Seeing the fighter plane disappear, jiusilong sits on the ground. Now he can be sure that Mulia cottage is completely finished this time.

Even Gao Zhixing is here now.

In particular, Gao Zhixing is still going down with Park Yisheng.

Although jiusilong and the people of Mulia stronghold never went down to the bottom of the cliff.

However, even if you want to, jiusilong can think of what kind of situation is below.

Bone mountain accumulation, like hell

Jiusilong sat on the ground and looked at the people who stayed above. Among these people, jiusilong saw many familiar faces.

The commander-in-chief of the home star's Freedom League guard, the chairman of the Freedom League global security committee, the Freedom League global monitor and so on are all quiet like rabbits, standing there waiting.

As for the policemen who brought them before, they have been staying away for a long time now, and even dare not go out of the atmosphere.

Who dares to move? Didn't you see that even their national chief inspector was standing there as honest as a pupil who was punished?

Maybe it's because jiusilong and others have been living in great fear since ouyangfeng and them went down, so they feel that this period of time seems to be very long

This It's the theory of relativity put forward by a famous scientist - when you spend a good night with a beautiful woman, time flies.

And when you are beaten by this beautiful husband with a knife, you will feel that every second is quite long

Now jiusilong is in this mood. He doesn't know what kind of end he and his people will get.

Death is not terrible, terrible It's the time waiting for death!!

Just after jiusilong felt as if a century had passed, the small fighter plane finally appeared on the cliff again

Park Yisheng, the country's Consul, was the first to jump off the plane.

In fact, Gao Zhixing's next visit is mainly to let this park Yisheng see the following situation with his own eyes.

Although Gao Zhixing has seen the following situation through the video that Ouyang Feng sent him before.

But, after all, it's in park's country, even though their free alliance is quite strong on the home planet.

But after all, it's not good to directly attack the people of this country without even calling!

After jumping off the small fighter plane, park Yisheng didn't stop and fell to the ground with a plop because his legs were weak.

The ruling officials of the Republic of Kari, seeing their consuls sitting on the ground, rushed forward to help them and looked at each other. No one knew what had happened.

Gao Zhixing stands on the small fighter plane, his face is black and blue, glaring at jiusilong and others on the ground.

Although he has seen videos before, the impact of video images and real scenes is definitely not the same level!!

He originally just wanted to let Park Yisheng have a look at the following.

Because he didn't send the video Ou Yangfeng sent to him to park Yisheng.

After all, the picture in the video is too shocking, once spread out, I'm afraid it will cause an uproar!!

Although there are many countries on the parent star, two of the three giants of the human race fell after the parent star fled the original galaxy.

The last Fuxi also left his home planet, and Pangu, the then leader of the Terran race, was expelled by the Supreme Council.

Since then, the members of the Supreme Council have naturally controlled the whole planet!

Therefore, for more than 20000 years, the Council of the liberal alliance has been exercising the highest power.

However, because of this, there was no large-scale conflict between countries on the parent star.

It's usually a small local war. If it's bigger, the liberal alliance will step in.

Therefore, it can be said that human beings rarely die in war on the parent star. Since there is no large-scale war, there will be no large-scale human death.

The cliff below may be the place where so many ghosts appear for the first time in the whole parent star.

Even people like Ouyang Feng, who came from the end of the world, felt that there was some terror below, not to mention the guys like Gao Zhixing and park Yisheng, who may not have seen several corpses in their life.

"On Your excellency! What should we do? "

Park Yisheng, who finally recovered after a while, turns around with the help of the people and looks at Gao Zhixing, who is still standing on the plane.

The scene he saw before really scared him. Moreover, he knew that this matter was no longer his decision.

Anyway, Gao Zhixing is here, so let him make the decision.

However, Pu Yisheng knows that no matter what kind of punishment the Mulia will get in the end, he is doomed to resign as a consul!In his country, there has been such a thing, and I don't know how many years it has existed.

It's no wonder that there have been reports of missing persons before, and many of them have come to rob Tianshan.

