
With a light sound, the Apocalypse blade cuts into the power system of the mother's nest without delay.

Because the mother's nest is an organism, its dynamic system is actually an organ of its body.

Normally, the dynamic system of the mother nest is very difficult to be destroyed.

Because the body of the mother nest has no idea how much life energy it has stored.

No matter which part of his body is damaged, as long as there is life energy, he can quickly recover from the damage.

But the Apocalypse was just about to restrain the mother's nest.

To repair her own body damage, the mother nest must replenish the life energy in her body before it can repair.

However, after entering the body of the mother's nest, Tianqi began to plunder the life energy in the mother's nest.

It is not only the power system of the mother's nest, but also the life energy stored in the mother's nest is pouring into the apocalypse.

At this moment, the mother nest really panicked.

Because he felt the passing of life energy in his body, and the speed of passing was too fast for him to bear.

Although now Ouyang wind just cut a knife in the power system of the mother nest.

But it is like a pond. When pumping water, no matter where the pump is placed in the pond, the water level of the whole pond will drop after the pump starts to work.


At this time, Ouyang Feng also found that there seems to be something wrong.

Because he just wants to destroy the system in front of him, and then he has to go to other places and continue to destroy it.

And most of all, he needs to get to the place where the Apocalypse was first conceived.

Because according to Ouyang Feng's conjecture, only with the Apocalypse back to his mother's nest breeding place, can really repair Xuanyuan sword!

But ouyangfeng found that even if he wanted to pull the apocalypse out of his mother's nest, he couldn't do it now.

Apocalypse seems to be firmly absorbed by the mother's nest. It can't be pulled out at all. Moreover, a lot of life energy is entering Ouyang Feng's body through apocalypse.

In the past, the Apocalypse can store life energy in the Apocalypse space. Now, the Apocalypse's spirit disappears, which means Ouyang Feng is the apocalypse.

Therefore, the life energy absorbed by apocalypse is not stored in Apocalypse space, but directly enters Ouyang Feng's body.

After waking up the function of hair, Ouyang Feng's strength has improved a lot again, but how huge is the life energy accumulated by the mother nest for so many years?

Ouyang Feng's body simply can't hold it, just when Ouyang Feng is depressed and wants to find a way to let Apocalypse store his life energy in the Apocalypse space as before.

Ouyang Feng suddenly found that all the life energy in his body suddenly rushed to his head.

"This is..."

Ouyang Feng was stunned, and then suddenly remembered that Fuxi had said before that human hair is not only able to operate various control panels, but also the main organ used to store energy in the human body.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Feng ignored these life energies and let them flow into his hair.

After all, Ouyang style wakes up his hair soon, so he really knows a lot about this organ.

At least, Ouyang Feng doesn't know how much life energy his hair can store.

However, Ouyang Feng soon found out that it was wrong.

Because the life energy that enters one's hair soon starts to return again, and then enters the apocalypse. When the energy that returns from one's hair enters the apocalypse, it seems that the Apocalypse is also beginning to change slowly!

So, in the next, Ouyang Feng's body seems to become a bridge between apocalypse and his hair.

From the mother's nest body, a lot of life energy absorbed by the Apocalypse continuously flows into ouyangfeng's body, then through his body, into his hair, and then back to the Apocalypse!

In this way, the life energy forms an energy belt in Ouyang Feng's body, which circulates between the apocalypse and the hair.

And as the Apocalypse continues to absorb the life energy of the mother nest, this energy band is also more and more pure, more and more huge!

At this time, the mother's nest was also extremely frightened. From the Apocalypse inserted into her body, it took only two minutes.

But in the two minutes, the Apocalypse has absorbed more than one tenth of the life energy in its body.

However, what makes the mother nest feel a little more at ease is that the artifact bred by herself is now slowly absorbing the life energy in her body.

But the mother nest is still aware of its great crisis.

