After ouyangfeng and Liu wanting finished washing and preparing for a rest, a knock came outside the door. To Liu wanting's surprise, ouyangfeng didn't seem to feel any accident. He just went to open the door with a smile. Then, he didn't let the man into the room. After talking at the door for more than ten minutes, ouyangfeng was alone Return again.

Liu wanting didn't ask much about it. She knew that Ouyang Feng would tell her what she should know, and she didn't want to ask more about what she shouldn't know

The next day, hope empire is still carnival, but those new hope base cores, led by Ouyang Feng and others, go to see the entrance of the ancient secret place.

When they saw the strange circle, they also felt strange. Later, Ouyang Feng asked the people to step back and activate the entrance of the secret place again. When the water curtain appeared, the people called it strange.

After leaving the entrance of the secret place and returning to the Yanhuang Empire again, within a week, ouyangfeng, Duan Lei, Fuxi and others began to discuss the candidates for entering the secret place. At this stage, Fuxi and Taiyi of the Eastern Emperor were basically proposing, while ouyangfeng and them were just listening to each other.

After all, these two people are the ones who really understand the original star. Ouyangfeng, they have never seen the appearance of the original star at all. They are totally unfamiliar with it, so they can only listen to their opinions.

After Fuxi's introduction, ouyangfeng finally understood the status of the original star, and had a general understanding of the preparation and personnel allocation before entering!

Primordial star, as the first born planet in the universe, and the birthplace of all intelligent creatures, in fact, the environment above is not very good.

Although primordial star is huge and rich in resources, it is relatively barren because it has existed for a long time and there are too many intelligent creatures on it.

In Fuxi's words, even the parent star or Atlantis will have a better environment than the original Star!!

Because there are a lot of resources, which are consumable and non renewable, the competition for resources on primordial star is quite fierce, which is why most intelligent races finally choose to leave primordial star, leaving only the following ethnic groups on primordial star to ensure the continuity of their race.

It is said that when the primordial star was at its peak, space warships such as Yanhuang were flying all over the sky, high-rise buildings were everywhere, and cities were almost all over the primordial star.

However, with the lack of resources, coupled with the consumption and destruction of resources, the peak period of primitive star declined rapidly.

They don't know what the original star is now, but at least they know that when they leave, the original star is close to returning to the original!

The fighting between different races began to turn from large weapons to small weapons, and finally from hot weapons to cold weapons.

Because if we continue to use warships, even if we win, the spoils we get may not be enough to consume.

It's a pity that it's too late for the intelligent races on the primordial star to understand this truth. Due to excessive exploitation and squandering, the resources on the primordial star are nearly scarce.

Because the original star can only go out but not enter, this method of going out to plunder resources is not suitable for the original star. Therefore, resources have become the most important reason restricting the development of all intelligent races on the original Star!!

This is also the reason why human beings are finally forced to leave the primordial star, because the most powerful thing of the Terran is wisdom and unparalleled technology. When the resources are sufficient, it can be said that the Terran is even the overlord of the primordial star.

However, as the weapons of war began to degenerate due to the lack of resources, the advantages of human beings began to gradually lose. When the war entered the era of cold weapons, the Terran finally began to decline, and finally Announced to quit the original Star!!

There's no way. Like the ghosts of the universe, they can rely on swallowing other lives to recover their injuries and replenish their physical strength. This may not be of any use in the high-tech war, because the enemy will not give you the chance to get close at all.

But in the era of cold war, this advantage has been fully reflected!!

In Fu Xi's narration, there are many intelligent races whose intelligence is no higher than that of the human race, and they do not have much high technology. However, when the resources are exhausted, these races begin to rise one after another and declare war on the race that once ruled them.

Therefore, although Ouyang Feng has a lot of life energy now, when they arrive at primordial star, they may have to give up the current combat mode and switch to close combat.

Of course, Yanhuang still needs to carry it, because Ouyang Feng doesn't intend to stay in the original star forever. He entered the original star just for the sake of chaos!!

After a detailed understanding of the original star, combined with the suggestions of Fuxi and donghuangtaiyi, ouyangfeng finally began to study the list of the original starsAlthough there is no limit on the number of people entering the ancient secret place, Ouyang Feng and Duan Lei are still not ready to take too many people in this time, because the original star is in a mess.

The lack of resources has led to the retrogression of social civilization, and because of the competition for resources, naturally there are more wars on the original star. Especially because of the retrogression of war weapons, the scale of war becomes smaller, so the frequency of war becomes more frequent!!

Although Fuxi and Taiyi thought that they knew the original Star more than 20000 years ago, the original star now can only be more chaotic than before!!

Therefore, compared with Atlantis, the environment on the primordial star will only be more cruel!

It's quite difficult for people who have managed to get rid of the nightmare of the end of the world and return to the civilized society to go to a planet that is more cruel than the end of the world.

In particular, they have been living on the parent star for a year now. If they have just arrived at the parent star, they have not fully integrated into the life of the parent star. It may be easier for them to leave. As for now, they are used to the life on the parent star.

And now the hope Empire, in the parent star, can be regarded as the first power!!

Any member of the Empire who wishes to travel abroad will be envied by others. One is that they are all good at reaching out, which is not comparable to the human beings on the parent planet.

Another reason, of course, is that they hope that the plants and potions of the Empire are just daily food for them, but in other countries, even at Gao Zhixing's table, they can't all be this kind of food.

Fortunately, Ouyang Feng didn't expect to take all the people away. He must go to the original star, and Liu wanting and Duan Lei will certainly go. As for other people, they will go on a voluntary basis. Even if there is no one else, Ouyang Feng himself will go to the original star for a walk.

At least let Liu wanting absorb some chaos and restore the function of her hair. He can't accept it. Her appearance hasn't changed, but Liu wanting is getting old day by day

Of course, Liu wanting will never accept it.

Therefore, in the initial list, only ouyangfeng, Liu wanting, Fuxi, duanlei and No. 7, as well as meat, mutant queen bee and mutant willow were included.

As for other people, whether they go or not, they all choose. Ouyang Feng will never assign them!!

After eating the body of the mother's nest guard, Rourou, a suckling cat, has become quite fierce. Now it has reached the strength of a level 8 creature.

Of course, Ouyang Feng didn't bring it with him just to increase his own fighting power, but because Rourou, a mutant beast, is different from the mutant beasts on the parent planet that were researched by Chris.

Chris, their research direction is mainly for meat or ornamental pets, so these mutants are not aggressive. Meat is different. Who knows if its offspring will be the same mutants as it. If so, it may destroy the ecological balance of the parent star after several generations.

Take willow and mutant queen bee, naturally also out of this consideration, biological invasion, is absolutely a devastating disaster!!

After determining the initial list, Ouyang Feng counted all the people of the hope Empire who were qualified to enter the original secret place, and then told them exactly what happened on the original star.

At least, these people can know what they will get and what kind of danger they will face when they enter the primordial star.

Moreover, Ouyang Feng also made it clear that the danger he said existed on the primitive star 20000 years ago. Now, the situation may be worse than that.

In other words, if they enter the primordial star, there is a great chance that they will die!!

To be honest, Ouyang Feng doesn't want too many people to enter the primitive star. After all, he experienced the end of the world personally, and the primitive star may be more cruel and dark than the end of the world. He is unwilling to experience these things again for those who don't like fighting

After finishing these tasks, Ouyang Feng officially announced that all the people would be given one month to consider. One month later, the registration deadline would be closed, and ten months later, they would start to set out! Into the original secret , the fastest update of the webnovel!