"Ha ha ha ha!"

Hearing Ou Yangfeng's words, the old man said with a laugh:

"of course, I know. You can rest assured that there is nothing to worry about in this layer. At most, it's just that you can't harvest the slave corps! I think, with the relationship between our two ethnic groups, you always want to give me this face, don't you

"Slave corps?"

Ouyang Feng was stunned:

"what's that?"


This time it was the old man's turn to be shocked. He waited for his eyes to look at Ouyang Feng, only to find that Ouyang Feng was very serious and didn't seem to be faking at all. After thinking about it for a while, he suddenly realized and said: "Oh! Maybe it's a different address! Well The slave corps are the creatures of other races you bring with you. We call them the Hard Corps, but according to your human language, it might be more appropriate to call them the cannon fodder corps! "

"Leizi! Call back all our reconnaissance planes. This floor is Kali nationality. There's no need to investigate! "

Ouyang Feng first asked Duan Lei to call back the soldiers who went out to investigate, then looked at the old man and said:

"do you know our people with the phantom spirit clan?" Ouyang Feng was a little surprised when he asked this question. They have been in this layer for more than three days, but they have not found any trace of Kali. Now they are not far away from their own Terran defense fortress, at least within the range of their weapons, but they still have not found these Kali.

But the Kali people didn't know that they were coming, and they could come to find them. What's more, they even knew that there were people of other races in their defense fortress, which was a bit frightening.

Moreover, looking at the old man's determined face, it's not like he's blind. Therefore, Ouyang Feng feels that they underestimate the technology of the Kali nationality

However, after hearing Ou Yangfeng's words, the old man of Kali nationality was stunned for a moment and said in amazement:

"magic spirit clan? They It doesn't seem to have much fighting power, does it? And this kind of soul life is not suitable for cannon fodder? What about people of other races? " Other races? After hearing the old man's words, Ouyang Feng was stunned, and then recalled it carefully. It seems that in the current Terran fortress, there are no people of other races except the phantom tribe? oh No, there is another Li Yingning. He is a devourer, not a Terran. But there is only one. They also know that Li Yingning exists and that they can't use Li Yingning as cannon fodder.

So what he said must be people of other races, that is to say, it seems that the old man did not really detect the situation in their defensive fortress, but he did not know what caused him to make this wrong guess!

"Other races..."

Ouyang Feng looked at the old man and said seriously:

"now there are no other races except one thousand people of the phantom spirit clan and one devourer!"

"Ah? You Alas

After hearing Ouyang Feng's words, the old man shook his head slowly and looked sad:

"you still have too little experience! Although it seems happy to eliminate all races in their own layer without worries, but This will increase the loss of your Terran, and may even make your trip to the endless tower fail! "

"You have to know that what you have to do now is to fight against more than 10000 races with the strength of one race. Even if you come one by one, it is also a very arduous task. Moreover, the number of deaths of your races has been accumulating, and it is not to recalculate at every level!"

"You should not exterminate all those races, but take them in and let them come to this level with you. Look at your huge fortress, it should have space attribute inside. There is no problem at all if you can accommodate more people of other races!"

"When you get to the next level, you can directly use the race on the upper level as cannon fodder. Anyway, they have to do what they don't want to do. At least if they do cannon fodder, they will be able to live longer with good luck!" "But it's not too late. After all, the whole endless tower has not passed even one tenth of the time. You still have time to start now. Remember, after the number of killing has reached, if you have the ability, you can incorporate all the other party, and then use them as your own

forces on the next floor. Only in this way can you use them with the least damage Lose, wipe out all races! "

"I think You are mistaken! "

Ouyang Feng put down his wine cup, shook his head and said: "we are human so far! We haven't really exterminated any race, nor coerced those defeated races to serve as cannon fodder for us. The reason why the illusory spirit clan can't survive for a long time without other races is that in order to continue their inheritance, we brought the thousand illusory spirit clan with us

"And we don't use them as cannon fodder, we just delimit a separate area for them to survive. Once we successfully cross the endless road and climb the endless tower, we will let them go.""Of course, we take them in not because we pity them, but because their intelligence is useful to us and we need to use their intelligence, so it's just a trade to get what we need."

"You Did not destroy any race? "

The old man was shocked:

"then That He didn't tell you about that? "

Hearing the old man's vague words, Ou Yangfeng knew that he was the master, and taking things was the mark of the master. It was just because of the limitation, he could not say it clearly, so he gently shook his head and said:

"I know! But I'm not interested in that. I just don't want the Terran to perish, so we have to start killing. If it's not for that damned rule, we don't even want to conflict with any race! " "Since there is no such rule, why do I have to exterminate other races? The rule of endless road doesn't say that we have to destroy all other races. We just need to finish our own task, which can not only reduce our own casualties, but also leave a way for other races to survive. Isn't it easier for us all The old man looked at Ouyang Feng and couldn't speak for a long time. Looking at Ouyang Feng's expression, he knew that what Ouyang Feng said was true. Besides, Ouyang Feng didn't have to cheat him. He just couldn't imagine that there were people in the world who didn't take the position of controller seriously??

As a matter of fact, many generations ago, the Kali people once came out of control. They once entered the endless tower like Ouyang Feng and swept all other races as a protagonist.

It's just that the Kali race is a technology race, so it's not the same as the Terran race, because the Terran race is basically Ou Yangfeng, who has the highest combat power, and he is also the highest leader of the Terran race, so he naturally becomes the candidate of the controller.

However, the Kali people were not like this at the beginning. Although they had a leader at that time as they are now, there was an institution similar to the Supreme Council of the Terran people at that time, which was specially used to contain the leader.

So in the end, the Kali people gave birth to the candidate of controller through election, and there were many restrictions on the candidate of controller at that time. It was impossible to be like Ouyang Feng now. Basically, everything about the human race can be decided by him in one word!!

It is precisely because of the special situation of the Kali nationality that at that time, in addition to the candidate of the Kali nationality, there were 12 persons in power at that time who also knew the secret of the controller.

Probably because they knew that the candidate of the controller could not be in charge of the Kali people at all, so those superior creatures acquiesced that there were 13 Kali people in the controller space! Therefore, the secret of the controller is not known only by Ou Yangfeng among the Kalis, like the Terrans. He doesn't know whether the creatures made mistakes or they didn't expect the final outcome. In short, the secret of the controller's space finally spread among the Kalis.

As for the secret, it was handed down by the original person, and now no one knows it. Moreover, it has been countless generations since then. However, the secret has finally been handed down from mouth to mouth by every Kali leader. Of course, this secret is known only by the supreme leader of the Kali people. Only when he knows that he is going to leave the world, will he reveal this secret to the next generation of leaders. Therefore, the current leader of the Kali people, when talking to Ouyang Feng, can't show it directly! In fact, even the blue eyed old man Ouyang Feng first met didn't know the secret. Although the current Kali leader had decided to die with his own planet, the situation was too tense at that time, so he didn't have time to tell the secret to the blue eyed old man. Unexpectedly, he really survived in the end.

It is precisely because he knows the secret of the controller very well that the old man is shocked by Ouyang Feng's present attitude

Seeing the old man's look, Ouyang Feng suddenly said with a smile:



Without saying a word, the old man let everyone else leave, even his son, the blue eyed old man.

Seeing all the others leave, Ouyang Feng looks at the blue eyed old man and says, "tell me about How much do you know about the masters? "

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