"And you, take the plane immediately and call all the people from the north and West continents back!"

The seventh continued to point to the other two devours, and the commander said.

"My Lord! Here we are There's only one fighter. "

One of the Devourer commanders whispered.

No. 7 was stunned. It occurred to him that when he came back on the 11th, he had already sent all his fighters over. Now he has only one fighter.

"Damn it

No. 7 swore in a low voice, then thought about it carefully, waved his hand and said:

"forget it! I'll go to Dongzhou and have a look in person. You stay here. If people from the other two continents come back to inquire about the situation, tell them to withdraw all the people to Nanzhou. "

"Remember! We must make them all withdraw at once. No matter how far they go now, it's like this! "

After giving repeated instructions, No. 7 turned and walked towards the fighter

On the 7th, he didn't walk fast, because he was thinking that the fall of the 19th was quite strange.

The weakest continent, the most cautious mother's nest guard, what happened on the other side of Dongzhou? Will the other two female nest guards be in danger? Are they fighting the enemy who killed number 19? Or are you running away?

These seven don't know, he just feel, his head is about to explode.

Coming to the side of the fighter, No. 7 calmed down a little, then opened the cabin door of the fighter and jumped in.

Just after jumping into the hatch, the body of No. 7 was shocked again, because in the core of his consciousness, the life node of No. 17 disappeared again

"The 17th is dead, too?"

No. 7 murmured:

"what is there in the east continent? Why can't we deal with a million troops and three mother's nest guards? "

After the fall of the 17th, the 7th did not fly to the East mainland immediately, but sat in the middle of the plane, as if waiting for something.

No.7 is waiting to see if No.18 will also die immediately. If No.18 will die in a short time, it means that there are powerful enemies in the East mainland.

If this is the case, if you go forward rashly, even if you have a fighter, you may not be able to get back.

Now that the two mother nest guards have fallen, No. 7 is not at ease, so the commander of the Devourer will fly the fighter to check the situation.

It's nothing if the commander can't come back. The key is to be afraid that the information they bring back is inaccurate.

Isn't it? At the beginning, it was the commander-in-chief of the Devourer who assessed Dongzhou as the weakest of the three continents, so he sent the least troops.

And now, it's just that something happened to the weakest continent they said at the beginning, and two female nest guards died in succession.

I'm afraid the mother nest would not like to see such a loss, because it means that it will take him at least another two thousand years to recover his full strength.

Although the mother's nest has 22 guardians, each time it falls, it will reduce its upper limit of troops by one twentieth.

At present, the maximum force of the mother nest is 10 million. That is to say, if all the one million devours in the west continent die, even if the mother nest comes here, it can't be replenished.

On the 7th, sitting in the fighter plane, quietly waiting to see if the life node of the 18th will be sold after a period of time, while in the universe, rushing to the mother nest of this planet, suddenly stopped.

At this time, the mother nest just to pass through a space stack point, but suddenly found that the 19th life node disappeared.

Of course, the mother nest knows what this means, so she stops in front of the space stack.

Space overlap is a kind of magical and strange existence in the universe.

You know, the universe is so vast that no one knows where the end of the universe is, and no one knows how the universe came into being.

Even at the speed of light, it will take millions of years or more for the mother nest to reach ouyangfeng.

If there is no such space stacking point, then ouyangfeng and they really don't have to worry about it, because when the mother nest comes to their planet, it's hard to say whether their planet still exists.

And the use of space overlap, is in the universe, the best way to go.

The space overlap point is that in the space of the universe, there are often two space points overlapped, and instantly connect the two places which are quite far away.

For example, if you point one point at each end of a piece of paper, the distance between the two points is equivalent to the distance of a piece of paper.

But if you fold the paper in half so that the two points coincide, the distance between the two points will become infinitely close.The space stack point is an existence similar to this, which can make the object passing through the stack point directly arrive at another point from one point.

Of course, such a space stack point, not everyone can easily cross.

First of all, you need to find the space node, which is not difficult, because after the space stack point appears, there will be a stack point entrance, which looks like a black hole.

And the most difficult thing is that you need to know whether this space stack point leads to the direction you want to go.

However, this point is very simple for the mother nest, because now on that planet, he has sent the army of devourer and the mother nest escort.

The mother nest can feel their direction, so she will never be lost in the universe. She can also know whether the space stack in front of her can be used by herself.

Now the mother nest is on her way, but suddenly she finds that one of her guardians has died on that planet. She is very angry.

Every mother's nest guard is the result of more than ten thousand years' hard work, just like his children.

One of them died so quickly now. In particular, the protection of the mother nest is also related to the number of phagocytes that the mother nest can produce.

There is a limit on the number of devours created by the mother nest. This is set in the genes of the ghost of the universe when he created the mother nest to search for the Terran for himself.

Yeah! There is no mistake in what the Third Master said at the beginning. The Devourer is indeed a dog made by the ghost of the universe to help them search for the Terran!

Mother's nest is a kind of creature created by the ghost of the universe, using its own gene, the gene of the human race, and the gene of another creature on the planet called nemex.

The ghost of the universe can devour life itself, while the Terran is a very strong race in the universe at that time. As for the nemesis, they have a magical self-healing ability.

The ghost of the universe, using the genes of these three powerful creatures, mixed together to create a mother nest.

However, they later found that the mother nest seems to be too strong, even more powerful than them.

This mother nest inherits the phagocytic power of the Devourer, the way the Terran breeds its offspring, and the magical self-healing ability of the nemesis.

In particular, the breeding ability of the Terran, the devoured unlimited play, can be in a short period of time, has been a large number of troops.

Moreover, the Devourer he bred has almost no weakness, which even the ghost of the universe can't match.

The ghost of the universe, like human beings, is a fatal place in the heart and head. Once it is severely hit or damaged, it will die.

The Devourer obviously does not have this weakness, as long as their consciousness core which can be transferred everywhere is not destroyed, they will never be killed.

This makes the ghosts of the universe feel a sense of crisis. Therefore, in order to help them find the Terran, the mother nest will not develop too strong to be out of their control.

Among the genes of the mother nest, the ghosts of the universe have some gene chains to control the number of phagocytes produced by the mother nest, so that the mother nest has a certain upper limit on the number of phagocytes.

And the reason why the upper limit of the strength of the mother nest suddenly increased so much is that the ghosts of the universe left a seal in his genes.

This seal will be untied when the mother nest discovers human beings, so as to raise the upper limit by a large part and use it to kill the human race.

Because the ghost of the universe knows the power of the Terran. If it's just a million devourer, there's absolutely no way to pose enough threat to the Terran.

But they can't raise the ceiling very high or lift it.

Because if we let the mother nest of the Devourer create the Devourer without limit, it will be a crisis for the whole universe.

Although it is said that the mother nest is made by the ghost of the universe, if the equal strength of the ghost of the universe is engaged in a decisive battle between life and death with the Devourer, the ghost of the universe knows that they are definitely not the opponent of the Devourer.

So, not only in terms of quantity, the ghosts of the universe limit the use of long-range weapons.

Therefore, not only those devours will not attack from a distance, even those fighters or spaceships made by the mother nest will not have the ability to attack from a distance.

After these two kinds of restrictions, the ghost of the universe is relieved to let the mother nest of the Devourer set out to find its own enemy, the Terran.

In this way, even if the mother nest doesn't want to be controlled by them, they can deal with it.

The number is limited, and long-range weapons cannot be used. Because the phagocytic ability of the phagocytist is the gene inherited from the cosmic ghost, the cosmic ghost is immune to this kind of attack.

Only with such devours can the ghosts of the universe be sure that they can control them forever

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