The main reason that prompted the commander of the space fleet to issue this order was naturally the promise made by the ghost headquarters to him before -

as long as the Terran warship was destroyed, he would be promoted!!

In this case, as long as we can really destroy this Terran warship, even if all the warships of his space fleet are destroyed here.

For the commander of the space fleet, this is also a business that only makes money but does not lose money!!

As long as he can go one step further, he will be able to enter the real management of the ghost of the universe!

At that time, spaceship, that's not what he wants.

Although as the commander of the space warship, it looks very beautiful.

But always with the fleet in the war, not only did not have the opportunity to reunite with their families, but also always in danger.

Maybe some time, it will fall because of an accident!!

Just like this guy, after the Xuanyuan incident, he will be punished. Maybe he will not only lose his position as fleet commander, but also be sent to the military court!

Although his defeat was mainly due to the rebellion of another fleet commander, bik, Xuanyuan!

No! Xuanyuan was originally a Terran, but disguised as a ghost of the universe, so it can not be said to be a mutiny.

Moreover, bick's position was appointed by the headquarters, so strictly speaking, this failure is not the responsibility of Ricas.

However, no one in the headquarters will be responsible for the failure, but since there has been a betrayal, naturally someone will be responsible for it, so It's a black pot. Ricardo's back.

This can only be said to be his bad luck, because it happened that his fleet caught up with it.

In fact, if you change that fleet, the end will not be better than rickas!!

Having foreseen the miserable ending of Ricardo, the commander of the space fleet naturally wants to go further!

There are only 500 space warships in front of us, less than one tenth of our fleet.

But now they only lost dozens of space warships, but they have hit Yanhuang's Shield no less than 20 times!

In this way, if you directly launch a general attack, maybe Have a chance to take care of this Terran warship!

No matter what, this Terran space warship has limited energy. If it is pressed by the whole army, it can be ground to death, unless it has inexhaustible energy!!

As long as it consumes all its energy, the moment it loses its energy shield, it will basically die!

The pathetic commander of the cosmic ghost fleet, of course, doesn't know that his own one, unless it's just right, is what the Terran space warship in front of him has!

Want to consume all the energy that Ouyang wind now stores, eh! They all shot in unison, and if Ouyang Feng didn't do anything to avoid

It is estimated that if you continue to attack for two or three years, you will be able to consume all the life energy stored by Ouyang Feng.

In fact, it can't be blamed for the fleet commander of the cosmic ghost. I'm afraid even Xuanyuan can't imagine that the mother nest of the Devourer created by himself has stored so much life energy!!

Xuanyuan didn't expect that he didn't care much about the ghost of the universe, so he didn't know.

So they just know that the Devourer has been destroyed by this Terran warship. As for the harvest, they don't even think about it!!

Therefore, under the temptation of entering the management, the commander of the cosmic ghost fleet finally made a decision that he would regret for life!

The ghost headquarters of the universe will not know that its original purpose is to motivate its subordinates to make a promise, but it turns out to be the lifeguard of the fleet commander in the end!!

Seeing that all the other warships have come together, Ouyang Feng is very happy. Since he entered the battle, Ouyang Feng has not used all his strength.

Not only the speed, but also the firepower!

Naturally, the ghost of the universe doesn't know. Yanhuang has always used the main guns on both sides of the bow.

Although these two main guns are also main guns, they are not the most powerful firepower on Yanhuang!

Yanhuang's strongest firepower is the Star Destroyer gun in the middle of the bow.

From the name, we can know the power of this main gun!

However, all things are relative. Although this Star Destroyer is powerful, it not only consumes astronomical energy, but also needs five minutes to recharge!

In particular, its biggest weakness is that it cannot be kept for a long time after charging, and it must be launched within a quarter of an hour.

Otherwise, once the huge energy is disordered, it may blow up the chamber directly. Once the chamber is blown up, I'm afraid Yanhuang won't be attacked by the cosmic ghost, and it will be wasted by itself!

The most abnormal condition of the Star Destroyer gun is that the shield cannot be opened during the five minutes of charging.This is also the main reason why the Star Destroyer cannons didn't work when the ghosts of the universe invaded the Terran planet.

At the beginning, there was a flagship space warship, ready to use the Star Destroyer gun, but in the process of charging, it was hit by artillery fire.

