Seeing the red dot, Ouyang Feng shook his head. As expected, because Duan Lei used a communicator, the signal fluctuation was captured by Yanhuang's radar. If it was the enemy, the defensive fortress would be exposed now!!

"All right! You take Yanhuang in! We are ready to leave! "

Now that the stealth system has been tested, Ouyang Feng plans to leave. It seems that the future is not at a critical moment. The stealth system really can't be used. It's a gamble. Once it's seen through, the defense fortress is basically abandoned.

Lu Feng took over the driving power of Yanhuang and drove Yanhuang to the direction of defensive fortress, while Ouyang Feng left Yanhuang and flew directly to the portal that had already appeared

When all the Terrans disappeared, a spaceship appeared at the original position of the defensive fortress. The leader of the Kali tribe stood in front of the porthole and silently looked at the closed portal.

"Chief! Can they make it? "

A Kali standing behind the leader asked softly.

"I don't know!"

The Kali leader shook his head gently and said:

"what should be done has been done. As for the result That's not what we can decide! "

After entering the next level, the Terran still sent reconnaissance planes to fly in all directions in the same way as before. This time, only three hours later, they got the information of this level.

With the database of the phantom clan, they can basically know most of each other's situation as long as they see each other

"Hoo! That's right! "

After seeing the guardian's race information, Duan leisong took a breath:

"it's Jiya! It's just a small race! The third Legion should be able to take them out! "

Ouyang Feng carefully looked at the data of the Jiya people, looked at the images sent back by the reconnaissance plane, and then directly called out:

"Mars! This layer is up to you. Take the third Legion and take care of it! "


Mars is very happy. Although this Gya should be easy to deal with, it's led by themselves. The Mars trio all like this feeling!

"Go, go, go!" Li Fei and Hao Shuai are also running towards the outside, ready to gather troops! In this case, they can't use the space warship, because the space warship consumes too much energy after all, especially in this kind of place, if it is in the space, then the space warship doesn't matter

it doesn't matter whether to attack or not. Anyway, as long as the shield is not opened and the attack is not launched, there is basically no consumption

Only four days after they left Mars, the voice of announcing the successful passage of the Terran sounded in their minds, and Ouyang Feng went straight into the portal without waiting for them to return

"I don't know what kind of race it will be this time. It's reasonable to say that the 5000 th level should be a very powerful race!"

Looking at the small fighters leaving one after another, Duan Lei sighed softly. Now they have come to the fifth floor of the endless tower, which is just another big integer level. According to the law of the endless tower, this floor will be a very powerful race.

"I don't know what race it is, but now I find that every time we come to this stage, we always have a sense of expectation just like gambling..."

Ouyang Feng also looked at the far away fighter, said with a smile, and then pointed to Lu Feng and others who also stretched their neck and looked forward to it. At this time, it has been nearly 30 years since they entered the endless tower. Now the prospect of the Terran is not very optimistic. Although the Terran above the intensifier has not changed much after 30 years, those ordinary people can't help being eroded by the age of

months In fact, it's nothing to do with their old age or even death. It's normal to live, old and die, but it can't be done here, because no matter how the people of the human race die, they will be included in the death list, and these ordinary people account for the vast majority of the number of the human race As a matter of fact, Duan Lei realized this as soon as he entered the endless tower, so he had the huge research institute. At present, the most important task of the research institute is to develop long-lived drugs, and the defense fortress has become more and more suitable for the survival of ordinary people after continuous transformation.

