Polman followed the eyes of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and saw the huge mother nest of the Devourer. To be honest, Polman has not seen the mother nest of the Devourer since the war with the mother nest of the Devourer, because the mother nest of the Devourer will never enter the planet unless it is confirmed that the whole planet has been controlled by its own army of devourer.

Now it's the first time he has seen with his own eyes the destruction of their planet, forcing them to become the culprit of the star wanderers!

When he saw the shape of the mother nest of the Devourer, Polman was quite shocked. After a moment's stupefaction, he turned to look at Taiyi and swallowed a mouthful of water:

"you mean, inside Just one of you? Ready to kill this big guy? "

Taiyi, a little bored, looked at the detector and found that there was no other situation except the battleship of the cosmic ghost, so he turned to the mother nest of the devourer and nodded: "yes! He is the only one. The mother nest of the Devourer is a little big, so Slow down! We have to wait slowly. I hope we are lucky. The fleet of cosmic ghosts won't come so fast! "

After hearing Taiyi's words, Polman was speechless and shocked. Could a human be able to kill the big guy who almost killed them? When did the strength of the Terran reach this point? Although he had heard the legend as the real leader, he had never seen the battle before Ouyang Feng. Because of so many things, Xiao Jiu forgot to tell his father about his guess

Polman of course did not know that among the Terrans, only Ouyang Feng could do this, oh! Maybe Xuanyuan in the universe can do it, but it's only done when the mother nest of the Devourer doesn't guard against him. If the mother nest of the Devourer knew the existence of Xuanyuan sword long ago, it might be another ending!!

Now in the heart of the mother nest of the Devourer, it's also very hard. I knew it would be like this. When Ouyang Feng appeared, he should mobilize all the forces to encircle and kill him. In that case, the human is absolutely dead, and has a lot of life energy. The forces of the mother nest of the Devourer are almost endless, and they consume energy to kill the human!!

But now he has lost this opportunity. Ouyang Feng has already got a lot of life energy from him. The war of attrition doesn't work at all for Ouyang Feng. So now the mother nest of devourer doesn't even launch troops to attack Ouyang Feng.

He just wants to delay as much as possible. He has sent his situation to the ghost of the universe, hoping that he can wait until the fleet of the ghost of the universe arrives. At that time, the mother nest of the Devourer may still have a ray of life!!

Of course, Ouyang Feng knows this, but now he has no way. The army of devourer no longer attacks him. Ouyang Feng is a little bored now, so he just sits on the ground and waits for Xuanyuan sword to absorb

Time flies by, and soon, ten days have passed. To Ouyang Feng's surprise, the mother nest of the Devourer is still sticking to it. Because he is in the body of the mother nest of the Devourer, Ouyang Feng can't see the change of the appearance of the mother nest of the Devourer, and he doesn't know how long it will take for the mother nest of the Devourer to exhaust his life energy

At this time, a thing that surprised and shocked Taiyi appeared. On the detector, a lot of space warships suddenly appeared next to the ghost warship on the edge!!

When he saw this situation, the Eastern Emperor sat up abruptly and looked at the light spots with wide eyes. The leader of the Kali nationality stayed here all the time. Seeing the reaction of the Eastern Emperor, he quickly followed his eyes. Then, Polman's eyes became the same as those of the Eastern Emperor!!

The fleet of cosmic Ghosts - it's almost here

At the same time, in the space where Ouyang wind is located, the voice of the mother nest of the Devourer also rings in Ouyang wind's ear:

"human! You're dead! My master's space fleet has arrived! If you run now, you still have time. If it's too late, you will be killed by my master. They will drain your vitality, make you become old in an instant, and experience the horror of life passing slowly from your body! "

Hearing the words of the Devourer's mother's nest, Ouyang Feng stood up and frowned.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Seeing Ou Yangfeng's look, mother nest laughs:

"she's afraid now. It's too late. Even if you run away now, you may not be able to run away!"

As if Ouyang Feng had not heard the words of the mother nest of the Devourer, he turned his head and ran out

"Hello! Terran! You forgot to take your sword... "

The mother nest of the Devourer cried in a hurry, but Ouyang wind still turned a deaf ear.

What the mother nest of the Devourer said just now was to scare Ouyang Feng and let him leave quickly. When Ouyang Feng attacked him with Xuanyuan sword, he had already sent a message to the ghost of the universe.

