Chapter 342

Xuewei shakes her head“ Oh, there are some things that I don't want to go deep into or look into. But that doesn't mean I don't have any insight. " Slowly put away the mobile phone, her eyes dropped: "you told me not to tell my husband about your coming back, don't worry. I will not say, because I believe that you will naturally go to my husband! "

Xuewei deliberately added the word "my husband"!

Xue Kewei doesn't know what she means“ Xuewei, stay with Ming. Has Ming never given it to you? Is silence golden without evidence

"Dear elder sister, do you think that if I have evidence, I will talk nonsense with you? It's a pity that the camera at the gate of the guard's office is broken. There's no record of who took the picture. But... "Xuewei coldly narrowed her eyes, a small face with a evil smile slowly came to xuekewei:" if, Ming enough to understand your character; If I told Ming that you appeared in the supervision office at that time, would he guess who took this picture with Ming's judgment

"Ha ha ha, how much do you know about me and Ming?" Xue Kewei's laughter is full of irony.

“no! no! no!” Snow Wei arrogantly put a finger: "don't need to understand, because... Completely unnecessary!"

"You are so confident!"

"It's not self-confidence, it's... I trust my husband. Of course... I'm more confident that I'm attractive enough to kick all the women around him. "

The most beautiful woman is not a proud face. It's confidence over everything.

No matter when and where, as long as Xuewei is willing, she can always show her confidence!

It's like this moment!

"I never believe that there will be a woman in the world who can drive away the butterflies around her man. I've seen a lot of them, because women's overconfidence will lead to the end of this man." Snow can only one hand on the table, supporting the chin, gloomy smile.

"To tell you the truth, sister. I also do not believe that women blindly bound men can be bound to live. But... I believe that men who are willing to be bound by me must be worthy of my love; Don't want to be bound by my man, why do I waste time with him? So... "Standing up with a sneer, Xuewei despises xuekewei:" I will never lose! " Then, she slightly raised her head and quickly disappeared in front of Xue Kewei.

"Oh. It's really a woman with a keen sense of smell in all aspects. No wonder Phil always loses. " Xue Kewei shakes her head with a smile. At the moment when she gets up and is about to enter the room

"You took that picture, didn't you?" Dimanly appeared in front of her without expression.

"Mom, what do you want to say?"

"Oh. I watched you and Phil grow up. It's also looking at how fei'er hates Xuewei step by step. If you don't instigate her in the middle, she won't have such a big grudge with Xuewei. "

pretty good!

At the beginning, when Xuewei first came to Xuejia, although Xuefei was not used to having more sisters, she didn't feel disgusted.

However, Xueke, who has been silent all the time, sometimes says something "puzzling" around Xuefei, which leads Xuefei to gradually feel that Xuewei intends to compare with herself, so she can't lose.

Over time, Sheffield has been losing, losing, losing, and her jealousy and anger gradually deepened. This leads to the deeper and deeper ties between the two sisters!

When dimanli said that, she turned her eyes and said coldly, "in fact, the person who hates Xuewei most in this family... Should be you?"

"I've always hated gilding. It's clearly a wild species. I'm afraid I want to turn into a Phoenix. It's really... An eyesore...! " Snow can only smile, slowly disappeared in front of dimanli


Out of the snow house.

Xuewei's confident look filled with anxiety in an instant

"Snow can only... So strong!"

In fact, Xuewei doesn't care whether this photo is taken by Xueke alone. She just wanted to use this picture to try to find out more

However, Xue Kewei's whole reaction is so calm that people can't guess whether she took this picture or not? Can't guess if she's a friend or an enemy? What's more, I can't guess the story between her and Huangfu Ming

Intuition tells Xuewei that if this picture is taken by xuekewei, xuekewei will be the most powerful in her life! The toughest opponent.

"Damn it!" Snow Wei really never tried such a disheartened face, even if put on a pair of high and secure appearance, but only skin. In fact, her heart has already been in a mess.


The telephone ring brings back Xuewei's thoughts. She calms down, calms down her anxiety, and slowly answers the phone: "hello?"

"Xuewei, come on, come on, we are waiting for you in 304."

"Ah? What's the matter... "Before Xuewei can finish asking, mu chenxuan has hung up. Don't ask. I'm afraid mu chenxuan has drunk too much?

But under, snow Wei hit a car to go to Mu chenxuan said place. 304 is the name of a bar. When she arrived, she looked around at the smoky bar. At a glance, I saw mu chenxuan and his party. There are at least 10 people. This battle is really big“ Jun... "The first one to see Xuewei come is a subordinate of Huangfu Ming‘ Shh... "With a sly smile, she motioned to the man to keep quiet, and then slowly approached Huangfu Ming, who was drinking with others“ Come on, you lose. Drink The party had a lot of fun. It seemed that no one noticed that there was an extra Xuewei. She pursed her lips and put her face to Huangfu Ming's ear with a bad smile. She said in a low voice, "handsome man, are you free tonight?"“ Yes With that, Huangfu turned his head with a smile“ Mrs. commander At this time, people found Xuewei. She motioned to everyone not to be so nervous. Then we continued to play“ Huh? You don't refuse anyone who comes? " Xuewei straddles huangfuming's arm and pillows her chin on his shoulder. A pair of Phoenix eyes are decorated with a touch of dangerous luster“ If I refuse others, why should I refuse you? "“ Er... "Xuewei released her hand, which straddled Huangfu Ming's arm, half doubtfully:" don't tell me, you already know I'm coming. " Here, so noisy; There are so many people. If she sits beside Huangfu Ming, he can't find her even if he has strong insight. This novel comes from reading