Because of the position of the Devourer, they are out of range. Although the vehicle missile can hit them, they did not attack.

I hope the people in the base are even more strange now. Why do these guys actually set up defensive positions on the opposite side? It seems that they want to fight with them for a long time.

"This What the hell is going on? "

Lu Feng looked at Tang Haotian and asked.

"I really want to know."

Tang Haotian said with a bitter smile, and then looked at it and returned to Wuwang.

GUI Wuwang was quite smart. He picked up the walkie talkie and yelled: "Xiaolei! Did you see that? These guys are building positions. What shall we do? "

"What to do? Wait

Duan Lei's voice came from the walkie talkie:

"I don't know what these guys think now, but now for us, procrastination should be good for us, as long as we don't wait until half a year later, the mother nest will arrive."

"The madman has no news yet, but I think he will always come back before his mother's nest. Since they don't attack, we'll wait!"

"Well! Understand

GUI Wuwang said to the walkie talkie, then looked at Lu Feng and Tang Haotian:


"Ha ha! Then wait! "

Tang Haotian said after laughing twice, but everyone could hear the depression in his laughter.

Originally, their mission this time was very pleasant. As long as the Devourer launched a large-scale attack as they had expected, they could release all the heavy weapons left here in the shortest time.

How many devours can be killed? Not to say, the spectacular scene alone is enough for them to be excited for a while.

Who knows that now this group of phagocytes, even two kilometers away from their own place, set up a position, which is a bit painful.

At this distance, artillery and rockets can hit, even within the range of seriously injured snipers.

However, artillery and rocket ammunition are limited, and serious injury requires additional powers to effectively kill the Devourer.

It's obviously unwise to reveal the secret that they can add powers to their ammunition so early.

And now they don't know what the purpose of the Devourer is.

Are you ready to spend time with them until the mother's nest comes? Or do you have another plan?

However, as Duan Lei said, the short-term delay is a good thing for hope base.

Because they are waiting for Ouyang Feng's return, it seems that Ouyang Feng has become the symbol of hope base since the establishment of hope base.

It's like Shen Yishan's evaluation of Ouyang Feng that time - only Ouyang Feng is still there, hope base, can we really have hope!!

So Duan Lei's order is right now. No matter what the purpose of his devourer is, as long as they don't attack, they will confront them like this.

Anyway, when ouyangfeng comes back, that guy will always bring surprise. Who knows what he will find behind the mysterious door?

It took the phagocytes a day to get their defense line right. To the exaggeration of the people in the hope base, they even built a camp behind the defense line.

This is obviously meant to fight a protracted war, isn't it? Are they really going to confront themselves here until the mother's nest comes?

Duan Lei is also clear about the action of the Devourer, but his reply is quite simple, that is, one word: "wait!"

Now that they have got Duan Lei's order, Lu Feng and his followers will not have any trouble. So, in the next day, there is no conflict between the devourer and the hope base

"Xiaolei! They seem to have sent people to the other side of the black dragon bridge, and there are still many people, at least two million! "

Early the next morning, Lu Feng and Tang Haotian discovered something wrong, so they immediately informed Duan Lei.

Because they see, a team of phagocytes, quietly leaving their camp, toward the side of the black dragon bridge evacuation.

Although the number is very small each time, who are Lu Feng and Tang Haotian? Of course, this tactic can't deceive them.

Heilongqiao, once the gateway of hope base, has been completely abandoned by hope base.

Because the original intention of designing the black dragon bridge was to resist the tide of zombies.

Now, their enemies are no longer zombies. In fact, there may not be many zombies on the whole planet.

Needless to say, in the western continent and the southern continent, we may not even find a few mutants. In the northern continent, besides the northernmost glaciers, we may not find any mutants, let alone zombies.

As for Dongzhou, there may be zombies. However, with the action of the Devourer towards the black dragon bridge, the zombies in Dongzhou may soon be extinctHowever, what Duan Lei is worried about now is not the zombies. Although they used to be human beings, they are not in the same camp at least now.

