Ouyang Feng looks at this million forgotten army and shakes his head. Is this too much? Where are so many sinners in the land of punishment? If you calculate carefully, it's over two million.

Now Ouyang Feng is just beginning to celebrate. Fortunately, those souls released in Xuanyuan space will not be trapped in Xuanyuan space. Instead, they will directly pass through their own bodies and disperse in the land of divine punishment. Only in this way can those who have been forgotten notice that they have finally evolved into such a scene.

Otherwise, if there is a real fight, even if they are able to wipe out the army of more than half a million dead, as long as they run away from one, they will face a new army of more than half a million. In that case I'm afraid I hope the expeditionary army will be completely destroyed!!

Now, because of the existence of Xuanyuan space, all the millions of dead are standing in front of them, waiting for their killing. Although it still takes some effort, at least they are not in any danger. Life can't be too demanding everywhere, can it? Can't you expect them to fall apart?

Who knows, just when Ouyang Feng thought so, a spirit of the dead suddenly came up and said to Ouyang Feng:

"excuse me, dear Terran, do we just need to be broken up?"

Ouyang Feng was stunned, then nodded:


"Well Do you think this is OK? Let's do it ourselves, dismantle each other, and then if there are unqualified ones, you can make up for them twice. In this way, the speed should be faster! "

Ouyang Feng opened his mouth wide. He just said that the requirements of life should not be too high, so the undead taught him a lesson. However, the other party said so, and he was embarrassed if he didn't agree. Can't he say that we just like to tear apart bones?

So Ouyang Feng reluctantly controlled his emotions and nodded gently:

"so Of course

Hearing Ouyang Feng's words, the undead immediately turned back and waved his two withered arms upward. As a result, the original neat team of the forgotten army suddenly became confused. They broke up one by one, and they didn't defend each other. They just focused on breaking each other's bones.

I hope the soldiers of the expeditionary army are looking at this scene with wide eyes. Their mouths are growing up one by one. They already feel that the scene of the undead demolishing their houses a few days ago is enough to shock them. Unexpectedly, the undead demolishing their bones makes their brains almost blank.

It has to be said that the way of the forgotten is really efficient. In just a few minutes, ouyangfeng turned into a white bone square in front of them. However, the undead were all demolished one-on-one, so they were not clean. Basically, they were all left with a head and an arm.

As a result, Ouyang Feng waved his hand and hoped that the expeditionary army would come forward immediately and carry out the final finishing work. Although there were millions of forgotten and less than 100000 expeditionary soldiers, on average, one person was only responsible for more than ten.

Of course, it's impossible for all the people to be in place immediately, so it took two hours for the expeditionary army to finish the work!!

And the standard of completion, of course, is determined by Ouyang Feng. When he sees the green light spots on the bones, it's a great success!!

And then, naturally, it's the harvest season. In the previous leisurely days, the hope expeditionary army has counted the number and strength, and has allocated the number of souls released by each person.

Now it's time to release the soul, so with Ouyang Feng's order, all the hope expeditionary forces, whether ordinary soldiers or core members, even Qiu Jian, have joined the ranks of releasing the soul.

Although Qiu Jian's level has exceeded level 10, he is also a member of the hope expeditionary army. He can't be allowed to watch. Moreover, Taiyi of the Eastern Emperor said that level 11 is only a pseudo God level, and there is a god level above it.

Therefore, it is not Ouyang Feng who is stingy and refuses to let Taiyi release her soul, but Taiyi who insists on it.

When the action of releasing souls began, hundreds of thousands of souls suddenly floated on the scene. The green light flickered, which looked quite spectacular and charming. They were used to seeing the dark red scenery in the land of divine punishment, and suddenly saw such a large green light, which made Ouyang Feng intoxicated.

However, they were soon attracted by the various reactions of the souls of the dead. As soon as the souls were released, they were venting their emotions. Although the hope corps had seen this scene many times, this time, they were still sad

And in the side has been quietly looking at the East emperor Taiyi, this time is looking at them, from time to time to look up at the sky, face actually has a proud expression.

