After returning to the Yanhuang, Ouyang Feng breathed a sigh of relief. He has completed one of the two missions to the universe this time. As long as he kills the mother nest of the Devourer again, he will finish the mission and be ready to return home.

Ouyang Feng doesn't care too much about the mother nest of the Devourer. Although the Devourer has millions of troops, Ouyang Feng, who has already killed a devourer, knows that what he has to do is not to fight with the army of the Devourer, but to find a way to enter the mother nest.

Now he has a clear understanding of the internal structure of the mother nest of the Devourer. Therefore, it is not too difficult for Ouyang Feng, who has been able to fly in space for a short time, to kill the mother nest.

Donghuangtaiyi is not Fuxi, so he still has the special ability of the human race. Driving Yanhuang is not a problem. As long as donghuangtaiyi can use Yanhuang to attract the attention of the mother nest, ouyangfeng will have the opportunity to sneak close to the mother nest.

After all, in the battle of space, a person is too small to be noticed!!

After importing the star map from the Kali spacecraft into the Yanhuang, Ouyang Feng set the course again and sailed toward the direction of the Devourer. From the distance, they could arrive in less than two years. In this way, Ouyang Feng might be able to return to his own universe within ten years!

However, after the past ten years, can Ouyang Feng, who returns to his own universe, find his own hope expeditionary army and see Liu wanting, Duan Lei and Lu Feng again?

Looking at the vast universe ahead, Ouyang Feng can't help but worry about it. But now it has been more than six years. If they can stick to it until now, it should not be a problem to stick to it for a few more years!

But now Ouyang Feng doesn't know if he hopes that the expeditionary army has found the exit of the place of divine punishment and left the ghost place in the past six years

I hope that the expeditionary army did not leave the land of divine punishment. Although they did not know that once they left the land of divine punishment, they would directly open the endless road, but now Ouyang Feng is missing. I hope that the expeditionary army will never leave here until they find him.

Now the land of God's punishment has changed. The once bloody sky and earth no longer exist. The sky is blue, and the earth is green because of the growing plants!

If Ouyang Feng comes back here, he will not believe that this is the place where he left. This is a normal world!!

And the city built by the forgotten has been renovated. All the walls and buildings pushed to it have been cleaned up. The whole city, only the inner city, has been preserved, and has become the base of the hope expeditionary army!!

Now the inner city is surrounded by all kinds of plants. The blue sky and green earth, as well as the lake outside the city, make people feel relaxed and happy

Yes, this is the place of God's punishment, but because of a person's breakthrough, earth shaking changes have taken place!!

This man is the only level 9 soldier in the whole hope expedition - Lin Li!!

At the beginning, after ouyangfeng disappeared, Lin Li and Liu wanting stayed at the portal, waiting for ouyangfeng. They didn't know whether ouyangfeng would come back, or when. However, Liu wanting insisted on staying there, so Lin Li had to stay there!

However, after a few days, Lin Li found that he couldn't wait any longer. Although they are very powerful now, it's no problem not to eat or drink for a long time, but it's at the cost of consuming life energy in the body.

Since Ouyang Feng left, Liu wanting has been standing in front of the portal. Except for opening her mouth several times to let Lin Li drive a small fighter plane to leave first, she hasn't even moved

If it goes on like this, when their life energy is exhausted, it is estimated that they will also become forgotten! Lin Li certainly does not want this kind of thing to happen!!

In particular, there are only two of them here now. If anything happens to Liu wanting, Lin Li estimates that he will be drowned by the saliva of the hope expeditionary army, but he is also afraid to leave because he has the same concerns with Liu wanting - this ghost place is so strange. Once he leaves, who knows if he can find it again?

The star map of the small fighter can't be used, so the coordinates here can't be recorded!!

However, after three days of persistence, Lin Li couldn't sit still, because he knew that if he continued like this, it would be fine if ou Yangfeng could show up in time. If he didn't come back, or only came back after a long time, he would only be able to see two forgotten people standing here

So, Lin Li ventured to launch a power he had never used - long-range summon!!