Moreover, after the cosmic ghost knew that it was the Terran that attacked him, and that it was the Terran that had almost destroyed a small cosmic fleet before, he immediately sent the nearest cosmic fleet to them to come with the fastest speed, even at the expense of a lot of energy to speed up!!However, although the fleet of the cosmic ghost has now arrived nearby, it still takes a few days to get here. However, the mother nest of the Devourer can't hold on for that long. Therefore, the mother nest of the Devourer will tell Ouyang Feng when the fleet of the cosmic ghost just appears in the distance.

As long as Ouyang Feng is scared by himself, he pulls out his sword and leaves immediately. Although he has lost a lot now, he can at least recover. But who knows Ouyang Feng is scared away by himself, but he doesn't take away the Keng father's sword. His little life energy is still in constant loss.

As a result, the mother nest of the Devourer can't help but remind Ouyang Feng that he should not forget his belongings

Who knows Ouyang Feng didn't pay any attention to his reminder. He still ran out and made the mother nest of the Devourer want to cry without tears. It doesn't matter if you forget something, but I want to die because of your carelessness!!

Ouyang Feng ran out, of course, not to escape, but to the fighter he had driven. Ouyang Feng jumped on the fighter and connected to the communication of Yanhuang. Although it was in the body of the mother nest of the Devourer, how could the mother nest of the Devourer have extra energy now to block his communication?

"Donghuangtaiyi! Is the fleet of cosmic ghosts coming

Ouyang Feng picked up the messenger and asked directly.

"Yes! Here we are. According to the speed, we can get to us in about three days

Then he asked:

"how about it? Is there time? "

"In time!"

Ouyang Feng nodded and said:

"originally, I was not sure, but just now the idiot who devoured the mother nest told me by himself!"

Just now, what the mother nest of the Devourer said seemed to tell Ouyang Feng that he was dead, but both inside and outside the words were asking Ouyang Feng to run for his life. If he didn't understand such words, Ouyang Feng didn't have to mix!

Ouyang Feng is very clear about the ability of the mother nest of the Devourer. As long as he does not die completely, he can recover. Therefore, if the mother nest of the Devourer can persist until the arrival of the fleet of the cosmic ghosts, he will not remind Ouyang Feng that the cosmic ghosts have come.

And his present performance, in fact, is to tell Ouyang Feng, I can't hold on, you go quickly!!

In the end, the Devourer is a creature created. Compared with the cunning human beings, their minds are not enough! Even if Li Yingning is mixed up in the human race, isn't he silent? That is not caused by character, but feel that they can not play Terran, so simply pretend to be cold, but no one dares to count him!!

"Ouyang Feng! There are more than 10 million Kali people left. All their spaceships were damaged in the war, so I've connected them all to Yanhuang. Speed up, and we'll leave as soon as we succeed! "

Donghuang Taiyi's voice came from the communicator:

"that cosmic fleet is a complete fleet of cosmic ghosts, with four or five thousand space warships. We are not rivals. We must leave as soon as possible!"

After hearing the words of Taiyi, Ouyang Feng pondered for a moment, then picked up the communicator:

"Taiyi! You leave now! Don't wait for me. After you get rid of them, you wait for me at the home star! I'll go directly to the home star to find you! Is the life energy of Yanhuang enough? "

After hearing Ouyang Feng's words, the Eastern Emperor looked at the large number of light spots on the detector and looked at the energy reserve. Fortunately, when Ouyang Feng left, he basically added all his remaining energy to the Yanhuang. If he didn't experience a large-scale battle and just sailed, there would be no problem.

"Enough! Are you sure we're leaving first? "

East emperor too one says.

Ouyang Feng was relieved to hear Taiyi's words. Although he has a huge amount of life energy, he can't leave the mother nest of the Devourer now. Once he leaves, the absorption speed of Xuanyuan sword will drop sharply. In that case, the mother nest of the Devourer can recover its action ability and approach those ghost fleets of the universe!

Only when he stays in the body of the mother nest of the Devourer, can Xuanyuan sword suppress the mother nest of the devourer and make it unable to move

"Sure! You're going now! "

Ouyang Feng said to the messenger. Then he took a deep breath and hung up the communication with Yanhuang

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