What they didn't expect, however, was that the men with the torches had just reached the edge of the square and were not ready to approach the willows.

From the willow trees, hundreds of thousands of bees suddenly flew out, and these bees, one by one, were so big that they were almost the size of chickens!!

And these bees, after flying out, directly point their buttocks at the crowd and fire a lot of needles.

All those holding torches in their hands were hit by acupuncture, and torches fell to the ground one after another.

A few quick responders threw their oil tanks and torches to the willow tree, but they were also directly covered and put out by the bees and the honey dropped from the tree

When the flame goes out, the branches of willow will fall down again and absorb all the honey on the ground. The cooperation between bee and willow is perfect.

Nicholas and others gaped at the spectacle in front of them, and they all felt some incredible.

In their western continent, because of the existence of dark phagocytes, mutant animals and mutant insects did not develop.

So Nicholas, they have never seen the power of these mutant creatures!

Nicholas breathed a sigh of relief as he examined the survivors who had been shot.

These people are just armed with torches or tanks of kerosene.

Although it is red and swollen, it seems a little terrible, but these injuries, for the awakened, obviously will not be fatal, even the arm that was attacked can recover in a few days.

Of course, it's not that the bees can't kill them, but because Ouyang Feng once said that they are not allowed to kill people!!

As for the unfortunate guy at the beginning, it was because the willow couldn't tell whether he was human or not!

Because these guys are from the west continent. They are all white people. They are tall, with blond hair and blue eyes. They also have heavy golden body hair.

In addition, they fought with the people in the hope base at that time and killed some survivors of the hope base, so the willow thought that they were other creatures to invade the hope base.

However, after "eating" the bad guy, willow suddenly found that this guy was no different from those who "ate" him before.

In other words, they are also human beings. So, naturally, they can't be attacked?

It is obvious that other creatures have done much better than human beings in keeping their promises.

So, even after that, Nicholas, they were obviously going to attack the willow tree and burn it, the willow tree and the mutant colony, but they didn't plan to kill these people.

But although they don't kill people, they can't wait to die and let these humans kill them. So, there was the first scene.

"Well What shall we do? "

Nicholas looked at liana and asked.

"These bees Did you just shoot out their tail needles? "

Liana didn't answer Nicholas, but looked at the mutated bee colony that was still flying in the air after the tail needle was shot:

"don't bees die after losing the tail needle? Why are these guys still alive? "


Nicholas sighed:

"this is a mutant bee. Of course, we can't explain it with our previous knowledge!! Have you ever seen a bee the size of a chicken? "

"That's true!"

Liana nodded, then frowned and said:

"why does the wind keep this creature that attacks people here? Isn't this his headquarters? "

"I don't know, maybe Yeah! I don't know! "

Nicholas replied that he originally wanted to say that Ouyang Feng might not be able to kill these mutant creatures, but when you think about it carefully, it seems that Ouyang Feng can't do anything, so he finally replied that he didn't know.

"All back!"

After watching for a while, liana seemed to understand, so she called to the people in front of her.

They didn't know what Brianna meant, but they all went back.

After they retreated, the mutated colonies flying around in the air returned to the hive one after another and disappeared in the dense branches and leaves of willows.

"I think they attack us because we want to attack them."

Liana saw this situation and made her own judgment:

"moreover, they don't seem to want to kill people. Look at the wounds of these people, they shoot through the tail spines of their arms, which are quite sharp and can directly shoot through their arm bones."

"If they want to shoot us through the head, it doesn't seem to take much effort, especially the colony is so large."

Liana pointed to the sun blocking bee colony in the air and said:

"if they want to kill us, they shoot one volley directly at our heads, we may not have any left now!""So as long as we don't attack them, we should be able to make peace with them!"

"Is Before the wind, they did the same thing? "

Nicholas guessed.

"Why don't you just ask one of their people? What are you guessing? "

Oscar said.


As soon as Nicholas patted his head, he immediately asked people to bring some survivors from the eastern continent.

At this time, the survivors of Dongzhou had been scared out of their wits by Nicholas's powerful strength. Naturally, they had something to say.

It's just a pity that these people who stay here are not qualified to enter the blue water garden. Naturally, they don't know the origin of this willow tree.

This willow, however, was taken by Ouyang Feng when he was carrying the level five tortoise, and then brought back. It can be said that it was in the hope base, and the qualification of this willow is quite old.

Even Meng Fei did not join the hope base as early as this willow.

At the beginning, after occupying the Bishui garden, these survivors had suffered a great loss in this willow tree. Fortunately, they all looked similar to ouyangfeng.

So the willow and the mutant bee colony didn't kill. After these people experimented several times, they found that they couldn't solve the problem at all.

These people finally come up with a wonderful way to deal with the willow - walk around!!

It's special! Can't I hide if I can't provoke you?

Moreover, they also found that as long as they did not provoke them, they would not take the initiative to attack.

Originally, the willow and bee colony were responsible for protecting the green water garden.

However, when the army of devours came, Duan Lei knew that the willows and bees had no effect on the devours at all, so he ordered them not to attack.

Of course, Duan Lei didn't forbid them to counterattack their attacking creatures when he ordered.

So, Nicholas, they can successfully capture the blue water garden!

Otherwise, the moment they step into the green water garden, they will be hit by the willows and bees!!

Although the willow now seems that its branches and leaves can not cover the whole blue water garden, but this is because it has not entered the combat state at this time.

If the war really comes, willow's body can soar directly, directly cover the whole blue water garden, even cover the area, and can exceed about one kilometer!!

Because of this, the information about willow that Nicholas got from the survivors in the east continent is basically the same as what Liana guessed.

In fact, there are only four words: don't mess with them!

So, in the later time, Nicholas learned to stay away from the willow, and the willow and the bee colony did not take the initiative to attack anyone.

So gradually, these people living in the blue water garden have forgotten the willow.

But now they see Ouyang wind walking towards the willow, they naturally immediately think of it, so they all loudly remind Ouyang wind.

However, Ouyang Feng didn't pay attention to them. He didn't even turn his head back. He just stretched out his right arm and gently waved, making a gesture to reassure them.

Then, without stopping, Ouyang Feng went straight to the willow

Just as ouyangfeng was about to enter the area covered by willows, a few bees flew out of the tree. These bees were obviously bigger than those who had attacked Nicholas before.

If those bees are as big as chickens, the bees flying out this time are almost as big as geese!

"It's over!"

Nicholas, they close their eyes!

They now know that these bees don't kill people, but they are so big! It shoots the tail thorn to get on, also affirmation is not what is worth remembering matter!

However, after waiting for a while, they did not hear the expected scream, so they all opened their eyes and looked.

"This Is that the hell? "

The scene in front of them made Nicholas want to die!!

Ouyang Feng is sitting on a branch of the willow tree at this time, holding a large piece of honey in his hand, constantly tasting it.

Damn, it's the same person. Why is the gap so big?

Nicholas, they want to cry without tears.

But at this time, Oscar had a whim. He looked at the scene of Ouyang Feng eating honey, and suddenly remembered that he had heard that human beings were raised by other creatures before.

Now I see Ouyang Feng eating honey. I can't help thinking, was Ouyang Feng raised by these bees in this way?

So Oscar looks back at Nicholas and Leanna and asks:

"is he Is it a beeBut at this time, Oscar suddenly forgot how to say the common language of bees, so he replaced it with his own mother tongue.

Therefore, his words became: "is the wind his Bee raised it? "


As soon as Oscar's words came to an end, a huge piece of honey fell directly on his head

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