The function of this power is that it can summon the control creatures he left in the forgotten city. However, it costs a lot of money to do so.

Especially now they are trapped in this strange space. Lin Li doesn't know whether his remote summoning ability will work. Once this ability is launched, no matter whether it is successful or not, his consumption will not be recovered. In other words, if it fails, Liu wanting may be able to persist for another month or two, but Lin Li may turn into a bequeath in a few days ForgetBut now Lin Li can't wait, because there is no food supplement, so the energy in his body is continuously consumed. Although it is very slow, if he waits any longer, when the energy in his body reaches a critical point, even if he wants to launch the remote summon ability, he will fail because of lack of energy!!

Lin Li quietly walked to one side, then took a deep breath and resolutely launched his powers

Fortunately, Lin Li succeeded. Although he only called the rhinoceros and the leader of the wind wolf, it was enough! About a day and a half later, rhinoceros and wind wolf leader appeared in front of the forest.

At this time, the life energy in Lin Li's body has almost consumed up!

He looked at Liu wanting, and then ordered the wind wolf to guard her here, while he climbed up the rhinoceros and left here. The arrival of rhinoceros and wind wolf did not bring hope to the soldiers of the expeditionary army. Lin Li knew that there was only one possibility, that is, they were not in the City, so no one found that rhinoceros and wind wolf left!!

Lin Li wants to go back to find someone and bring food and water to Liu wanting. At the beginning, Ouyang Feng left some food and water when he left the city, but he didn't expect that he would accidentally leave the place of God's punishment, so he didn't leave a lot, that is, he hoped the amount of the expeditionary army for a week!!

Before he did not dare to leave, it was because Lin Li was afraid that he would not be able to find it back, but now that the wind wolf stayed here, Lin Li was not afraid that he would not be able to find it back. Before he left, he left a wild mark on the wind Wolf, which could last for ten days. As long as he had this wild mark, Lin Li could find the location of the wind wolf.

After he left an order to wind wolf that he could not leave Liu wanting even if he died, he was finally able to leave at ease. At least, he wanted to find a way to let Duan Lei know what happened here! So he can decide what to do!

As for Liu wanting, there is wind wolf guarding her, and the small fighters are also left behind, so there should be no danger. At least, during this period, Lin Li did not find any creatures.

As for going out from here and finding the city where they started, this should not be a problem, because rhinoceros and wind wolf have just come here, just follow the original way back!

Lin Li had a deep hatred in his heart. He had known that he should have left a wild mark on the monster left in the forgotten city when he left. In this way, with the guidance of the wild mark, Ouyang Feng would not be sucked in by the portal!

But now that it's over, Lin Li has no choice but to wait until he returns to that city and look for Duan Lei to see what he can do!!

After ordering the rhinoceros to return to the original road, Lin Li quietly sat on the back of the rhinoceros and looked at the surrounding environment. In this mysterious space, even in the dark, there was no change. Therefore, although it was getting dark now, Lin Li was not in a hurry. He was carrying a strong flashlight from a small fighter plane.

When it's dark, Lin Li takes out a flashlight to shine on the front. Because it's dark now, he's afraid that rhinoceros will rashly take himself out of this special space. There's no danger in this space, but once he enters the place of divine punishment, it's different. Lin Li doesn't want to be engulfed by space cracks

So, if you see that the front is back to normal, Lin Li will stop and wait until dawn to continue on his way. However, after a night of running, the rhinoceros did not bring Lin Li out of this mysterious space

Lin Li began to feel that something was not right. After he sent out a long-range call, the wind wolf and rhinoceros only took a day and a half to reach him. He remembered that Ouyang Feng seemed to fly a long distance before he entered the mysterious space.

According to this calculation, if rhinoceros needs more than half a day to return to the forgotten city after leaving this mysterious space, then he should have seen the environment he saw before in the land of punishment?

as like as two peas, he used his flashlight to circle himself, but the eye is still the same scenery. , the fastest update of the webnovel!