Chapter 530

"Wei Wei!"

"So, I can only give up Huangfu Ming, can only give up our marriage!!"

"Enough!"!!! Xuewei A low roar blocked her words. Xue Zhan raised her hand and slapped her face with a heavy slap: "you calm down for me first!"

The hand covers cheek, snow Wei that ferocious facial expression finally slowly calms down: "elder brother... How should I... Do?" The body is more and more weak, the big raindrops pour on her body, every one seems to fall into her heart.

Xuezhan takes a deep breath, caresses her cheek with a big hand: "Weiwei, you have elder brother, don't be afraid, elder brother won't let anyone hurt you, won't..." the gentle murmur falls down, and he hugs Xuewei tightly into his arms

The next afternoon.

Xue Zhan just came back from the army and rushed to his home anxiously.

The door of the villa opened.

"Ye..." several servants respectfully welcomed him.

"How is my third sister?" There is no time to have a moment's rest, xuezhan anxiously inquires about his servants.

The two maids looked at each other in embarrassment and shook their heads in a timid way: "it's still the way it was when..."

Since Xuewei was brought back yesterday, she looks like a living dead man.

When people talk to her, she is at most "mm-hmm, ah ah", and then she is in a daze for a long time.

When she was told to eat, she didn't even open her mouth; Even if she was forced to drink liquid food, she would spit it out immediately.

The most worrying thing is that she doesn't sleep, just like she doesn't know how to get tired. She keeps staring at the ceiling with her eyes open.

No one knows what she's thinking, but those big empty eyes make people feel scared

"Wei Wei..." push open the door of bedroom, snow Zhan far fetched squeeze out a smile, walk slowly to the bed: "big brother back."


"Ha ha, I heard that you didn't eat today? Aren't you hungry? "


Word by word, it's painful to jump out. Xue Zhan frowned anxiously and slowly pulled up her little hand: "today, a very interesting thing happened in the army. I'll tell you, OK?"


"Ha ha, brother has a subordinate surnamed Liu, you should know? He got up late this morning and came to report in a hurry. As a result, he didn't notice that his pants chain wasn't pulled up for a whole day, and the female colleagues around him didn't remind him when they saw him. It was only after I met him that I reminded him. As a result, his nickname has always been called "Liu Da... Men...."

Talking, talking, the smile on xuezhan's face is less and less.

He told this kind of cold joke on purpose to make Xuewei happy.

I remember that every time he told this kind of joke, Xuewei would turn her eyes and say, "brother, you are really boring.".

But now

It seems that she is listening to everything, but where does her soul go? Xuezhan really doesn't know

"Wei Wei, why don't you have something to eat first." Xuezhan carefully raises Xuewei and asks her body to rely on her arms for support. She holds up the bowl with the other hand.

He gently blew the rice porridge in the spoon and sent it to her mouth with a smile: "come on, open your mouth."

Xuewei glances at the food in front of her mouth and shakes her head.

"Wei Wei, how about a bite? Just one bite... "


This time, Xuewei doesn't even shake her head.

"Wei Wei!" The forced smile still couldn't hide his worries. Xuezhan puts the bowl on the table heavily, turns Xuewei's body and faces herself: "don't do this, OK? I'm worried about you like this! "

I can feel that Xuewei's current state is quite different from the last time she came to his home.

Although Xuewei was very sad last time, at least she knew how to smile and adjust her mind.

But now?

Now she looks like a doll whose soul has been drawn. She has neither pain nor emotion.

Xue Zhan took a choking breath and asked, "is his Huangfu Ming really so important to you?"

"Think about when you were a child. Think about when you first came to snow's house. I know that my mother, the eldest sister and the second sister are all bullying you. But even so, in the face of so many twists and turns, you are still strong again and again to survive! "

"When you were a child, you always said that big brother is so powerful. But do you know that before you come to Xuejia, big brother is nothing

Xuezhan is the only one who can inherit the incense from Xuejia and Dijia. He has been held in the palm of his hand by the two families since he was young.

It can be said that as long as it is what he wants, there is nothing he can't get; As long as he is not used to the snow Cham tube each other is who, according to play.

When he was 12 years old, he was nearly taken to the detention center because of murder. It was dimanly who took off a lot of relationship to settle the matter.

However... It's Xuewei who really changed xuezhan's life“ Is you... Is your strong infected me; It was your perseverance that touched me; It's your pursuit that inspires me; When I first met you, you were so dazzling. How many times have I inspired myself and told myself that even a little girl can be so resolute and enterprising, why can't I?! So... "The reason why big brother can have today is all because of you, you infected me! But... I'm looking at you at this moment! " Xuezhan clenched Xuewei's shoulders and roared angrily: "you are just for a man. Is it worth practicing yourself like this?!!" Is it worth it? This word has never appeared in Xuewei's heart, just because... The relationship between her and Huangfu Ming can no longer be measured by value“ That's not the same... Big brother... "Slowly raised that pair of godless eyes, Xuewei opened her mouth“ Why not? "“ Elder brother, I don't know if you have that person in your heart who can make you crazy for her, change yourself for her, forget yourself for her, make your heart ache for her, and don't feel superfluous... "" how can... No... "The whispering voice falls down, and Xue Zhan subconsciously staggers her sight. Xuewei obviously didn't hear his broken murmur, and continued: "once, the reason why I was able to survive in the face of twists and turns is because... No one is worth me to grieve for them, to worry about them, they don't even deserve to enter my heart, how can I move for them?"--- 0 -------- this book was first published by shushuwang