With that, Ouyang Feng calmly looked at the front, and gently spit out two words:

"let's go!"

I hope the expeditionary army has started their journey again, but now they are still on the same road as they did yesterday. Only, compared with yesterday, they have lost 42 brothers

When they started from their home star and entered the portal, the total number of them was more than 110000. Now, along the way, more than 10000 soldiers have fallen on their way and fallen into eternal sleep.

This is not the end. In the future, some of them will fall down one after another. However, as Ouyang Feng said, even if there is only one person left, they should stick to it and finish the road

After marching for more than three hours, they passed the forgotten camp they met yesterday and the place where they fought yesterday.

The hope expeditionary army in the March turned its head and looked at the place where the souls of the soldiers disappeared. For a long time, it was unwilling to look away, although there was nothing there.

However, with the progress of the team, that area finally disappeared in their sight

Duan Lei looks at Ouyang Feng's back. He has a complicated look in his eyes. He knows that Ouyang Feng has too much on his back, but none of them can take the responsibility for Ouyang Feng. No one can replace Ouyang Feng in the hope expeditionary army.

Although Ouyang Feng is not very good at commanding the troops, most of the time, he is a pioneer or a fire brigade. The soldiers are basically under the command of Lu Feng and Tang Haotian.

But as long as there is Ouyang Feng, those soldiers seem to have infinite strength and confidence to win. Therefore, Ouyang Feng's heart is the soul of the hope expeditionary army!

Duan Lei is very glad that yesterday's attack did not knock down Ouyang Feng. As long as he does not fall down and can advance with the hope expeditionary army, then nothing can stop the hope expeditionary army.

This day's march was not very peaceful, perhaps because they destroyed the camp of the forgotten, so the monsters in this area became active.

They can't hunt the undead, but they obviously hope that the expeditionary army is not among them. Therefore, Lin Li's long-awaited time has finally come when he can finally test his control ability.

They met three groups of monsters, among them, a group of about hundreds of white wolf monsters, the most terrifying. The Eastern Emperor called them wind wolves, all of which were wind monsters. They not only acted quickly, but also could spit out wind blades in their mouths for long-range attacks.

In order to deal with them, the soldiers who have the defense ability have exhausted all their strength to protect their comrades, almost all of them with injuries.

Fortunately, they are only a few hundred in number, and they are not big. They are only one meter tall and two meters long. In the eyes of the hope expeditionary army who have seen rhinoceros, they can only be regarded as small!

In particular, they sacrifice their defense to strengthen their speed. Therefore, even ordinary weapons can hurt them. In addition to Ouyang wind's cold ice ability and Duan Lei's thunderstorm, these wind wolves didn't bring them too much trouble.

Here I really want to thank Taiyi of the East emperor, because these wind wolves are very cunning. They rushed to them and released the wind blade collectively. If Taiyi of the East Emperor didn't remind them in advance, I'm afraid that the attack of the wind blade would have caused them heavy losses!!

After being reminded, the soldiers of the defense department all blocked in front and directly used their bodies to resist the first attack of the wind wolf. Although a large number of soldiers were injured due to the dense wind blades, there was no death.

Then, all the agile soldiers rushed into the storm group. With Ouyang Feng's cold ice ability and Duan Lei's and thunderstorm's thunder ability, they killed most of the wind wolves directly with their long-range attack.

The wind wolf, a social monster, once the formation is broken up, a single wind wolf will not be afraid. A single wind blade, even an agile warrior, will not die as long as it is not a fatal place.

It took about half an hour for the hope expeditionary army to wipe out all these wind wolves. In front of the hope expeditionary army, which can fly most of the city, these wind wolves have no chance to escape at all.

Lin Li finally took this opportunity to verify the words of Taiyi. Sure enough, after being recognized by the heaven and earth rules of the land of divine punishment, his mental control was finally restored.

Twenty wind wolves, neatly arranged in the rear of rhinoceros, these wind wolves are the largest selected by Lin Li, among which there is the wolf king with golden fur and bigger body than all wind wolves!

But unfortunately, after the wolf king was controlled by Lin Li, he lost the power to rule the wolves, which made Lin Li very disappointed. Originally, he thought that after he controlled the wolf king, he could take over the whole wolves.

