Chapter 446

Situ Shan ran up from the front room downstairs in a hurry, stood at the top of the stairs, looked at Su Su, and asked, "Su Su, what should we do now?"

"What about Bai Heng?"

"He returned to the team in the afternoon and will fly to Bafang village tomorrow."

Bai Heng had already packed up and left when Xiao AI got up. The line of feibafang village in Chuncheng could not be broken. If it was broken, it would be bad for Su Su and Mei Shengnan. Therefore, although Bai Heng likes this kind of free and righteous life very much, he still has to firmly hold his position of flying a plane.

Standing by the window, Su Su nodded, looked far away, listened to the gunfight in the distance, and asked situ Shan behind him,

"You said, if the situation goes on like this, what will be the result? Will chunzhengzong and fangyoumao fight? "

"Not necessarily." Situ Shan shook his head, tilted his head and thought about it, and said: "they had some conflicts in the past, but they didn't fight on a large scale, as if they were carefully testing each other."

It's not easy to stabilize the situation. Although people's life in Chuncheng is not satisfactory, it's much more stable than at the beginning of the last days. Now it's not good for anyone to fight with fangyoumao and chunzhengzong. It's not good for fangyoumao or chunzhengzong, or ordinary survivors.

So no matter what happened to quartz in the Western District, even if Fang Youmao killed all the quartz's people, the incident would only end when quartz died, and there would not be the phenomenon that chunzhengzong pulled a large army to fight back and take revenge.

In other words, quartz is to lift up the western area, Fang Youmao will only look for quartz, not to pull a large army to attack the northern area, to find Chunzheng army trouble.

This is a very strange social behavior. Although Fang Youmao and Chun Zhengzong want each other to die, they only choose to send people to assassinate, and there will not be a large-scale conflict.

Su Su sneered coldly, turned his head, leaned back to the window, looked at situ Shan, and said: "these characters have their own way of thinking about problems. I just thought, quartz is so noisy in the West District, do I want to go out and help Fang Youmao?"

Although she used to carry a pot for Fang Youmao, which made Chun Zhengzong hate her and go to Bafang village, now Fang Youmao carries a pot for her and goes to bite the quartz again and again. Su Su Su thinks that she and quartz are "old acquaintances" no matter what, and she is quite clear about quartz's ability. Since quartz is caused by her, she should take responsibility.

The most important reason is that Su Su doesn't believe in Fang Youmao's ability. Maybe quartz chased her so hard in her last life that she was about to treat her as a street mouse. As soon as she appeared, she would be chased and beaten. Therefore, quartz gave her a deep shadow. As long as quartz survived and got a chance to breathe, this person would grow up, Once his strength grows up, it will pose a great threat to Su Su.

When she thought about it, Su Su felt that she really needed to go out and help Fang Youmao. She had to get rid of the roots. Even if she cleaned herself up, she also cleaned up Xiao AI. She tied her waist to the waist stool, and then she tied Xiao AI to the waist stool. She took two silencing pistols and followed situ Shan out of the door.

At the beginning, Xiao AI didn't like to go to such a lively environment, because the gunshots were too loud and noisy. She seemed to resist. Su Su gave her a real small pistol to play with. Xiao AI's attention was attracted by the small pistol in her hand.

Tied up with Xiaoai, coaxed and cheated, Su Su saw the white smoke in front of him and rushed out several people. While they turned back and shot behind him, they rushed to Su Su Su.

Su Su stood in the same place and waited for the others to come closer. She felt at a glance that the faces of two of them were very familiar, which was very similar to the quartz subordinates who had chased and killed her in her last life.

"Ah... Are you quartz people?"

Su Su opened his mouth and asked. A man in front of him suddenly stopped. He seemed to find a man and a woman standing in front of him. A waist stool was tied to the woman's waist, and a child was tied to the waist stool.

"That's her!"

Someone yelled, raised his hand and fired a shot at Su Su. Su Su had been ready for a long time. Only when the bullet that shot at her flew in front of her, it was like shooting into a transparent wall and stopping in front of Xiao AI.

When everyone looked at it carefully, it was really a transparent wall, like water and ice. After the bullet was fired, there were layers of transparent ripples. The bullet also stopped at the center of the ripples, motionless, as if still.

At this time, many talented people later realized that they seemed to have met experts, and they all raised their guns to shoot Su Su and Xiao AI. However, the bullets shot into the transparent wall quickly, as if they had pressed the stop button, and they could not move forward any more.

"You see, baby, that's how this gun is used. When you see someone raising a gun at you, you have to hide, or you will die if you are shot by these bullets."

Su Su shows Xiao AI how to dodge bullets in front of a still bullet. She is good at both left and right, which makes Xiao AI laugh. Then Xiao AI learns from those people in the opposite, raises her pistol and points at them.

The people on the opposite side are quick to start holding their heads, squatting and dodging. After a set of procedures are completed, they find that Xiaoai has not pulled the trigger at all. She has only been more than nine months. Where can she pull the trigger so hard? Even if you have the strength to pull the trigger, you don't know how to pull it.

At the age of Xiao AI, all behaviors are imitated. It's just a form.

Looking at these people in front of her, she was frightened by a 9-month-old child with a pocket pistol. Su Su was smiling. She tilted her neck and touched Xiao AI's soft hair with pity in her eyes. Xiao AI's hair was a little yellow and grew slowly, but the weather was getting hot, so she could braid it.

Quartz is at this time, carrying a gun ran over, see that a mirror like behind, Su Su wearing a casual short sleeve purple T-shirt, a black wide leg pants, because to take care of children, long hair with a loose bun, plain face up to the sky, eyes full of love for the baby.

I don't know where a breeze from, blowing Su Su fell on the ear of a wisp of black hair, clearly pink and Dai did not apply, clearly just before the end of a common picture, but with a quiet taste.