In this way, because of the misunderstanding, the Bray people didn't attack Ouyang Feng's small fighter for a moment. Of course, Ouyang Feng won't miss this opportunity and drove the small fighter to catch up with Yanhuang.

"What shall we do?"

The people of the Bry people communicate with each other in the communication device. There is no clear leader among the Bry people. No matter what they encounter, the whole people come together to discuss.

However, this gives Ouyang Feng a chance to escape, and the brei warships still follow Ouyang Feng's small fighters and fly towards the terran base.

Most of the resources of the Burui people are used to build their city, because they have no ambition and want to expand. In particular, their total number of people is less than 10000. Their city alone is too big for them.

Therefore, there are not many such warships of the Bry nationality, and all of them are of this type. There is no bigger one. In the past, these warships were used as reconnaissance planes by them!!

So now these warships are all their aircrafts. Now that Yanhuang and that small fighter are all ready to leave, the brys don't know what to do.

They had little contact with other races, so naturally they had no experience in this field. They could only follow Ouyang Feng and discuss how to save their companions.

In fact, they also know that the goal of the Terran at this level is the same as that of them. They all need to kill, but the Terran wants to kill them, and they need to kill the Terran!

So their people fall into the hands of human beings, it is estimated that it is very difficult to come back, because there is no room for peace between them. Either 60% of the people die, or 40% of them die, there is no third way to go!!

But 40% of the population, for the Bry, is nearly 4000 people, which is totally unacceptable to them!!

Even the death of a few people will shake the Bray people up and down, not to mention thousands of people. Therefore, the Bray people will never compromise, and the Terran people will not compromise. For them, the failure is even more terrible, because that is to directly wipe out all the people and destroy the race!!

Therefore, there must be a war between human beings and the Bry people, and the Bry people also know this, so the final result of their negotiation is to negotiate with the human race first to see how they can save their two people. At this station, they have lost four people and can no longer die.

No matter what, after rescuing people, they have been hiding in the city and never come out again. Anyway, they don't believe that relying on the strength of the Terran, they can conquer their city!! As a result, the brys followed ouyangfeng all the way. They arrived at the position of the Terran defense fortress, and their actions made ouyangfeng feel very strange, because any race would not attack them just because they caught them.

"Are the two monsters killed by themselves their leaders?" Ouyang Feng thought to himself that now he could only think of this possibility, because he didn't know that the population base of the Burui people could not even reach 10000. In the primitive star, there was no other race that would be as small as this. Even the boar people who had been used as food and pressed hard had never been less than 100000. After returning to the defensive fortress, Ouyang Feng first threw the warship and all the robots, including the corpses of the two Buri people, to the Academy of Sciences, which is in charge of by Gu Changsheng. Although there is no need to study the genes of zombies now, there are still some scientific and technological talents in various fields. Later, ouyangfeng asked Wei Jiacai to take Hu Tao to rest, while Luo Yaxing followed him to the central control Hall of the defensive fortress. However, they didn't immediately tell Duan Lei what happened before, because now the brei people have followed and are just outside the defensive fortress

"Madman! They sent a robot over! "

Ouyang Feng just took Luo Yaxing to the central control hall, Duan Lei said, and then pointed to the big screen. Outside the defense fort, there was a robot standing, which was no different from the robots that Ouyang Feng had collected before.

Of course, the brei will not let their own people go into the Terran fortress. So after they found the Terran defense fortress, they stopped far away and sent a robot to the Terran with their communication device!

"I'll go out and have a look!" After thinking about it, Ouyang Feng said that he didn't dare to put the robot in. Who knows if there will be any conspiracy here, so it's better to go out on his own, especially if the other party only sent a robot. Ouyang Feng can put it into his own Xuanyuan space when there is a situation outside!! When Ouyang Feng went out, the robot didn't say anything. He just gave Ouyang Feng the communication in his hand, and then turned around and left. Before, the people of the Burui nationality had called for their warship countless times, but they didn't get any reply, so they leftThat's the idea!

"What race are you?"

Ouyang Feng picked up the messenger, the first sentence is to ask each other the name of the race, don't fight for a long time, even his enemy's name don't know!

"We are the brys!"

There's a voice coming from the messenger, which is also the common language of the primitive star. It seems that every race can master the common language as soon as they are born. Therefore, on the primitive star, language communication is absolutely not a problem!!

"These two men I caught are your leaders?"

Ouyang Feng continued to ask, because at this time he also opened his own personal terminal, so although he was talking with the brei people outside, Duan Lei and they could also hear their voice.

When the other side said the name of their race, Taiyi and Fuxi didn't say a word. Ouyang Feng understood what the brei nationality was. It seemed that even the Terran had never heard of it, so he stopped worrying about the other side's race!

"Chief?" The other side's voice seems to be a little confused, because there is no leader in the Burui nationality. Basically, each of them is equal. There is no leader who rules or has no status. So of course, there is no leader, but they know the meaning of leader.

"No! There is no so-called leader in our brei nationality. We are all the same. Why should we distinguish the high from the low? The two people you captured are our ordinary people! "

The voice explained.

"No leader?" Ouyang Feng asked suspiciously, this kind of system is hard to understand in Ouyang Feng's mind. At least, if there is no leader, who will command when fighting with other races? It's hard to imagine that an army without a commander can work together to win a war! But of course he didn't know that the brys had never had a war with any race. Although some races tried to attack their cities, they were basically repulsed by the army of robots sent by them. After knowing their strength, no race was willing to provoke them again. So even if there is no leader, the Bry people can safely continue their race to the present until they enter the endless tower. As for the last endless tower, whether the Bry people exist or not, even their memory has no such information. It is estimated that apart from the controller, no other

creatures know!

"Since they are just your ordinary people, why do you still have to save them?"

Ouyang Feng asked. It was obvious that Ouyang Feng thought that the guys on the opposite side were cheating him, because he was afraid that he would kill their leader directly when he knew that they had their leader. As for the fact that he had killed the two, the guys on the opposite side didn't know.

"The number of our people is very small, less than 10000 in total!"

The Buri people on the opposite side are very honest, probably because they don't have much contact with the outside world, and there is no deception within them, so this guy directly told the truth:

"therefore, every one of our people is very important to us. In the previous battle with you, we have lost four people, so we can't lose more !”

"You have less than ten thousand people?"

Ouyang Feng asked in surprise.

"Yes! Our race is very special. We don't age, we don't die, we have endless life, but we also can't reproduce. So, if we die, there will be one less! "

The other party answered honestly and immediately asked:

"what conditions do you need? To return our people to us? "

"Give it back to you? I'm sorry! We can't give your people back to you! "

Ouyang wind passage:

"you should know the rules in the endless tower. We human race must take you Bree, right? We must reduce your number to less than 60 percent, that is to say, you must die at least 4000 people before we can go to the next level! "

"But! Why don't you go down? "

"We feel that there is a big loophole in this endless road! You can use it! "

"Big hole?" Ouyang Feng was stunned. He didn't know that there was a loophole in the endless road? , the fastest update of the webnovel!