Moreover, up to now, even with the addition of Chris, Dr. Gu Changsheng has not developed a method to reverse the zombie virus.

Therefore, those zombies are dead forever, so whether they exist or not, at least now, is no longer under Duan Lei's consideration.

What Duan Lei is worried about now is the human beings scattered in Dongzhou continent

Ouyangfeng has told Duan Lei all about his experience outside last time.

So Duan Lei now knows that there should be at least four waves of human beings in Dongzhou.

Hu Yuhuan and the survivors of the hope base they took away at the beginning are a wave. This wave of people are in the underground fortress of juqing city.

Their trace has long been controlled by hope base, but Duan Lei did not let the two legions of hope base find their trouble.

The second wave of people are the mengtu people who have given ouyangfeng great favor at the beginning. These people are what Duan Lei really cares about.

However, since they have not come to the hope base, Duan Lei naturally has no ability to care about them now.

When Duan Lei got some troops from the devourer and went to the black dragon bridge, he sent Ouyang Sha and Ouyang Sha out of the three small groups.

Duan Lei asked them to go to the mengtu people in huabulu and the Nabo survivors in he Zihao to inform them of the arrival of the Devourer.

Mengtu people are the people who were saved by Ouyang Feng when Ouyang Feng destroyed the Devourer's spaceship.

At that time, Hua Bu left a good impression on Ouyang Feng.

As for he Zihao, they met in the camp of Zhao Ying and Fang Xiaoyun.

At the beginning, because ouyangfeng killed Zhao Ying, they didn't agree to join the hope base, but left by themselves.

But in Ouyang Feng's eyes, he Zihao and the people who left with him were iron men.

At least, they are far more righteous than those who turned to ouyangfeng immediately after seeing Zhao Ying's death in that camp.

Although it is in this end of life, their temperament, will let them have a greater chance of death, but ouyangfeng still like to contact with such people.

As for the last group of people, even Duan Lei is not sure whether they are still alive, because this group of people are equation and the soldiers led by Dai Jianfeng.

Originally, Ouyang Feng and Duan Lei thought that the equation was dead. After all, at that time, the equation and Ouyang Feng were at the center of the simultaneous detonation of two missiles.

Ouyang Feng can survive, now it is clear that the Kali launched the light transmission, saved Ouyang Feng's life.

As for the equation, at the beginning, no one went to protect him. How could he have thought that this guy was so lucky and survived.

When Dai Guo heard the news of the equation, Duan Lei was still a little unbelievable. Finally, Duan Lei nodded after learning that this guy and Dai Jianfeng were missing together.

This is in line with the character of the equation, so, the mysterious guy, naturally, is the equation.

But Duan Lei doesn't care about them, because no matter Hu Yuhuan or Yu Yu, Duan Lei won't feel sad for them when they die.

However, Hua Bulu and he Zihao need to give a warning.

However, it is also a delusion to let them hope for the base now, because the black dragon bridge now belongs to the territory of the Devourer.

Therefore, Duan Lei can only tell Ouyang Sha and Ouyang Sha to hide underground after they are found.

When the Devourer is eliminated, they will go to them.

However, Duan Lei is sure to find these two groups of people. As for he Zihao, Duan Lei can only let ouyangsha try to find them.

It's best to find nature, if not There's no way!

As for Li Yingning, he is the most sure to go out, but now in this state, Duan Lei does not dare to send Li Yingning out.

It's just that Hao Li Yingning is able to single out the existence of a mother's nest guard, and he can also see where the weakness of the mother's nest guard is.

Although No. 7 can do this now, after all, it is a predator who grows up and can be easily found by the nest guards.

So now Li Yingning is still the most important trump card in the hope base. He will never regret playing until the critical moment!!

After three days of confrontation, the phagocytes on the opposite side finally got something

When he saw that the devours had launched an attack, Lu Feng finally felt happy and said, "brothers! get ready! The Devourer is coming to die! Let's give them some color to see see! "

"Damn it!"

Tang Haotian was furious when he looked at the troops attacked by the Devourer camp"Fight the Devourer? I see! We're going to kill the traitors first! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!