Ouyang Feng sat on the floor, carefully looked at the memory of the poacher, and in his memory, he chose the right race. Although he knew that these races were raised as pigs and other food, Ouyang Feng didn't dare to contact any race at will.

Because maybe any race has been used to this kind of life. If they contact with them by themselves, they will be used as a bargaining chip to please their master and sell him. Therefore, Ouyang Feng must make a good choice. Fortunately, Ouyang Feng has already passed 5000 floors in the endless tower. With the intelligence provided by the magic spirit clan, Ouyang Feng has a general understanding of those intelligent races on the primitive star. Even if he doesn't have such a good memory, at least the personal terminal in his Xuanyuan

space can help him "recall"!!

After finding out all the captive races in the memory of this cosmic ghost Dark Hunter and making a list with personal terminal, Ouyang Feng quietly selects them. In fact, this is also a good choice, because as long as you choose from some powerful races before, generally speaking, powerful races must not be willing to be enslaved. It is only because of the limited environment that they have to live in disgrace. Once they are given the opportunity, they will seize it. As for the originally weak races, even the ones with heavy servility, it's too risky. For example, even in the primitive star, the PigHead people are always the lowest level races kept by other races. If you want to woo them, you might as well go to the cosmic ghosts to surrender to them. Anyway, it's estimated that the result will be the same!! Moreover, among these captive races, there are hundreds of races ouyangfeng met in the endless tower before, but they should not know what happened in the endless tower, because they were captured and captive by the ghost of the universe in the outer universe, so when they entered the endless tower, they were default to belong to the ghost of the universe Property, so not only is it not directly transmitted back to the level of their own race, but even the sound of the hint will not ring in their consciousness

In this way, the previous war with their race should not affect Ouyang Feng's plan to unite them!!

Because Ou Yangfeng felt it was necessary to mobilize these races. After all, only these ten of them have entered the city of the ghost of the universe, and only he and the three small killers can really enter the city. Others can only hide in small fighters. Now Ouyang Feng doesn't know that the instructor Li Yingning has also entered the city, because Li Yingning suddenly thought of it after Ouyang Feng left, so he didn't inform Ouyang Feng in advance. He didn't deliberately hide it from Ouyang Feng. Besides, Ouyang Feng never stopped or opposed what the instructor wanted to do! If we only rely on them, it's not so easy to do something in such a huge city as the ghost of the universe. In fact, there are a lot of captive races, because the criteria for the ghost of the universe to decide whether to captive a race has nothing to do with the strength of that

race. They just want to see if the breeding speed of that race is worthy of their captivity, because no matter which race is, it's just food for them, and as long as it's alive, the ghosts of the universe don't have any taboos about food, and they're never picky about food.

No matter they are PigHead people or brei people, there is no difference at all. Anyway, they have no taste, as long as they can absorb life energy! So now there are tens of billions of people of other races in the city of the ghost of the universe. Once these people unite, it will be a huge force. However, it's impossible to mobilize all of them. But as long as one third, or even one tenth, is a help for Ouyang Feng!! Even if they just create some confusion, let Ouyang Feng find the opportunity to enter the energy shield! Because the energy shield is different from the walls of these buildings, although Ouyang wind can enter the energy shield through blinking, it will definitely be felt by the energy shield.

Blink is to break through space for short distance transmission, and energy shield is used to defend against energy attack, so it is extremely sensitive to energy fluctuation!

When the blink breaks through the space, there must be a space energy fluctuation, and the energy shield completely covers the whole space, so the space energy fluctuation in this space can not escape the detection of the energy shield!

This is the real reason why Ouyang Feng doesn't dare to enter the energy shield easily. Otherwise, even if that layer of energy shield has the ability of identity verification, as long as Ouyang Feng doesn't contact it, can't he move in directly?

What's more, you can see that it's the most important position of the ghost in the universe. Ouyang Feng doesn't know about its defense and other things. Of course, it's impossible to rush in rashly! Looking at his personal terminal, Ouyang Feng finally determined a enclosure. Among the scattered enclosure in the city, there is not only one race in each enclosure area, because there are more than 3000 races left behind by the ghosts of the universe, each of them is a raceIt's really troublesome and inconvenient to manage if there is only one race. So the ghost of the universe simply keeps some similar races together, and also allows these races to supervise each other. Once that race finds out that other races want to do harm to the ghost of the universe, it can directly report it to the ghost of the universe. If it is verified, half of the people who report the attack of the race in this period will be the reported race Commitment. In this way, it greatly facilitates the management of the cosmic ghosts, especially the captive races, who are not familiar with each other, and naturally have no trust in each other. In addition, this method of cosmic ghosts makes these races invisible more hostility, and makes them have no way to unite with each other and do something secretly It's over! However, in this way, it is obvious that Ouyang Feng's upcoming plan has caused a problem. Fortunately, Ouyang Feng has seen a breakthrough in the middle, that is, in the memory of the ghost of the universe, he has found a race he is familiar with, the Kali race!! Now the blue eyed old man and the red and blue helmet of the Kali are in the Terran defense fortress, but the killing of the third primary school is on his side? He can find and kill the three children, and then let them sneak in and contact with their own people. After that, let the Kali people

do it secretly! After all, the Terran and the Kali are allies now. Although we don't know where these Kali were captured, they are all Kali after all. Whether they were captured when the Devourer's mother nest attacked the Kali's mother star, or captured by the ghosts of the universe in other places, they should be able to kill the three little ones Share! Although they have some changes in size, they are still Kali people. If you let them contact you, you will be more confident. In fact, Ouyang Feng thought that he could find the Terran among these captive races, because after all, the Terran galaxies were destroyed by the cosmic spirit, and the Terran had a branch at the beginning, and he never knew what to do And I didn't see them when the endless road opened. It's just that there is no information about the Terran in the memory of the cosmic ghost, but it doesn't mean that the Terran has not been captured by the cosmic ghost. It may be because the level of the cosmic ghost is not enough, and he hasn't really entered those captive areas, so he doesn't know all races.

Even now, Ouyang Feng believes in his heart that the missing one of the Terrans should be kept in captivity by the ghosts of the universe. It's just that because of the enmity between the Terrans and the ghosts of the universe, the Terrans have been treated specially, so ordinary ghosts of the universe don't know it!!

But it doesn't matter. Now that you know the position of the Kali, you can start from the Kali first. It happens that their stealth powers can be used at this time! Now that Ouyang Feng has decided, he immediately starts to contact the third primary school and let them meet with him. In a word, the third primary school is safer than Ouyang Feng in this city. After all, Ouyang Feng can't completely hide his body. He can only use the cover of buildings to avoid the ghosts of the universe by blinking.

In less than an hour, three pees appeared in Ouyang Feng's room. For them, the building of the ghost of the universe couldn't stop them at all!

"There are your people in this city. Although I don't know when and where they were caught by the ghost of the universe, now they are in this city and are raised as livestock by the ghost of the universe to provide food for them!"

After the arrival of the third primary school, without any nonsense, Ouyang Feng directly got to the point: "so, I want you to sneak in and contact your people, but I don't know if your people in this city will not cooperate with you, but will betray you after seeing you. In that case We're in trouble! "

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