Ouyang Feng looks at malatan, then looks at the goblins in the underground square. They are still reveling in a corner. Ouyang Feng knows that the goblins are the victims selected by the goblins. They will be killed by themselves in order to let the Terran leave the endless tower

Looking at the hesitant Ouyang Feng, malatan sighed, then looked at the goblins and said, "go! All of our goblins will leave soon. Here It's you and them, when you finish your After the mission, we'll come in and clean up! They have been given two more years by you, and today the goblins have seen them off. They died for the goblins, so they are dead with no regrets! "


Ou Yangfeng shook his head gently and said:

"they have regrets, but they can't help it..."

After hearing Ouyang Feng's words, malatan was stunned, and then understood Ouyang Feng's meaning, but he didn't speak any more, just shook his head with a gloomy look, and then left with all the goblins. After they left, the 40 million goblins still did not stop their carnival. It seemed that they did not know their death was coming. They sang songs that Ouyang Feng could not understand, poured wine into their mouths, and sang and danced with anyone they knew or were not familiar with

Ouyang Feng didn't disturb them. He knew that these goblins might just want to anesthetize themselves and then let themselves die in their sleep

Slowly came to their side, Ouyang Feng himself found a place to sit down, picked up a nearby bottle of wine on the ground, shook it, found that there was still wine, so he put it directly on the side of his mouth, raised his head and took a sip.

The goblin's wine is not very strong and tastes bitter. However, Ouyang Feng thinks that this kind of wine may be suitable for the present situation

"People Man Several goblins stagger to ouyangfeng. Each goblin has a wine pot in his hand. A goblin who seems to be in his prime touches the wine pot in his hand with ouyangfeng's, and then he takes a sip of it. Then he falls down beside ouyangfeng like a pool of mud and says vaguely: "you You're going to Are you going to take us on the road? It doesn't matter. Let's do it! We won't fight, and We don't hate you either. We are the heroes of the goblins Yes, we are heroes! So are you. You are the hero of your people! We are heroes, but,

we are going to die, and you I will continue to live! "

Ouyang Feng turned his head and looked at the goblin lying on his back. His face was very calm. He gently shook his head and said:

"hero? no Maybe you are the heroes of the goblins, but I am not! I'm a Terran warrior

Then Ou Yangfeng looked up at the revelry goblins in front of him and said in a soft voice:

"this is not a battlefield. Therefore, I will not feel any glory because of the killing here. The glory of a soldier is on the battlefield. What a soldier should do is to fight with the enemy, not wantonly kill those who have no resistance. You are not mine The enemy

"Yes! We are not your enemies

Another goblin also sat next to ouyangfeng:

"but you have to kill us, which has been decided and can't be changed. You won't give up killing us and bury everything of the Terran just because we don't resist, just as we know we are going to die in your hands, but we can still lie here and talk to you!"

"Come on! Have a drink together? "

The goblin also raised his wine pot and wanted to touch Ouyang Feng.

"Forget it!"

Ou Yangfeng shook his head gently:

"I I'm not used to killing someone immediately after drinking with him... "

The goblin was stunned for a moment, and then laughed:

"ha ha! human beings! You're a little interesting, but it's a pity... "

Half way through, the guy stopped, raised his neck, drank the wine pot upside down, then collapsed on the ground, muttered and went to sleep

Ouyang Feng continued to wait for more than four hours. Finally, the carnival goblins fell down one by one. They didn't have the slightest image. They were lying all over the floor. Each goblin was under the anesthesia of alcohol, delirious, or asleep, or talking nonsense

Looking at these goblins, Ouyang Feng finally slowly stood up. He took out his Xuanyuan sword and stared at it for a long time. After that, Ouyang Feng's advance slowly transferred to those goblins.

As a soldier, Ouyang Feng has killed countless lives, especially since the end of the world. Ouyang Fengfeng has lost countless creatures in his hands

Zombies, mutants, devours, cosmic ghosts, mutants, insects, even And humans!!

However, the next killing is that Ouyang Feng absolutely doesn't want to, but has to. In such a situation, in the end of the world, it is Ouyang Feng. But now, facing these Goblins who are desperately intoxicated and only hope to be less painful when they die, Ouyang Feng doesn't feel that he can get any honor by killing them Sense of honor, this kind of slaughter should not belong to soldiers!But this kind of thing must be done by some people, either themselves or other people. This is the condition for them to pass this level

After taking a deep breath, Ouyang Feng is finally ready to start. He doesn't know how long these goblins can last in this confused state, and that the only thing he can do for them is to let them die in this state

Gently raise Xuanyuan sword, Ouyang Feng will Xuanyuan sword tip, aimed at the side of that before and his wine pot touched the goblin, as long as his Xuanyuan sword gently fall, can kill this goblin.

However, while watching the goblin sleep peacefully, Ouyang Feng suddenly feels that his Xuanyuan sword can't fall down

He picked up Xuanyuan sword again and carried it on his shoulder. Ouyang Feng looked up to the sky and looked at the dome of the underground square. He sighed and wanted to stabilize his mood.

Ouyang Feng thought that at his own speed, even if he could do it, it would last for a long time. In this way, the goblins behind would wake up.

"I'll go! This It's not a fuckin 'thing! "

Ouyang Feng murmurs. Now it's himself. He feels that he can't do it. If half of the time, the rest of the goblins wake up and watch themselves kill their people. Ouyang Feng thinks about this scene and thinks that he is about to collapse! Now Ouyang Feng finally understood that for a soldier, there is a big gap between face-to-face killing with the enemy and the wanton killing without resistance! At least, Ouyang Feng felt that he would rather face the former, even if he would die in the hands of the enemy

, than face the present situation!

He lowered his head and looked at the goblin who was sleeping like a pig. Ouyang Feng actually looked at it like this for half an hour. Then he sighed and looked at other goblins. His heart suddenly moved, and then he gently touched the goblin on the ground with his feet.

Under Ouyang Feng's touch, the goblin disappears, and Ouyang Feng is stunned. Can the goblin in this state be collected into Xuanyuan space?

Ouyang Feng suddenly found a new world. He looked at the other goblins, and then he started to run in the underground square

With Ouyang Feng's movement, the goblins lying on the ground disappear, and they are all brought into Xuanyuan space by Ouyang Feng

It took more than an hour for Ouyang Feng to collect all the goblins into his Xuanyuan space. However, after the last goblin in the underground square disappeared, Ouyang Feng's body suddenly stiffened.

Because he didn't hear any sound in his mind, that is to say, the Goblins who were collected into Xuanyuan space by himself were not considered dead. Therefore, the task of Terran has not been completed!

Ouyang Feng didn't want to think about it, so he quickly moved out and came to malatan:

"are you sure those people have reached 40% of your whole family?"

After hearing Ouyang Feng's words, malatan didn't hesitate at all, and said directly:

"absolutely enough!"

After that, malatan's face changed greatly and asked in surprise:

"is They're all dead? Why didn't I get the hint? "


Ouyang Feng sighed, then closed his eyes "The first floor of the endless Tower! Guard - goblin. The death rate of the tribe has reached 40%. When the Terran mission is completed, the lower passage is opened. You can choose to continue killing or enter the passage at any time! When any Terran enters the passage, all Terrans and their belongings will be transported to the second floor of the endless tower at the same time! " A voice rings out and appears in the minds of the goblins and the Terrans, announcing that the first step of the endless road of the Terrans has been completed!!

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