Chapter 17

In fact, the feeling of shopping before the end of the world is similar to that of coming to another super civilized world. Su Su can't control her desire to buy. Every woman has a kind of shopping desire that makes men crazy. It's not that women can't understand it. So many things that are needed after the end of the world can actually be robbed, but Su Su Su has bought them now.

After buying the cot, Su Su bought a waist stool and a multifunctional baby strap. These two things are very important. Xiao AI was born in the last days, so Su Su could not avoid killing zombies and mutated animals and plants. She would never give Xiao AI to anyone because she wanted to fight again, so Xiao AI had to run with her, There is a strap to carry little love behind the chest, Su Su will be a lot more convenient!

Then she bought herself some maternity pants with plush and thickening, that is, those maternity pants with small trousers but big waist and abdomen, which are also very necessary and can't save money.

These things cost Su Su more than ten thousand yuan, but it doesn't matter. There are hundreds of thousands on Su's father's private card, just like Su Su.

After that, Su Su drove to several LPG outlets. Because she bought them privately and didn't have any qualification procedures, she couldn't buy too many LPG tanks in one store at a time. So she went to four or five LPG online stores and ordered five tanks of LPG from each owner. She paid a deposit and agreed to send the LPG tomorrow, It's more than 9 o'clock in the night. She looks down at her mobile phone. There are several missed calls and messages.

Most of the missed calls are from Xie Qingyan, and there is a phone number identifying "head teacher", which is the head teacher of Susu University. All these missed calls are ignored by Susu. Now she doesn't want to say a word to these people, she just wants to receive a call from Ye Yu.

However, after Xie Qingyan and the head teacher, there is no missed call display on her mobile phone. Su Su seems a little discouraged. Does she think she should go to Germany again? It doesn't seem to be her style to put all her hopes on Ye Yu.

When she thought about this, her fingers had already opened the unread messages, which were all sent by Xie Qingyan.

First: "Su, where are you now? I'm worried about you. Don't hate me, OK? It's all my fault. I love you

The second: "you haven't come to class for several days. My teachers and classmates are worried about your safety. Where are you now?"

The third: "Su, the moon is really round tonight. I was lying in the hospital bed. When I was in high school, I was injured playing ball. You were with me in the hospital. The moon was as round as it is today. Promise me, will you come back?"

The fourth: "you never know how much I love you, Su Su, don't be so cruel."

There are also 5678 items in the back. Su Su is too lazy to read them. From the previous information, Su Su knows that Xie Qingyan is now in hospital. I think her kicks are serious but not serious. What's serious is that she kicked Xie Qingyan into the hospital. What's not serious is that she didn't kick Xie Qingyan to death?

I really want to hurry to the end of life, she immediately rushed to the hospital to kill Xie Qingyan!

Su Su, who is impatient, drives back to her villa at the right time of night and starts to prepare for going to Germany tomorrow. She is packing things in her bedroom. She hears a car noise outside the window. Su Su feels very surprised. In such a large area like this, where only a few people live, it's so late. Is there a car still ringing?

After listening carefully, it was obvious that the car was driving towards her villa, so Su Su put on her clothes, stuffed her clothes into her backpack, got up, walked out of the French window, and bent on the balcony. The distant light just shook her eyes. She squinted slightly, and the light flashed again, turning the high beam into a low beam.

This can confirm that this car is really coming to her villa. Su Su straightens up quickly, and her two braids arc on the balcony. Su Su's people have already run into the bedroom. She can't even wear her shoes, and her heart beats fast and fiercely. She has a vague premonition of who is sitting in the car, and she can't be too sure, so she can only rush into the living room, Open two open doors.

At this time, the car had arrived in front of Su Su's villa yard. Su Su pressed the remote control button at the gate, and the iron door of the yard would open automatically. The black military jeep would enter the yard directly.

Ye Yu jumped out of the parked car. He was covered with ash, with mud on his feet and a kind of fatigue on his face. He was still carrying the two sabres on his back. It was obvious that he had never had a rest on the way from Deshi.

He just took a look at Su Su in the light of the lamp. His eyes fell on Su Su's bare feet. Without saying anything, he turned to open the back door of the jeep and let the people inside get out of the car.

"Ma!" As soon as Su Su saw the dusty middle-aged woman, she couldn't help crying and ran up. She hugged the middle-aged woman's neck and kept shouting, "Mom, mom, you're still alive, mom ~ ~"

"Oh, death!" The middle-aged woman slapped Su Su's arm. She was nearly strangled by Su Su. She pretended to be vicious and said, "your mother and I live well. What's the fuss?"

"Don't cry. It's like a life and death parting. What a big deal!"

The middle-aged man who got out of the car behind Su's mother was Su's father. He was a little chubby, with a cheerful face and a medium height. He was still wearing an old army green vest. Su Su looked up, let go of Su's mother, hugged Su's father and cried:

"Dad, you finally come. I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I shouldn't let you go south. It's all my fault!"

No one knows why she is crying so sad. Su Su's parents think Su Su is to let them come to Xiangcheng. As a result, they feel guilty because they can't get out of the city. Ye Yu thinks that Su Su is because of her grievance and expresses her extreme sadness in front of Su's parents.

Just when people don't know what to say to Su Su, who is crying bitterly, Su Su suddenly stops crying. She stops crying and lets her father go. She wipes away her tears and looks up at her parents carefully. It's still what she remembers. Except for some tiredness, Su Su's father and mother are standing in front of her. They are neither hurt nor knocked.

"Go in and say it. Your shoeless style is very unique!"

Ye Yu pointed to the brightly lit house and glanced at Su Su's barefoot. In November, Hunan city has entered winter. Although it is not as weak as in the north, Su Su Su looks so weak. Standing on the cold ground barefoot, Su Su Su looks strange.