The present residential area is peaceful. For nearly 30 years, ordinary people have been used to the life here. In fact, it is thanks to Ouyang Feng's iron hand policy at that time. Because all the Terrans know the rules of the endless tower, so at the beginning, there were some ordinary people who wanted to make trouble, because they all thought that their own death was the number of deaths in battle anyway, so ouyangfeng should not dare to kill them, and the most punishment would be

at most. After the completion of the defensive fortress, ouyangfeng directly formulated a set of laws. In their laws, there are only two kinds of punishments. One is to let the wrongdoers work and wash their sins with sweat. If they find it difficult to wash their sins with sweatAccept. It doesn't matter. Just wash it with their blood. There is an old saying in the Terran, which is called "heavy punishment in troubled times". Now in the endless tower, ouyangfeng thinks it's troubled times, so their punishment is just two kinds. If they are dishonest and want to make trouble, they go to reform through labor. If they don't accept it, they just pull it out and kill it. No one will talk nonsense with them. After several years of implementation of this system, ordinary people finally began to accept this fact, and began to learn to abide by the laws promulgated by Ouyang Feng. As the saying goes, habits become natural. After adapting for a period of time, these ordinary people began to find that these laws are not very harsh, as long as they pay a little attention, they will not be punished.

Now, the residential area is a kind of civilized society, where there is nothing left on the road and the house is not closed at night. In the past ten years, the incidents of fighting have disappeared.

As long as someone fights, no matter right or wrong, they will first go to reform for three months to six months, and then comment on who is right and who is wrong. Because the cost of fighting is too high, the anger of ordinary people has been basically flattened.

However, although there are no unnatural deaths, most of the people living in the residential areas are old people now, and many of the people who were very old when they came here have already died.

After Duan Lei's statistics on the number of people, the number of people who died of old age and those who died because of accidents or in the battlefield are all included. The death toll is close to 10% of the total number of Terrans.

Since entering the endless tower, ouyangfeng and Liu wanting have forbidden the human race to have children. No matter who they are, they have to abide by this rule, even ouyangfeng and Liu wanting are no exception.

Because they don't know what the number of people born in the endless tower is. In order to prevent waiyi, they should simply ban it. Anyway, it's just a piece of cake for the current Terran.

Now Ouyang Feng is trying to save the lives of ordinary people. Not only Gu Changsheng, they develop a large number of drugs to strengthen the constitution of these people, but also Ouyang Feng, who does not hesitate to use life energy, turns many elderly people into intensifiers.

Once you become a reinforcer, your life expectancy will increase a lot. It is conservatively estimated that it should be at least 70 to 100 years, because after the transformation of life energy, your body cells will be greatly enhanced, and the rate of aging will be directly increased by nearly three times. It's just that Ouyang Feng doesn't have so much life energy to turn all ordinary people into intensifiers. Otherwise, they don't need such a headache now. Although Gu Changsheng has developed hundreds of drugs, none of them can really prolong human life.

Duan Lei, they have calculated the number of old people. If they don't come up with some effective methods, then In another 30 years at most, more than 60% of the ordinary people will die. On that day, it will be the end of the human race!!

Gu Changsheng is very anxious now. Even Dr. Gu Changsheng has specially set up an expert group to study this topic, and Ouyang Feng has provided them with convenience as much as possible! No matter the instructor Li Yingning or the Kali people, as well as Xiaowu and Qianxun, their genes have been extracted by Gu Changsheng. Even when ouyangfeng and they are fighting outside, Gu Changsheng will give them a task to catch two or three living people and make them test objects!

However, this proposal was rejected by Ouyang Feng on the spot. He did not accept the use of living people of other races for experiments. At most, he promised that they could extract some genes. In Ouyang Feng's eyes, simply extracting some genes and doing experiments with people of other races are two completely different concepts. The latter is absolutely unacceptable to Ouyang Feng. This is his bottom line. Even if it is related to the survival of the human race, Ouyang Feng and others should stick to their bottom line!! When he was in Atlantis, there used to be a country's army doing human experiments with enemy prisoners. After the results were exposed, he was condemned by countless people. Ouyang Feng didn't want his own tribe to become like that. Although no one would condemn him now, he would never touch that taboo. But even so, when he came to the 5000 level, Gu Changsheng still got thousands of genes of different races, but until now, he has not been able to give Ouyang Feng a satisfactory result , the fastest update of the webnovel!