacked by...!"

"Hijacked?!! Then why didn't the captain inform us the first time? " Snow Wei doesn't understand of ask end.

Huangfu winced: "I think that group of kidnappers in order to delay the kidnapping time, so forced the captain to start the plane step by step."

"Damn it!!! Who is so bold as to kidnap dad The body is weak to sit on the sofa, snow Wei is helpless to start to stay


On the other side

"Bang, bang, Bang..."

In the bumpy truck, Huangfu Yangrong opened his eyes and looked around the dark cargo box. His eyes finally fixed on the petite body beside him.

"Mmm... MMM!!" With his mouth blocked and his hands tied, he could only use his own body to support the cat who could not fall on the ground.

Not for a moment... "Hum..." the cat gave a weak hum.

Huangfu Yangrong was relieved.

The fact that the cat can still make a sound proves that she hasn't

"Well..." continued to arch the little guy's body.

She opened her eyes and rubbed them powerlessly: "Yeh..."

As soon as he uttered a word, Huang Fu Yang Rong shook his head at the cat and motioned to her to tear off the things that were blocking his mouth.

The little guy pulled off the tape sealed on Huangfu Yangrong's mouth.

"Don't be afraid, cat." Finally, he could speak. He quickly soothed the little guy in a low voice.

The cat shook her head: "cats are not afraid."

"Well, good boy. You try to see if you can untie the rope tied to my grandfather's hand, OK


Huangfu Yangrong turned his back, and the cat squatted behind him, trying to untie the hemp rope tied to his hand. Why

"Grandfather... The cat can't open it. What should I do?"

"Don't worry, cat. See if there's anything around that can separate the rope

"Coat..." with the light coming from the gap, the little guy looked for it carefully“ Grandfather, is this OK? " Little hand, raised a broken tile.

Huangfu Yangrong nodded in a hurry.

With this tool, Maomao finally cut the hemp rope tied to Huangfu Yangrong's hand“ It's on, Grandpa

"Good boy, good boy." Sharp stand up, he leaned against the only bright gap to peep out.

We can see that the outside is covered with snow and ice, and large areas of abandoned farmland are connected with mountains not far away.

Huangfu Yangrong pondered for a moment.

Now he can be sure of two things.

1、 He and cat should be in the loading dump truck.

2、 From the outside geographical environment, it can be inferred that the direction of the car is to the junction of the imperial city and Fengdu.

You know, Fengdu is the territory under the jurisdiction of Zhuque military region. What do these people do when they kidnap them?

I'm thinking about it.

"Grandfather... The cat is so cold..." the little guy leaned against Huangfu Yangrong.

He turned around, leaned on the iron wall, quickly took off his coat and put it on the little guy: "will it be better, cat?"

The little guy shook his head and handed his coat back to Huangfu Yangrong: "cat, No. Grandfather gave the clothes to the cat, and he was going to be cold. "

"Ha ha..." Huang Fu Yang's Rong Hui Xin smiles. He likes this sensible granddaughter from the bottom of his heart. Think about it, his three sons may not be as sensible as cat“ Cat cat, grandfather is not cold. Put on your clothes quickly. "



"Coat... If grandfather is cold, he will tell the cat, and the cat will take off his clothes for grandfather to wear." Then the little guy put on Huangfu Yangrong's coat and leaned on his arms.



"Why are we here?"

"Oh..." Huangfu Yangrong didn't know how to answer his granddaughter's question. He caressed the little guy's head thoughtfully: "maybe someone is playing a prank."

"Oh..." the carriage suddenly became silent, but Huangfu Yangrong's expression was extremely dignified. For the unknown destination, for the unknown enemy, he did not know what to do. He lived to this age. If he had any problems, it would be all right. But if something happened to his granddaughter, he really didn't know how to explain to Huang Fu Ming and his wife! gradual. The car slowed down after driving for two hours. Huangfu Yangrong's heart is tight: "cat, cat!"“ What's the matter, grandfather? "“ After a while, no matter what happens, you have to stay with your grandfather, you know? "“ Well, I know... "If grandfather told you to run, you don't care about anything, just run forward! Do you understand? "“ Good... "What might go wrong? Huangfu Yangrong's face sank and threatened:" cats must listen to grandfather's words! " Seeing his fierce appearance, the cat curled up and nodded: "Oh..." the car finally stopped and got off. At the same time, the container that closed Huangfu Yangrong and Maomao also opened“ Head, the old and the young are awake! " The man who opened the door looked at the man behind him with a smile. Huangfu Yang Rong Leng narrowed his eyes and stared at the clothes they were wearing: "are you from... Zhuque military region?" Don't look at the back of the badge, just see the red uniform, he can recognize each other's military region“ Ha, old commander Huangfu is impolite. Please don't blame us for inviting you here in this way. " 4、 Five men jumped into the car. Cat timidly hid behind Huangfu Yangrong: "grandfather..." "don't be afraid, cat!! What's your purpose? "“ Old commander, you will know in a moment. Please follow us Then several men escorted Huangfu Yangrong and Maomao out of the car. This book was first published in shuanwang!!