But at that time, they all found those missing people, and there were records of leaving Duotian mountain. In addition, Duotian mountain was the territory of Mulia people.

For this race, they don't want to provoke too much, especially the special situation of seizing Tianshan Mountain, which makes Park Yisheng not pay too much attention here.

Now, I'm afraid he can't carry the pot.

As the head of state, he knows very well what kind of repercussions will be caused if everything under the cliff is disclosed.

I'm afraid even Gao Zhixing will be attacked by some public opinions, but after all, Gao Zhixing has been the supreme speaker for so many years.

It has been deeply rooted for a long time, and it can be said that Gao Zhixing is not the person directly responsible for this incident. Even from the Freedom League, the global security committee is also responsible for this incident.

He is the consul of the Kari Republic, not to mention that he is responsible for such sensational cases in his country.

"Lao Li! Are the troops assembled? "

After hearing Park Yisheng's words, Gao Zhixing didn't answer directly. Instead, he turned to Li Lijun, commander in chief of the Freedom League guard, and asked.

"Report to the speaker! The whole army has already assembled! Now Duotian mountain has been surrounded by all our people. As long as you give an order, the army will arrive at our present position in ten minutes! "

Li Lijun said loudly after saluting Gao Zhixing on the plane.

"It's over!"

Hearing the conversation, jiusilong seemed to lose all his strength and lay on the ground like a dead dog.

He knows that this is Gao Zhixing, the supreme speaker of the Freedom League, who sentenced the Mulia people!!

In the home star, the Freedom League guard rarely makes a move. Once they make a move, at least it means that this matter is probably not too small!!

Although it is a guard in name, as a policeman, jiusilong is quite clear that the Freedom League guard is definitely the most powerful army on the planet.

They don't belong to any country, they only obey the orders of the free alliance, and everyone has the right to live and die!!

Generally speaking, they only sent out a small team every time, just a dozen people.

But now, just now, jiusilong clearly heard what the commander-in-chief of the convoy said - the whole army has assembled!!

Jiusilong didn't know the specific number of the total number of guards, but he was sure that it would not be less than 50000!!

The most elite soldiers on the 50000 parent star are now all gathered at the foot of Duotian mountain. Is it possible that they are only used to deal with dozens of miscellaneous fish?


Gao Zhixing yelled, then waved his hand:

"they all come up!"


The commander-in-chief of the convoy stood at attention again, then nodded to a general sitting in a military vehicle behind him.

The general quickly raised the communicator he had held in his hand and gave orders to it!!

This military vehicle is much more advanced than the hurricane driven by ouyangfeng before, but its communication still can't get far in this mountain.

Fortunately, Li Lijun had expected this for a long time, so every other section of the way, he left a military vehicle to communicate with the people at the foot of the mountain!

"Ouyang! I'm afraid I'm going to trouble you today! "

Gao Zhixing turned to Ouyang Feng again:

"although we can solve the problem ourselves, the time may be longer. I'm afraid that after a long time, there will be other changes!"

"No problem! Let your convoy throw away all the heavy weapons and just come up and take people with you! "

Ouyang Feng nodded and said that he didn't intend to stay out of the affair at all:

"but If I play forward, how many people will die I can't manage it! "

"Just let it go!"

When Gao Zhixing heard Ou Yangfeng's words, he didn't hesitate. He nodded directly, and even had a fierce look on his face:

"even if you add up all the members of their Mulia clan, there are no more grievances below!"

"Good! Then I don't have any scruples! "

Ouyang Feng also nodded, but then turned to look at the cliff they had just gone down. Suddenly, a ray of light flashed in his eyes:

"I suddenly felt For these people, killing can't be used to solve the problem. "


Gao Zhixing is stunned, and then looks at Ouyang Feng. In his impression, although Ouyang Feng is very young, this guy is definitely not a soft hearted master."Together?"

Ouyang Feng did not explain, just pointed to his fighter asked.

"Of course!"

Gao Zhixing quickly jumped into the small fighter plane again, ready to see how Ouyang Feng would treat those bloody executioners , the fastest update of the webnovel!