Chapter 66

"I'm not here to satisfy you!"

"Cut. Satisfy me? If you satisfy me, you won't do such a stupid thing as pretending to be commander Huangfu... "Xue Wei murmurs and walks to the bathroom.

Look at Huangfu Ming's face. It's almost blue.

Is he stupid?


He's stupid!!

In the end, he became a fake Huangfu Ming and a butterfly. I don't know who is stupid!!!

In the bathroom.

Xuewei put on her dry clothes and walked slowly to the mirror.

"I'm going to meet Huangfu Ming soon. Why is my mood so bad?"

Slender fingers can't help covering the lips

"Mu, general mu, let's just assume that nothing has happened and forget what just happened, OK?"

"How can it be? The fact that you forced a kiss on me, if you want to forget it, I won't forget it. "

"Damn it!! Mu chenxuan, what do you want? "

"Of course, I'll get it back from you!"

Plop... Plop

Heart inexplicably accelerated beat up, snow Wei's mind constantly replays the picture of just that kiss, white face slowly covered with a layer of good-looking rosy clouds.

"Damn it!! Why do you think of that asshole? "

Quickly put away the face that slightly with a bashful expression, she coldly out of the bathroom“ Hello, general mu, don't you think it's strange that you asked commander Huangfu to meet me in your room? "

So it is!

Blame him just too angry, directly called mu chenxuan to the hotel room.

However, he knows mu chenxuan too well. No matter where he is, as long as he becomes mu chenxuan's prey, the final result is the same!

"It doesn't matter."

"Ding Dong, Ding Dong" the doorbell of the guest room suddenly rang.

Xuewei's heart is mentioned in her throat. Is Huangfu coming?

Her eyes wandered around, and she said, "then why do you want to bring flowers with you?" Huangfu snatched the rose in Mu chenxuan's hand. The more he saw it, the more angry he was.

"Ming, you really have no interest. It's called romance. Do you understand? Girls will like it. "

"But she's my fiancee!"

"But now I'm her fiance."

"..." Huangfu was so angry that he stopped arguing with mu chenxuan: "flowers are confiscated, you can go in."

"And you?"

"Waiting for you at the door!"

"Oh..." Mu chenxuan reluctantly looked at the rose in Huangfu's hand, turned around and pushed the door open.

Looking at Huangfu Ming standing at the door, "bang, bang, bang" kept beating the roses on the wall.

After a while, the delicate flowers withered

"Hello, Miss Xuewei."

Into the room, mu chenxuan elegant smile.

Snow Wei this look... "How is... You?"

"It's me. I am Huangfu Ming. "


He... Will he be Huangfu Ming???

The man who took her away from the nurse's room and kept saying bad things about Mu chenxuan was Huangfu Ming?!!

Why can't Xuewei connect this man's image with huangfuming, who saved her life in the military base that day? She would rather believe that the bastard outside is Huangfu Ming!

But think about it.

It has been rumored that huangfuming's affair is "O". He sits among the flowers, but he never touches half of them.

That day in KTV, the man's attitude towards women was quite consistent with the rumored Huangfu Ming.

"Hello, commander Huangfu."

"Ha ha, do we know each other? You don't have to be so polite to me. You can call me hell directly


It's too... Casual, isn't it?

"By the way, Xuewei, general Mu said you want to see me. What can I do for you?"

"No, it's nothing." Yeah... It's really nothing now“ It was the last time you saved me. I always wanted to say thank you

"Oh, that thing. It's a little fun. "

"Well, commander Huangfu, I won't delay you. I have something else to do. I'll go first." Finish saying, snow Wei completely don't give mu chenxuan the chance to speak, calm Zhang face open the door to leave.

Mu chenxuan once again in the wind disordered: "this what situation, this?"

After a while, the door of the guest room opened.

Huangfu came in without expression: "it's over?"

"Well... It's done."

"What did she tell you?"

"Er... If I wanted to tell you, she said thank you to me. Do you believe it?" Mu chenxuan doesn't understand. Xuewei tries hard to see Huangfu Ming. The result is to say thanks??

"Just thank you?" Huangfu narrowed his eyes suspiciously. He thought Xuewei would take this good opportunity to explain to Huangfu that she had been divorced. Who expected“ Yes, just thanks. What's inside? It's you, Ming. What are you doing? Why did I play you“ Oh, I don't know what I'm up to Huangfu stood at the head of the bed without expression. Mu chenxuan, standing on one side, has a strange look on his face. In desperation, Huangfu Ming had to tell mu chenxuan what he had just done. After listening to this... "Ha ha, Ming, your wife is so awesome. You told her that you are Huangfu Ming, and she didn't believe it?? You're getting worse. Ha ha ha... "Mu chenxuan almost laughed. But the next second... "No!"!!