As soon as the Eastern Emperor confirmed Duan Lei's words, he changed the topic and pointed to Ouyang Feng and said:

"you can actually take out the portal now. Now it's in the main universe, and the cosmic ghost of the sub universe can't activate it!"

Ouyang Feng took out the portal without saying a word, but strangely, as soon as the portal appeared, it sank automatically and buried its bottom in the ground.

"This is the portal confirming coordinates!" Taiyi explained:

"after touching the ground of the universe, this portal can immediately confirm its own coordinates and connect to the other exit! Because the portal belongs to the law of time and space exist at the same time, belongs to a fairly advanced type

"So even if you switch the universe, it can work!"

As soon as the Eastern Emperor stepped forward, he gently stroked the portal:

"in fact, even I felt that the path of our human race was in the dark, and there were some creatures guiding us, because it was so coincidental! I'm afraid no other race can do this except us

"In all the things you do, there seems to be a thread that connects all of them. It seems like coincidence, but it's a bit too coincidental!"

As soon as the Eastern Emperor pulled her finger, she began to tell Ouyang Feng about the series of coincidences she had found:

"I won't tell you about your previous experience in Atlantis, or before you arrived at the original star. I believe you can also feel that you have come step by step until you arrived at the original star. It doesn't seem that all of this is entirely your own experience The will of the body is more driven by the situation. "

"When you get to the primordial star, because of your hatred for the cosmic ghost, you destroy the cosmic ghost of the primordial star, which not only leads to your being sent to the place of divine punishment, but also makes the portal of the cosmic ghost on the primordial star disappear because of the extinction of the group!"

"You should know that the material of the portal is quite tough. Basically, no creature can destroy it. Therefore, the only way to destroy the portal is to inherit the ghost of the extinct universe in the primitive star and make the portal here automatically destroyed by the rules of heaven and earth."

"Otherwise, even if you put that portal into your Xuanyuan space like this, it doesn't mean it has been destroyed!! If that portal has not been destroyed, the portal you brought will not be able to send you out! "

"Each portal has its own unique number, so the Terran portal will not connect to the cosmic ghost, and the cosmic ghost portal will not connect to other races, which is similar to calling."

"The portal you find in dimensional space is a designated portal, which can transmit any race of creatures to another universe, the territory of this race."

"But in order to prevent too many repetitive creatures from appearing in the same universe, for example, if you want the expeditionary army to enter the sub universe through that dimensional portal, because there are people like them in the sub universe, it will cause chaos in the rules of heaven and earth and lead to the collapse of the sub universe!"

"Therefore, the same race, only the first one who touches the portal, will be absorbed by it and transmitted to another universe, which is determined by the belonging of the creature who touches the portal! Creatures in the main universe are transmitted to the secondary universe, while those in the secondary universe are transmitted to the main universe! "

"Because the place where you were born is Atlantis, so when you arrive at the sub universe, you will also appear in Atlantis, and you are still familiar with that city!"

"I don't need to say more about the experience after that. You have just said that, but I'll just say that some unintentional" coincidences "are the preconditions for you to leave the land of divine punishment."

"First of all, before you destroy the cosmic ghost, you put away their portal, because if you do not put away that portal, but directly kill the last clan of the cosmic ghost in the primordial star, then this portal will also be directly destroyed by the rules of heaven and earth, just like the portal of the cosmic ghost in your main universe!"

"In this way, you You can never leave the land of divine punishment, because there is no other way to leave this space except the portal in that dimensional space, and every race can only leave a creature through that portal! "

"That's why, when you see ouyangfeng's return, you will find that the portal has disappeared, because its mission has been completed. At least, for the Terran, it may still be standing there, but only the creatures of other races can see it, and you can't see its existence again."

"And quite coincidentally, it's the ghost of the universe itself that drives you to take that portal into Xuanyuan space, because their constant reinforcements are that you have to find a way to close that portal, so you'll make a mistake and bring their portal back to the main universe!""When you return with this portal, all the conditions for you to leave the land of God's punishment have been fulfilled, which is almost impossible among other races. Therefore, in these long years, no creature has ever successfully left the land of God's punishment!"

"The first prerequisite for leaving the land of God's punishment is that you need a portal, which will just be met when you return. If you want this portal to work, it must obtain its own number and the recognition of the main universe."

"This is just like you bought a new mobile phone. If you don't buy a card, this mobile phone can't be used, and the portal is more troublesome than this. The number of portal is fixed in each universe."

"Just like our sub universe, when the parent star of the Terran is destroyed, the portal will be destroyed. Only after that, when the Terran leaves the primordial star, can we get a special material to build the portal. Before the portal of the parent star is destroyed, we can't build another portal. Just like Atlantis, there is no access to the primordial star Portal

"And you? You were exiled to the land of divine punishment because you destroyed the inheritance of the cosmic ghost in the primordial star. Therefore, the portal of the cosmic ghost family on the primordial star has been destroyed by the rules of heaven and earth. Moreover, because there is no other way for the cosmic ghost to enter the primordial star, it means that the portal belonging to the cosmic ghost family will no longer appear on the primordial star I'm sorry... "

"Therefore, this portal from the sub universe belongs to the ghost family of the universe. After it just touched the ground, it directly got the exclusive code of the destroyed portal and became the only portal that can successfully connect the ghost of the universe in this universe!"

"Of course! Only portal is not enough, we must be able to activate it smoothly! Now this portal can actually connect with the portal of the cosmic ghost, but To really activate it, two more conditions are required! "

The Eastern Emperor looked at the crowd and then chuckled:

"you have already completed these two conditions. Therefore, if you want to, you can activate the portal and leave the place of divine punishment now!"

"But! You have to figure it out. After you appear, you will directly appear in the outer world's old nest of cosmic ghosts. Although their inheritance in the primitive star has been destroyed, this is just what happened. The race of cosmic ghosts has not entered the decline period. They still have a large number of warships in the outer world! "

"That's why I suggest that you better train your troops first and make sufficient preparations before activating this portal!"

After hearing Taiyi's words, ouyangfeng looked at each other face to face. It seems that they can leave the place of divine punishment. Is there really a lot of coincidence? Even as if everything had been arranged!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

After a moment's silence, Ouyang Feng burst out laughing:

"no matter who arranged it, in short, now it seems that the son of a bitch is still facing us, at least we didn't suffocate here! Anyway, it's good for us to live till now. "

"Before the end of the world, who would have thought that we would be able to play on other planets? I just went to another universe. It's worthwhile for a person to have such an experience! "

"Besides, no matter what the way ahead is, at least we can meet the bunch of bastards of the cosmic ghost again. These days, we've been practicing air combat and using all the space warships and fighters. We don't have to worry about the problem of energy!"

Ouyang Feng waved his hand and said boldly:

"at least let's wipe out the ghost of the universe in the universe, let them know that they It's a race that can't be provoked! "

"You wait for a moment!"

Ouyang Feng's heroic words were directly stopped by Duan Lei. Duan Lei looked at Taiyi: "now that the portal is connected, are we taking it earlier? The ghost of the outer universe activated the portal first. What if he called first? "

"I said just now that there are two more conditions to activate the portal!"

Donghuang Taiyi looks at Duan Lei and says with a smile , the fastest update of the webnovel!