Although it takes two consecutive blinks to teleport to that warship, that is to say, Ouyang Feng's body will appear once in the air, after all, it is in the air. There are so many warships in the air. Compared with these Big Macs, Ouyang Feng's body is not a little bit worse.

Moreover, Ouyang Feng didn't move out in a flash until the small fighter was approaching. Therefore, he appeared behind the small fighter. As long as the life detector of the small fighter was not always on, he had a great chance of not being found. However, Ouyang Feng's luck is not as good as he imagined! Because the life detectors of these small fighters are always on, but because the life detectors are installed on the small fighters, the coverage is not large. That's why Ouyang

wind was not found before it started the blink! But after the blink started, Ouyang Feng's body stopped between the two warships, so it was immediately captured by the life detector of this small fighter. Only because Ouyang Feng's blink has spatial attributes, the little red dot that symbolizes him just flickered on the life detector of

small fighter, and then disappeared directly.

Although he had just checked one warship and was on the way to check another warship, the pilot of this small fighter did not relax his vigilance and kept staring at the life detector. Ouyang fengdianbei, the ghost of the universe, has just joined the army. If it's a veteran in the army, they all know that this kind of inspection is just a passing act. Especially now, it's still in the endless tower, and there are no other races except the Terran. Although the Terran has brought heavy damage to their fleet before, the ghost of the universe is still not so afraid of the Terran. In their eyes, the primordial star has less than ten races, which they think can compete with them, but these races do not include the Terran


So if the pilot of this small fighter plane is any other cosmic ghost, not to mention now, even when he is checking those spaceships, he may slip away. However, this cosmic ghost is very serious because it is his first mission! After discovering the red dot, the ghost of the universe was stunned, because immediately the red dot disappeared, because Ouyang Feng just stopped in the air for about 0.3 seconds, and then began to blink again. In the process of blinking, Ouyang Feng was crossing space, so the life detector could not catch him.

"Did you see that?"

The cosmic ghost points to the life detector and asks the guy behind him. The cosmic ghost behind him happens to be a veteran. He is sitting in the back and looking at his palm, as if studying his palmprint

"What do you see?"

Hearing the new soldier's question in front of him, the old soldier didn't lift his head. He was still focusing on his Palmprint and replied carelessly.

"I just saw a life signal from an alien race on this one!"

The recruits didn't flinch because of the veteran's attitude. They still stubbornly said:

"I think we should give an alarm. Although the life signal just flickered and disappeared, I'm sure I didn't read it wrong!"

"Alien life signals?"

The recruit's words finally made the veteran turn his attention from his hands to the life detector, but of course he didn't find anything, so he looked up and looked out: "maybe the instrument is faulty? This is our base camp. Even the gandaya, known as the son of God, can't come to us alone, can they? Besides, now we are in the endless tower, only Terrans, no other races will appear, do you think Terrans

Dare to rush to our old nest alone? "

"It can't be the instrument fault. I'm absolutely right. If there are only Terrans here, there must be a Terran that has just appeared!"

The recruits didn't accept the veteran's explanation, but still insisted on saying:

"I think we should report to the top!"

Because it is his first mission, the veteran is the main one in this small fighter. If he wants to report to the top, he needs the consent of the veteran!

"Come on! If we report it, we will certainly alarm the convoy. If they come here and don't find anything, we will both be punished! "

The veteran didn't even think about it, so he shook his head and refused.

Seeing the Veterans' refusal, the recruits hesitated for a moment, then gritted their teeth and directly opened the small fighter's communication:

"call the convoy in 2018, my life detector found the trace of the Terran. Did these two space warships fight with the Terran before they came back?" Because of the authority, the recruits didn't know that before Brewster and Ouyang Feng were fighting, they just came for routine inspection, and there had been fleet replenishment before, so they didn't know that the two space fleets were coming back to report the situation, not to comeReplenish energy! However, they didn't know, which doesn't mean the convoy didn't know. After hearing the report, the warships of the convoy immediately took action. At the same time, Brewster's fleet and Dappula's fleet, under the convoy's command, directly changed their formation to surround them with the space warships around the small fighters that sent out

communications Come on.

The warships of the convoy, on the other hand, surround all the space warships of the two fleets. Among the ghosts of the universe, the convoy has the right next only to the Senate, because they are responsible for the security of the whole headquarters and are directly under the jurisdiction of the Senate.

It was said that Dappula was the first fleet of the ghost of the universe. That's because we didn't count this convoy that never went out. If we simply compare the combat effectiveness, this convoy with only 5000 large flagship space warships is the most powerful fleet of the ghost of the universe!!

Under the encirclement of the convoy, no matter the warships of the Dappula fleet or the warships of the Brewster fleet, they were arranged according to the order of the convoy, and all of them did not turn on the energy shield.

These captains all know that the order of the convoy is even higher than that of their fleet commander. That is to say, if the convoy and their fleet commander issue two different orders at the same time, they must execute the order of the convoy. Because the order of the convoy is actually the order of the Senate. As the actual controller of the cosmic ghost clan, the Senate naturally has the highest power, and the convoy is equivalent to their spokesperson. Basically, even the ordinary members of a convoy and the commanders of other spaceships dare not offend easily!

Seeing this scene, the old soldier who talked with the new soldier before turned pale, because the new soldier obviously overstepped his authority to report, and the most important thing is that he has the greatest responsibility in this matter. According to the regulations, he should be the one sitting in the driver's seat and monitoring the life detector. However, in order to be lazy, he asked the recruit to do it. Originally, he thought it was just a routine. Who would have thought that the recruit was so bold that he dared to report to the police directly even though he didn't agree, and he was also a direct connected escort Communication channel.

This is tragic. Now he can only pray that the Terran mentioned by the recruit before really exists. Otherwise, once the guard finds out that it's just a false alarm, they can't get along with each other. It's estimated that they will lose their lives!

“2018! Your name, and where did you find the trace of the Terran

At this time, the convoy directly connected to the messenger of the recruit's small fighter and began to ask, because they had made the arrangement, and the space warships did not find any abnormality.

"Report! My name is darboro. I found that the Terran coordinates are 1567283491. His appearance lasted less than half a second, but I'm absolutely sure I didn't read it wrong. "

The new soldier answered at once.

After hearing darboro's words, the old soldier behind him had the heart to die. You said that the life signal of the Terran you found was less than half a second. Do you dare to swear that you must have read it right? If the tone is a little hesitant now, for example, I seem to have seen the trace of the Terran, but I'm not sure, so I report it to the police and ask the security team to make a decision. In this way, if I find that it's a false alarm later, I'll have a way out. Now it's good. Just after my family asked a coordinate, the silly bird blocked his way out.

As soon as this sentence comes out, if we can't find the trace of the Terran, they will be dead. There is no suspense!! However, although the old soldier of the universe ghost was thrilled to hear this, the escort did not think that what darboro said was too mysterious. In fact, the normal thinking was the same. No matter what kind of life, it could not be captured by the life detector

, and it only lasted less than half a second to disappear, unless this life Body is killed, otherwise even if the speed is fast, life detector will be able to capture his moving track! But the people in the guard know that there is a strong one in the Terran who controls the spatial powers. Therefore, from the narration of d'apollos, they can almost be sure that the red dot that d'apollos saw must be the strong one in the Terran's spatial powers. He really came to his headquarters , the fastest update of the webnovel!