Because ouyangfeng is in his body now, the mother nest can't be clearer about ouyangfeng.At this time, the guardians of the mother's nest who have been staying here have come to the location where Ouyang Feng is.

Naturally, they came here to stop Ouyang wind from destroying their mother's nest.

However, when they arrived in front of Ouyang Feng, they found that there was an invisible energy cover around Ouyang Feng.

The attack they launched did not have the ability to destroy the cover which was obviously used to protect Ouyang wind.

After discovering that the guardians of the mother's nest could not stop Ouyang wind, the mother's nest began to summon all the other devours into her own body.

As a result, in the dynamic system of the mother nest, there began to be a constant gathering of phagocytes, but no matter what level of phagocytes, they had no ability to destroy the transparent cover that covered Ouyang Feng.

How does mother's nest know that his existence has long been in the calculation of the old man who gave Xuanyuan sword to Xuanyuan.

It is because of that old man that the mother nest is made by Xuanyuan, and their devourer is just for the sake of all this.

In fact, ouyangfeng and Xuanyuan think things too complicated.

At the beginning, Ouyang Feng didn't have to come to the power system of the mother nest.

As long as he enters the mother's nest, no matter which part of the mother's nest the Apocalypse is inserted into, the Apocalypse will directly begin to devour life energy and prepare to start its own repair process.

In fact, this is just like the ghost of the universe and the Devourer. When they absorb the life energy of another life, they don't care where they catch the creature. Even if they only catch one foot, they can directly suck up the creature.

However, to start the repair process and maintain it, the most important prerequisite is the function of human hair.

In other words, Ouyang wind is the most important link.

The life energy absorbed by the Apocalypse will become more pure after entering ouyangfeng's hair. Only such life energy can be absorbed by the apocalypse and transform itself into the original Xuanyuan sword!

After all, the life energy absorbed by the mother's nest is too complex, and there are all kinds of creatures. After a circle of hair, these energies are equivalent to purification.

And the shield that envelops Ouyang wind is naturally formed by apocalypse.

It uses the life energy from the body of the mother nest. That is to say, the shield can't be broken before the mother nest dies.

Even Xuanyuan and ouyangfeng didn't know the existence of this shield.

Xuanyuan just made the Devourer according to the old man's arrangement, disguised Xuanyuan sword as the artifact of the Devourer, and exiled them to find the surviving Terran.

Even the mother nest of the Devourer had always thought that this Apocalypse was bred by itself.

He didn't know what the function of this weapon was. He just knew that it seemed to be very important to him.

But now the mother nest should understand that this thing is really very important to him, very important!!

And Apocalypse is really taking the life of mother nest now!!

Now the mother nest has nothing to do with Ouyang Feng. Even the devours around Ouyang Feng have stopped attacking.

After all, the Devourer has been dealing with life energy since it was created.

Therefore, for the cover on Ouyang Feng's body, it's easy to see the way it exists.

Now that we know that this thing is actually formed by the life energy absorbed by the apocalypse, the mother nest will not waste her efforts.

In fact, now the mother nest has a way to extricate herself from the predicament. Ouyang Feng is now in the second half of his body.

As a living body, mother nest is totally different from other space warships.

The body of the nest can change shape, and it's all made up of life energy.

Therefore, if mother nest wants to get rid of ouyangfeng now, the easiest way is to give up part of her body.

It's like a gecko with a broken tail. It saves itself by abandoning part of its body.

However, it is obvious that it is not just a "tail" that the mother nest will break now

If the apocalypse in Ouyang Feng's hand has not been absorbing the life energy in his body, the mother nest can change its shape, separate the power system and give up.

But now, apocalypse is absorbing his life energy continuously. In this process, the mother nest has no way to change its shape.

So if you want to use this way to save yourself, the mother nest will have to cut off her waist and give up more than half of her body.

Of course, if it's just like this, the mother nest will not hesitate. After all, she still has a lot of life energy reserves. Even if she loses more than half of her body, she can recover in a short time.Now the main consideration of mother nest is another more fatal thing

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