In this case, it's natural to take those Terran small fighters. As long as other people wake up their hair's ability, the fighters will be piloted!!

Moreover, Ouyang Feng went to Gao Zhixing and asked for the space warship that had been left on the parent star. Of course, in exchange, Ouyang Feng sent him one hundred small fighters of the hope.

As for the hope, of course, it needs to stay in the hope empire!

Gao Zhixing agreed to the deal without hesitation. Although one spaceship and so many small fighters only brought in 100 small fighters, at least these small fighters can be used. Therefore, for Gao Zhixing, the deal is not a loss!!

While other people are playing, Ouyang Feng has been running around, preparing for the implementation of the ancient secret place in the future. During this time, Ouyang Feng never tires of asking Taiyi and Fuxi about the secret place and the original Star!

However, what disappointed Ouyang Feng was that they were able to explain the situation of the original Star more than 20000 years ago in detail. They had never been in the ancient secret place or ancient passage, so what they said was what they heard. That is to say, they could not determine what the real situation was like in the remote secret place!!

In this case, Ouyang Feng no longer asked, just according to their own ideas, to prepare what they need, this thing is originally only he can do, because only he has Xuanyuan space, can hold a lot of materials!

In addition, Ouyang Feng specially asked Gao Zhixing to find someone to help him build a lot of cold weapons. Although there are a lot of hot weapons on the parent star, Ouyang Feng did not plan to equip all his soldiers with hot weapons. After all, ammunition and other weapons will not be replenished after they start their journey.

However, Ouyang Feng still equipped everyone with a complete set of thermal weapons, including heavy sniper gun or machine gun, automatic step pistol and grenade!

This is Ouyang Feng's in case of waiyi. In any case, Gao Zhixing will give him as much as he wants. In return, Ouyang Feng has strengthened Gao Zhixing's family and some of his supporters into an evolutionist.

Anyway, even if they become evolutors, there is no threat to the hope empire. Now Gao Zhixing and Ouyang Feng are in the honeymoon period. The more stable his position is, the more popular the hope empire will be.

Of course, Ouyang Feng issued a strict order in the hope Empire, absolutely forbidding any subjects of the hope Empire to bully others based on their own identity and strength. As long as the subjects of the hope Empire violate the laws of other countries in other countries, they don't need other people's help, and the law enforcement team of the hope empire will deal with them.

Fortunately, these people in the hope Empire still belong to the category of "that is, when I'm half asleep, it's over. How can I sleep in the back?"

"Alas! Now the speech is becoming more and more unprofessional. I should give him a wake-up call! "

"Yes! If it ends suddenly, it's really easy to wake everyone up. It's not good! "

"I've recorded your words. I'll play them to my head later!"

"Damn it! Are you too insidious? "

"Let him go. I'm sure he will be the first one to hit him after listening! If you don't stop this kind of attack on the great leader and record it, do you want to spread it? "


Hearing the comments, Duan Lei and others fell down with laughter, and the Mars trio fell down on the ground with laughter

They did not expect that Ouyang Feng's pre war mobilization would have such an effect!

In the distance, Ouyang Feng is at the top of a building. He looks at them quietly. He knows what these guys are talking about, but he is not angry at all.

Ouyang Feng only hopes that when he grows old, he can see these guys talking about himself behind his back like now , the fastest update of the webnovel!