Enovic's decision is of course correct, because since two of the six cities have been broken, then the previous six pointed star joint defense has no effect.

It's better to concentrate all the people in one city instead of being trapped in those cities and being destroyed by the engulfed army.

Moreover, they had considered the possibility that the city would be broken, so they built stronger defensive positions around the two cities in advance.

After the two cities were conquered, the city that was attacked both inside and outside was basically destroyed, and almost no survivors could escape.

In another city, they saw that the Devourer had been killed from inside the city and knew that the city could not be preserved. Therefore, they began to evacuate soon after the battle began.

And this retreat order, is also issued by Augustine himself.

The two cities, Augustine and inovic, own one each.

Originally, enovic also ordered the survivors of the conquered city to evacuate, but there were also a large number of devourer troops outside of them. Therefore, for them, withdrawing has basically become a delusion.

As for the troops from the cities on both sides who came to support, the survivors of the city which was also attacked by the Devourer who came out of the tunnel were cut off, and they had no choice but to retreat, and they were basically annihilated.

As for the other city, most of the reinforcements were withdrawn.

Finally, all the survivors of beizhou, except Tianmao and Juhan, retreated to a previously fortified city.

In this battle, they lost more than five million survivors, which is the timely retreat of those survivors, and Augustine's response is quite accurate.

Otherwise, if they had been trapped in their own cities, they would have been destroyed one by one before long.

Even now, the situation in beizhou is not optimistic, because they are all concentrated in one city and isolated.

Under the siege of the Devourer army, they have no chance to break through. It is only a matter of time before they die.

However, although he knew that all of them would retreat to a city and be captured without foreign aid, Augustine still chose to do so.

And enovic also agreed with him, because, they are not without foreign aid, as long as that person is still alive, they still have hope

The one who brought them hope, of course, was Ouyang Feng, and of course, Ouyang Feng was not dead, but now Ouyang Feng seems to be almost dead.

He sat on the ground quietly with his knees crossed, holding the brick in his hand. After such a long time, the brick in his hand still didn't disappear, but it looked small for a few laps, and it should have shrunk by less than half.

Although this brick looks small, the energy block produced by it is much smaller than that produced by the Devourer when he built the wormhole.

However, the energy contained in it is really extraordinary huge. It is estimated that Fu Xi said at that time that if Ouyang Feng could absorb all the energy in this brick, it might make Ouyang Feng reach level 9 directly, which should be a very conservative estimate.

Because now, although Ouyang Feng doesn't move and closes his eyes, he seems to have no consciousness, but the life waves surging in his body are still much stronger than before.

Fuxi looked at something similar to a thermometer on one side, which is used to detect the fluctuation of a person's life energy. According to this fluctuation, it is easy to know the strength of the person.

Now, under the impact of the energy fluctuation emanating from Ouyang Feng's body, the red line used for the energy fluctuation level first stays between nine and ten.

That is to say, now ouyangfeng's biological level has broken through level 8, reached the middle of level 9, and is marching towards level 10!!

It seems that the brick has consumed less than half of the energy now. The remaining energy should be enough for ouyangfeng to break through to the level of level 10 creature.

However, seeing these, Fuxi didn't seem particularly happy. His face still looked worried.

Moreover, after taking a look at the thing used to measure the fluctuation of life and determining the progress of ouyangfeng's strength, Fuxi once again set his eyes on ouyangfeng's back

That's right. The back is what Fu Xi is most concerned about now. It's not Ouyang Feng's personal strength. He doesn't know about the Devourer at all, and he doesn't want to know about it.

It's not the biggest enemy of mankind, it's just a kind of war machine cultivated by the ghost of the universe.

Even if ouyangfeng killed all these phagocytes, it would not help human beings much.

In Fuxi's eyes, the enemy of mankind is only the ghost of the universe, and this large number of creatures can not rely on the strength of a certain person to resist them.They have proved this point before. Moreover, even if Ouyang Feng can reach level 10, he will not be much better than the strong man before.

Even they are all in the invasion of the ghost of the universe, all fall, ouyangfeng a person, and can play a big role?

Fuxi now relationship, only ouyangfeng's hair!!

That's right! Now ouyangfeng's hair has reached a length of nearly one meter, which is the average length of human hair of the same age as emperor Fuxi.

At that time, their hair had not lost its function, and it was still the basis for humans to occupy the eight major galaxies.

Now, because of breaking through the shackles of the body and the influx of a large number of human life energy, Ouyang Feng's hair has recovered to its proper length in such a short period of time

This undoubtedly brought great hope to Fuxi. Although Ouyang Feng's hair, as you can see from a glance, only restored its length, but did not restore its original functions.

But at least this is a good phenomenon. Fuxi looked at those people who are still busy and condensed from the images, and then looked at his hair behind him. He could not help but sigh.

Because he gave up his body, even though he still has such long hair, this is just his new body designed according to his original image.

The basic structure of his hair is different from that of the Terran itself, so it will never be able to restore its function.

Looking at Ouyang Feng's hair, Fuxi was looking forward to it, because he knew that if Ouyang Feng could really restore the function of his hair, the glory of the human race would reappear in the near future

Looking at the progress of ouyangfeng's energy absorption, Fuxi estimated that it would take him at least 20 to 30 days to complete the absorption.

Because the energy in this brick, the closer it is to the inside, the more pure it will be. Although it seems that it is almost half less now, it will take at least two to three times as long to absorb all the remaining energy!!

Of course, it's not impossible to wake ouyangfeng up in advance. Fuxi can directly interrupt his absorption and wake him up. He can also use some auxiliary means to speed up ouyangfeng's absorption.

However, Fuxi was obviously not prepared to do so, although he knew that there were still many Terrans outside, facing a powerful enemy.

Strictly speaking, they are all the descendants of Fuxi and the hope of others.

And these people may be killed by those who devour them now. Maybe more than 20 days later, when Ouyang Feng wakes up from his deep sleep, the people outside It's all gone.

But in Fuxi's eyes, one Ouyang wind is enough to withstand all the people outside. This is the hope of the revival of the people.

Those people outside, even if they can survive the war with this one, their planet has been exposed.

The ghost of the universe will never let go of any planet with human existence.

The retributive race now regards the human race as its biggest enemy. They will not be reconciled if they do not eradicate all human beings from behind the fish.

Therefore, since those people outside will die sooner or later, Fuxi certainly refused to wake up ouyangfeng and save them for their sake, taking the opportunity to make ouyangfeng lose the function of arousing his hair.

Therefore, before ouyangfeng was ready to absorb the brick, Fuxi deliberately did not tell him the real time needed.

Now Fuxi even refused to use the method to accelerate Ouyang Feng's absorption, because now it is obvious that Ouyang Feng should have a certain chance to wake up his hair function.

Although the probability is very small, at least he has hope! Even if only 0.01% of the probability, after all, it is also a probability!!

If you use any method to increase the speed of Ouyang Feng's absorption of human life energy, he will complete his absorption process ahead of time. In that case, maybe he can go out ahead of time and save more human beings.

But it will reduce Ouyang Feng's chance to activate his hair function. If Ouyang Feng can activate his hair successfully, not only his strength will soar in an instant, but also he will have a chance to break through level 10 and reach the level that only one of the Terrans can reach in the legend.

At that time, the curse that has imprisoned mankind for countless years will also be broken

Fuxi looked at ouyangfeng's back and murmured:

"come on! Maybe you are the old guy who predicted a long time ago... "

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