So the wolf king was the first one Lin Li took in. Although Lin Li could not fly because of his strength, he let two soldiers with defense skills pull him into the air to take in the wolf king.It is also because the wolf king was accepted by the forest as soon as he came up, so the wind wolf group was leaderless, which made it so easy to be annihilated by the hope expeditionary army. Therefore, the forest battle was the most meritorious one.

Of course, the most important thing is that if the scene was not too chaotic just now, Lin Li might be able to take in more wind wolves, but 20 are enough. They don't have to stay in the land of divine punishment for long. They should have enough time to let Lin Li perform his powers!!

As for the next two groups of monsters, there are only about 20. One is similar to the blind bear, and the other is a small cat.

The monsters like Xiong blind are super defensive. Even Ouyang Feng's Xuanyuan sword can't kill them with one strike. Therefore, this battle mainly relies on Qiu Jian to kill them. Moreover, because of this kind of monsters, their action ability is super slow. If Ouyang Feng didn't want to kill them and store a little food for the hope expeditionary army, he wouldn't care about them at all, because it's so slow They couldn't catch up with the normal marching speed of the expeditionary army.

Originally, Lin Li didn't want to subdue this kind of monster, although their defense is almost invincible, and their strength is incomparable. In addition, they are also huge, and they are nearly four meters tall, so they are excellent meat shields.

However, their moving speed is too slow, which is not suitable for the current way of fighting while marching.

However, Ouyang Feng still made Lin Li take in the three giant bear monsters. Their defense should be used when dealing with the undead. Although they are limited by the place of divine punishment and can't deal with the forgotten, it's good to use them as meat shields to attract fire when fighting!

As for the speed is slow and can't keep up with the team of hope corps, Ouyang Feng is not worried about this, because the Eastern Emperor Taiyi said before that monsters in the place of divine punishment can be directly received in Xuanyuan space, so this is not a problem.

In particular, anyway, they just accept it. Even if there is any accident in Xuanyuan space, Ouyang wind doesn't have any loss.

After Lin Li took in three giant bear monsters, Ou Yangfeng put them into Xuanyuan space directly. Then he checked them with his consciousness and found that after they were taken into Xuanyuan space, these giant bear monsters fell into a state of suspended animation, as if they were hibernating, curled up on the ground and did not move!

After feeling the steady fluctuation of life on them, Ouyang Feng was relieved. It seems that Taiyi is right. These guys really have no problem in Xuanyuan space.

Ouyang Feng wanted to have a try when Taiyi of the Eastern Emperor just said it. But at that time, there was only one rhinoceros in linli. Besides the problem, it was estimated that linli would cry to death. Therefore, Ouyang Feng suddenly remembered seeing this giant bear monster that linli didn't want to accept.

As for the cat, its name is lightning weasel. Just by listening to its name, we know that this monster belongs to the agility department. In fact, these guys are faster than Ouyang Feng, who doesn't have the ability to launch strong wind. So Lin Li took eight of them directly. These little guys are not strong in combat, but they are good for Scouts choice!

In more than three hours of darkness, ouyangfeng found a hill. Although there was still a lot of time, ouyangfeng was not in a hurry to go. In case of encountering the forgotten army, once they entered the battle, they would be in great danger.

The spirits of the dead are not afraid of the dark, but they can't, so after seeing the hill, ouyangfeng directly ordered to camp and get ready to rest

After taking out the giant bear monster for dinner, Ou Yangfeng came to Taiyi and said, "how many small camps are there before we reach the biggest camp of the forgotten?"

Ouyang Feng wants to meet more undead. Although it is dangerous for the undead, the most important thing for them now is to improve their strength as soon as possible. At least, the soldiers of hope Corps who can't fly because of their level should have the ability to fly.

Only in this way can the casualties of the hope expeditionary army be reduced as far as possible in the battle!!

"Little camp?"

Donghuang Taiyi shook his head:

"I don't know about this, because the other camps of the dead, except for the biggest camp, are random. They are still there today, and they may move away tomorrow. As you can see, their camp is quite crude, so it's no trouble for them to move home..."

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