Chapter 537

It's like knowing that Su Su is standing in the yard, and the noise outside the door is getting worse and worse. As soon as Su Su hears what they are saying, she directly bypasses Chun Lai and goes to the front of the yard. She opens the yard door and sees a row of soldiers standing in front of her door. Chun youyue is spreading her arms and blocking the heads of seven or eight folk teams. King Kong and others are all armed on the roof, He looked at the seven or eight commanders with a serious face.

Outside the door, those regiments, who were still aggressive, suddenly opened the door. In such cold weather, a girl with delicate and pure appearance stood inside the door in thin clothes. They didn't react for a moment. They were all in a daze. They all stood outside the door and didn't speak.

"Materials? I can give you the crystal nucleus. Spring, you can draw up a price list for them to buy materials according to the price list

Su Su took a breath of the cold air, looked at the commanders and told Chun Lai that Chun Lai nodded behind her. Then she took a step closer to Su Su, lowered her head and said softly:

"I've worked out the price list a few days ago. The army will charge Fang Youmao a handling fee to drag the materials from pupa town. But the army can't endlessly paste these private teams. After all, there are more than 200000 civilians to support. I said to let the private teams spend crystal nucleus to buy the materials, but they obviously don't want to."

"If you don't want to go, go to the south, West or North District. Don't stay in the East District!" Su Su's voice raised Yang, the face obviously already had some irascible mood to emerge, then looked at the spring, frowned and asked: "200000 people, do you support?"?? It's no wonder that you are preparing for the crystal nucleus. It's only from autumn to winter that you have enough crystal nucleus to buy materials. It turns out that you have a population burden of 200000 people. In spring, if I were you, I would drive these 200000 people to the fields and plant some greenhouse vegetables. At least after one season, there will be a few vegetable leaves to eat now. "

"This... We don't have many wooden powers. All wooden powers are mastered by the civilian team. The wooden powers in the army and the vegetables and fruits produced by them are not enough for the army!"

Chunlai's face was a little embarrassed. When he met Su Su, Chuncheng was in the most difficult period, and people were starved to death every day. It was only after Su Su Su's reminder that he went to catch the mutant fish in the lake to eat. However, at that time, all the human and material resources were put into catching the mutant fish, and with the extra fighting power, Chunlai also organized to go out hunting for crystal nuclei, When I thought of organizing ordinary people to farm, it was winter, and the climate was too cold for farming.

Su Su could understand this point a little. She looked around, pointed to the snow on the ground, and said to Chun Lai, "the snow on the ground melts into water and can be distilled to drink. Even if it is not distilled, it is not a problem to raise fish. It is better to teach people to fish than to teach them to fish. You ask every family to dig a pond and raise a few mutant fish. The mutant fish can reproduce quickly, Just feed me some zombie meat or messy grass. Don't ask me how I can make ordinary people hunt zombie meat. There are so many ordinary zombies out there that they can't even hunt such slow-moving ordinary zombies. It's better to starve to death. "

"How do you speak? Is human life so cheap for you? "

When the leaders of the civil team listened to Su Su's speech in the face of such natural and man-made disasters, it was not only unpleasant, but also quite harsh. Some people began to scold Su Su. When one of them spoke, the others began to bombard su,

"When I was young, I thought I was powerful, so I could be so arrogant?"

"When you are facing the end of the world, you have the most social experience? We, all of us, have eaten more salt than you have walked. You have a posture of eyes above the top. Who do you want to see? "

"Pupa town is rich in materials. If you don't save the world, it's selfish to the extreme."

"If you dominate so many goods and materials alone, won't your conscience hurt?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ~ ~" I can't help it. Su Su listens to these people and laughs. She laughs and asks, "save the world?! What duty do I have to save the world? For those of you who are lazy and lazy, do not want to make progress, do not know how to work, and only know how to take advantage of others, I will save you? "

Then, Su Su's face changed faster than that of Sichuan Opera. A smiling face turned into an angry face and said in a loud voice: "as we all know, I'm more self-centered and bossy. If you don't come out today, I haven't planned to do anything to you. Now that you've come here, let's see if all the leaders of the eastern district are here? Spring has a month, hold them down for me, and let their team redeem them with water system and wood system powers! "

"Are you a robber? Why detain us, and what have we done to you? "

"Su Su, are you not afraid of arousing the excitement of the east side?"

"You can't do that. It's unreasonable!"

The commanders were shocked. How can we say that a good petition becomes a detention for them? They just complained that Su Su had seized the materials and refused to save the world. What kind of law did they violate? Now, under Su Su's rule, is there no freedom of speech in the Eastern District?

However, no matter what the commanders said, Su Su's order, Chun youyue fired a shot into the sky, and a group of soldiers who had already been ready to go rushed up, holding weapons and detaining the seven or eight commanders. Of course, they were not willing to submit so easily. They were clamoring to argue with Su Su Su, and Su Su was too lazy to listen. She threw her head and went into the orphanage to see Mei Shengnan.

Mei Shengnan's news is better than her. Su Su doesn't know what Fang Youmao wants to get together with her. Mei Shengnan must know.

After entering the orphanage, Lang Lang's reading voice spread to Su Su's ears. Originally, Su Su was a little depressed because of those folk leaders in the eastern district. At this moment, her depressed mood also spread with the sound of reading.

Of course, Su Su's mood would be better if she didn't see the big bellied Shi Xin standing in the yard.

Shi Xin is wearing a heavy down jacket for pregnant women, carrying a broom, sweeping the snow in the yard. After a while, he looks up and sees Su Su come in. As usual, Shi Xin doesn't pay attention to Su Su, but stands in the same place for a rest.

She ignores Su Su. Su Su is not the kind of person who takes the initiative to send her face up. They often stay under the same roof, which is also the kind of speechless. So Su Su just takes a look at Shi Xin and goes to the corridor to see the children in the room reading.