"Hey, hey! Unexpectedly, we can cheat. I don't know if you are crazy now! "

At this time, in the mysterious space, the four monitors are also quarreling with each other

"Terran, this is obvious cheating. In the end, the more than one million undead did not make them exert any strength at all. On the contrary, it will make their strength get a huge leap! For other races, it's not fair at all! "No. 4 yelled:

"they should be punished!"

"Why punish?"

No.2 shakes his head, looks at the hope expeditionary army that is releasing its soul on the big screen, and says:

"that Xuanyuan space, we can't deprive it from any human body temporarily, and we don't dare to enter his space to take things from it. Once we enter, it will lead to the collapse of that space!"

"So! This should be the normal procedure for them! Besides, how do you punish? They are now in the land of punishment. What can you do? Will they also become the dead? "

"I think number two is right!"

No. 3 also said:

"the Xuanyuan sword is the thing of the Terran. They use their own things, bring weapons and fighters in, and use the characteristics of that space to make the undead know that they can release their souls. This is also their ability. Other races can only blame themselves for not being able to study this kind of space."

"Besides, the primitive star has existed for so many years that no one has the courage to break the rule we left behind. As soon as they arrive, they directly break the balance of the primitive star and open the front task of endless road. This is also their ability. Do other races have such courage?"

"Especially next, they will fight against all the races of primordial star with the strength of one race. If they don't improve their strength, what will they take to go on the endless road?"


No. 2 is still not satisfied:

"is it too cheap for them to pass the test and really open the endless road? In the land of divine punishment, not only did they not lose much, but their strength also increased so much, which is a little bit.... "

"Alas! You'd better stop fighting! "

No.5 also joined in at this time:

"I also think Terran is a bit suspected of cheating, but..."

Here, No. 5 looked at No. 1, who had been silent all the time, and then said:

"we are just supervisors. The controllers didn't speak. What do we worry about? What's more, Terrans are absolutely different from other races. You didn't find that since Terrans... "

"All right!"

No. 1 finally spoke and interrupted No. 5:

"you want to die, don't take us with you, and you can measure the controller by yourself? If you want to continue, say it yourself, don't let us hear it! "

When he heard No. 1 speak, others stopped talking, especially No. 5. After being reminded by No. 1, he broke out in a cold sweat and looked around in fear. In fact, he just wanted to lead No. 1 to speak, but because of carelessness, he almost got into trouble.

"Well What shall we do now? "

After a moment's silence, the fourth asked in a low voice.

"What to do?"

No. 1 looked at No. 4:

"the controller has new instructions?"


Number four shook his head.

"That's all right? Go on, do whatever you want, as long as you don't violate the rules of the founders, whatever they do! Remember who we are - we are just monitors! It's better not to do it at will, otherwise, when the founder drops the punishment, don't blame me for not reminding you! "

"I see!"

The other four agreed together. Then, they looked at the screen again and changed the picture to the original Star

At this time, I hope the expeditionary army will finally release all the souls and fulfill the promise they made to the forgotten!

Of course, after receiving the gifts of those souls, the strength of the hope expeditionary army has also been greatly improved. Moreover, because they were distributed according to their grades before, this time, for the first time in history, the strength of the hope expeditionary army is not much different.

After releasing more than two million souls, the number of people who want to reach level 11 in the expeditionary army is close to three figures, especially Qiu Jian and Ou Yangfeng, who have reached the peak of level 11. Xiaowu, No.7 and Duan Lei Lufeng have also broken through the shackles and reached the level of level 11.

The rest of the hope expeditionary army, except that there are more than 10000 people, may be due to limited talent, still stay at the top of level 9, the others have all reached level 10.

Even in the heyday of the human race, there is absolutely no such strength!!

Looking at the hope expeditionary army, the Eastern Emperor laughed and murmured:

"it seems that the ultimate test should begin immediately!"

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