Chapter 597

The bright searchlight shines on the junka. Chunlai looks at the long row of posthumous letters in front of him, which are neatly placed on the bookshelf. He walks all the way and pushes them away one by one. When he comes to chunyouyue, he doesn't want to do it. He directly hits chunyouyue with one hand and pushes chunyouyue's posthumous letters back.

"Captain!" Chunyouyue came out of the team in grief and indignation, and directly followed Chunlai's steps. She stubbornly held up her hand's letter and cried: "I want to stay!"

"Go away!" Chunlai stops and looks at chunyouyue from the corner of his eyes. Xiaoxue falls on his hat brim. With Chunlai's action, he shakes down from the hat brim again. Chunlai's voice is full of the feeling of disgust. "I'm annoyed when I see you. I'm haunting me all day, and I'm dying. You won't let me go, roll away."


Chun youyue is not going to work. He shouts and runs behind Chun Lai with a suicide note. He doesn't understand. It's not a good idea. He also wants to live and die with Chun Lai. When it comes time to go, how can Chun Lai change his mind?

In front of him, Chunlai hurried forward, suddenly stopped and looked at the big soldier in his 40s. The big soldier laughed awkwardly, held up his suicide note and said to Chunlai:

"Captain, I have no children and no old people to take care of. I'm not only terminally ill, but I don't have any hope in life. Take me."

I don't know if it's true that he is suffering from a terminal disease, but this big soldier has no children and no old people to take care of. This spring came to know that he hesitated for a moment, reached for the big soldier's letter and accepted it!

Seeing this, Chun youyue hurried up behind him, stepping on the snow on the ground and yelling at Chun Lai: "Captain, me too. I have no children and no old man. Now I don't even have a girlfriend. You see, I want to stay too!"

"Go away!"

Chunlai is still furious roaring. Chunyouyue turns a corner and looks at the only suicide note in his hand. When this military card comes down, he receives a suicide note. It still can't go on like this. The army wants to leave Chuncheng. In order for most people to leave smoothly, someone must stay in Chuncheng to contain the zombies.

In turn, just like a mosquito, chunyouyue is still circling behind him. Chunlai pushes chunyouyue to the front of junka behind him, which makes chunyouyue hit the front of junka heavily.

"You're only 25 years old!" Chun Lai tensed his face, looked at Chun youyue and said: "live well, live well, you are only 25, 25!"!!! When you go to Bafang village, settle down, find a wife, give you a baby, and... My wife and children, you have to take care of them for me, take good care of them! "

"Big brother!"

Chun youyue cries and is too pressed by Chun Lai to move. He sprays air out. The hot air is soon turned into white smoke by the cold air. Chun youyue shouts to Chun:

"You also have a wife and children. Chunming and Niuniu can't live without a father. They can take care of their own wife and children. I'll stay for you. I'll stay for you!"

"Screw you

Holding down Chun youyue's letter, he raised his fist and hit Chun youyue. His head tilted to one side. He put down Chun youyue and stopped talking about Chun youyue. He went to another military card and continued to refuse other people's letter.

The soldiers who had received the suicide note trotted out of the Eastern District to kill the zombies who ran everywhere. The rest of the soldiers who had been refused to hand in the suicide note stood in the heavy snow, waiting for the dressing car to leave Chuncheng.

Soon, Chun Zhengzong and Fang Youmao, the vehicles for the survivors to leave Chuncheng came. Outside Su Su's military tent, there were a lot of survivors, those who still had hope of survival. Their stretchers were lifted up and loaded to the capital base.

Because of the spring city, the best way to the capital base is a highway, which is smooth without any obstacles, so the survivors pull to the capital base, while the soldiers follow Su Su.

There are spring ORTHODOX people who come to the orphanage. Of course, these 100 children are also "ordinary survivors". They also need to be loaded and sent to the base in the capital.

The children huddled in a large military tent, you protect me and I protect you. They timidly looked at the soldiers who came into the tent, and none of them dared to speak to them.

One of the soldiers, with a smile on his face, looked at these children with a look of panic and fear. After thinking about it, he was still very sorry for these children. After all, they were all orphans without father or mother, and they were very pitiful. In addition, in the end of life, they didn't even have a home to live in.

So the soldier, who didn't know where he was from, took out a handful of sugar and didn't know if it was overdue. He squatted on the ground and rushed forward to the children huddled in front of him, laughing and coaxing: "do you eat sugar? I only have a few here. If one of you is the bravest and is the first to get on the bus and follow us, my uncle will give these sweets to him. "

The children moved, and some of them began to swallow their saliva, expressing their desire to eat sugar. But after all, they just wanted to think about it. No child dared to stand up first to take the sugar from the soldiers.

Next to another soldier, he said with a smile: "these children, it is estimated that they have no sense of security because of the end of the world. It doesn't matter. When they arrive at the capital base, the development there is better than that in spring city. Their days will be better after they settle down."

"We're not going to the capital base!" There was an older child who looked at the soldiers on the opposite side warily and said loudly, "we're going with the dean. We're going back to Bafang village!"

"I want the president, I want the president, I don't want to go with you bad guys, I want the president!"

"The dean will protect us. We don't want to eat candy," the director said. These days, strangers who give us candy are all bad people who want to abduct us. "

"Yes, you will arrest us, boys will take body organs, girls will sell to prostitutes!"

"Bad man, we are not fooled by you!"

One child bravely refused the temptation of sugar, and more children began to attack these soldiers. What they said was very clear. It seems that in this world, the only one who can give them a sense of security is Susu. Apart from Susu, they will not go with anyone.