Not only did not hurt the enemy ship, but because of the self explosion of the Star Destroyer, the friendly forces around him were injured!!

Therefore, the ghosts of the universe don't know that the Terran actually has a kind of cannon with power beyond their imagination!

Ouyang Feng did not see the power of the Star Destroyer gun, because it consumed too much, so Ouyang Feng did not dare to experiment.

Although according to the instructions of the Star Destroyer gun, Ouyang Feng's life energy stored now is enough for him to launch hundreds or thousands of guns.

However, they still have a lot of things to do in the future, and there is only one devourer mother nest.

After exhausting all the life energy, Ouyang Feng doesn't know where to replenish it.

He is not a devourer or a ghost of the universe. He can't search for life planets one by one, and then kill wantonly in order to plunder life energy.

Therefore, Ouyang Feng has never seen the power of the Star Destroyer. But now he plans to try the power of this weapon which is said to destroy a planet in one shot

Seeing that a large group of space warships behind the other side are pressing up together, Ouyang Feng drives the Yanhuang directly, rushes out of his own warship group and greets them.

Seeing Ouyang Feng rushing towards him, the fleet commander of the ghost of the universe gritted his teeth directly. Regardless of the space warships he had sent out before, he chased Ouyang Feng behind him and gave the order of fire collection directly!!

"All attention, gather fire at once, Terran warships, disobeyers, military law deal with!"

At his command, the commanders of the remaining 400 spaceships were shocked.

Because the order they got before was to destroy enemy ships at all costs.

So after Ouyang Feng piloted Yanhuang to highlight their encirclement, all their warships did not break away from the battle, but closely followed up!

Now this order from the commander of their fleet undoubtedly pits them together.

But they did not dare to evade, because the order was:

"all attention, gather the maximum firepower immediately, Terran warships, those who disobey the order will be dealt with by military law!"

Since it's all of them, naturally they have their own, so none of them dare to turn around and get out of their own firepower.

If they die in battle, at least their families will benefit. If they escape, even their families will be affected.

To be the commander of a warship, or at least a member of a small family, they dare not take the risk!

So, at the next moment, both the space ghost warship behind the Yanhuang and the fleet group in front of the Yanhuang launched the maximum firepower at the same time, and launched a concentrated fire attack on the Yanhuang of Ouyang wind

This attack, compared with the previous one, both in quantity and intensity, directly increased by more than ten times!

This is the advantage of space. If it is on the ground, limited to the terrain, even if more people can enter the battle at the same time, only a few people in the front row can.

In the universe, there is no restriction of terrain and space.

Up and down, left and right, Baba incorrect! This is the soul of the battle, should be, in space, up and down, left and right, everywhere can become the attack position of warships.

So, at this moment, what Ouyang Feng has to face is more than 5000 large, medium and small space warships attacking him at the same time!!

At this time, even Duan Lei, who was fighting with the five space warships in the distance, couldn't help looking this way.

Although I have confidence in Ouyang Feng, after all, it was a fire gathering of more than 5000 warships.

Although Ouyang Feng has inexhaustible life energy, there is a limit to the attack that the energy shield can withstand at the same time.

In the current attack, even if ouyangfeng's Yanhuang is in the middle of the attack, its shield will soon be broken, the ship will be destroyed and people will die

And Ouyang Feng at this time, the spirit is also highly concentrated, staring at those beams of light to their own rays.

Although Yanhuang was controlled by himself, he was not alone on Yanhuang.

There are tens of millions of soldiers and civilians on the Yanhuang.

Once ouyangfeng fails and Yanhuang is destroyed, these people will surely follow themselves and die in space.

Therefore, now Ouyang Feng is holding the lives of tens of millions of people. Of course, he will not take it lightly!

Now Yanhuang is in the middle. In the front, there are more than 5000 space warships. In the rear, there are more than 400 space warships, and these 400 space warships are quite close to him

Moreover, at this moment, all the space warships, whether in the front or in the rear, launched the biggest attack on Yanhuang.The overwhelming energy beam, in an instant, directly submerged Yanhuang.

Even the more than 400 ghost space warships following Yanhuang were not spared, and they were all involved , the fastest update of the webnovel!