As early as before, news had been sent back from beizhou. Beizhou is the farthest continent from Nanzhou, and they have experienced the most battles in the sea.

Therefore, the phagocytic army of beizhou was the latest to arrive on the mainland and enter the battlefield. However, because the enemy they are facing is pure survivors, and these survivors are not so united, their progress is much faster.

At least, the phagocytes in the North continent have achieved much more than those in the east continent.

Although the artillery fire in beizhou was fierce, the three female guards who came to beizhou to guard the army took the form of scattered attack.

On the contrary, when they came up, they surrounded the whole city with their own army, and then attacked the city in front of them with small teams.

They originally intended to waste the artillery fire in this way, but seeing the attack of this situation, Augustine and inovic both ordered their own people not to use heavy weapons, but to use light weapons to resist the attack of these devours.

Because the bullets are attached with fire ability, although we don't know where the core of consciousness of these phagocytes is, there are still many phagocytes falling under their muzzle among the countless bullets.

If it had been carried out in this way, the progress of the North continent might have been the same as that of the east continent, at least not much faster than that of the other side.

In particular, what bothers the Devourer is that the survivors of beizhou are not all hiding in one city, but scattered in six close cities.

And these six cities, there is contact between each other, and between each city, are flat, without any obstruction!

No matter which city they attack, two other cities will come to rescue and attack them from a distance behind them.

If they turn around and chase, those people turn around and run, and then the people in the city will come out and shoot behind their buttocks.

You know, these six cities were recommended by Ouyang Feng to Augustine and Enoch.

After ouyangfeng left, Augustine and inovic got through the contact between the six cities. Each side occupied three cities, and also opened the arms factory in the city. They began to manufacture a large number of weapons and ammunition to prepare for the coming war.

Although up to now, there is still a certain gap between these two groups of people. After all, as long as there are people, there will be a fight for rights. Even if Augustine and Enoch do not want to fight for this, the people below them will not let them give their rights to each other.

Even within the two sides, they once fought for the management power of their three cities.

Augustine's side is OK. After all, they have a relatively perfect government agency, so the internal contradiction is not very big.

And on enovic's side, it's quite troublesome, because all of them are the survivors who lived in the outer city before.

Originally, when they were in the outer city, they had divided the southeast and northwest, and now they are arguing about the management rights of the three cities.

Finally, Enoch proposed that the commander-in-chief of the three cities should be responsible for the communication between the cities and the coordination with Augustine.

As for these three cities, they were managed by the leaders of the other three directions who were in charge of the outer city at the beginning, which was to restore the original management system of the outer city at that time.

As soon as the other three leaders listen, they are naturally willing to accept it, because in this way, it is equivalent to enovic giving up on his own.

The commander-in-chief sounds good, but in fact, he is just a leader who has been elevated.

Because in this way, the three of them will be able to firmly grasp the city they manage. As for enovic's orders, it depends on the situation. Listen or not. As long as they promote all the people they can trust, it's not up to them?

As for the communication with Augustine, it was just like a diplomat. Originally, they were not interested.

Because of this, when the commander-in-chief of the Devourer led the first wave of the Devourer to find out, they actually attacked only a city belonging to their side of inovic.

It's just that when the Devourer saw this city, he attacked it with all his strength, while other cities did not come to rescue. So the commander of the Devourer did not know that there were five other cities in the mainland, which also had the strength of this city.

Because this city is in the middle of their three cities, it should have been rescued by the other two cities on enovic's side.

But because of the fierce competition before, the managers of the other two cities and the attacked city were just competitors.

Therefore, the other two cities deliberately delayed until the Devourer withdrew and did not send troops to rescue.This incident, not only let Enoch angry, but also let Augustine's side, feel the crisis.

Because they don't send troops to rescue this time, what about other cities next time? This time, although the city was not beaten down in the end, it suffered heavy losses.

And the most important thing is that their practice has made the six cities that could have helped each other lose their biggest role.

If so, why do they occupy six cities? Is it better to have one directly or just one?

So, under the attack of the city, the three cities of Augustine, and a concerted attack by Enoch and his supporters, the two city leaders who refused to send troops, together with their staff, were executed, which was the solution to the problem.

Although the two men refused to admit their crimes in front of them, they also used their original intention of not sending troops to protect the people in these two cities as a gimmick to incite the people in these two cities to support themselves.

At the beginning, the people in these two cities were really incited by them. They firmly stood on their side and refused to hand over their city leaders and their staff!

Later, however, Augustine and inovic jointly issued a statement, claiming that if the matter is not resolved satisfactorily, Augustine, inovic and his supporters, including those in the city that was attacked before, will withdraw from the offensive and defensive agreement signed before the northern continent.

These people will collectively move to the city farthest away from their two cities and concentrate their forces on defending the city. As for the two cities, they will be left to manage them.

Of course, if one of their cities is attacked, they will not get any rescue. Even if their city is attacked, those survivors in the city will never be accepted by them.

Don't you support those two guys and the people around him? Good! You go on. We're not going to play anymore. Have fun.

This time, the survivors in those two cities are flustered, because in this way, they are even two isolated cities, and the number of them is also much less, because there are many supporters of inovic and people who like Ouyang Feng in the city.

If the statements made by inovic and Augustine become true, of course, these people will not stay here.

So after the fierce argument, the leaders of the two cities and their staff failed to persuade the survivors who had already felt flustered and disaster, and they were all sent to the guillotine.

After this incident, enovic regained his command and redistributed the managers of the three cities. This time, even the managers of the city that was attacked before failed to keep his position.

However, after the siege, this guy finally realized that no matter how much he fought before he defeated the Devourer, it was useless. Once the city was broken and people died, there was nothing left but a bird in the sky.

No, die in the hands of the Devourer, even the birds are left

After this redistribution, they reached an agreement again. If the neighboring city is attacked and not rescued later, all the high-level officials in that city will be executed, and all the survivors in that city will be abandoned.

With this agreement, together with the fate of the two managers and their staff who have just been beheaded, it is estimated that they will not appear again in the future. Even if someone dares to put forward it without fear of death, no one will respond.

Therefore, when the mother nest guards came to beizhou mainland again and launched an attack on it, they were surprised to find that this continent, which had no advantages except advanced weapons and sufficient ammunition, had become a very difficult bone to chew.

However, on the third day of the predator's landing, when the war situation fell into a stalemate, a favorable turn for the predator appeared

Just as the devours were fighting against the fighting ethnic groups in the North Continent, and the three mother nest guards were having a headache about how to deal with the six cities, several human beings suddenly appeared in front of them.

There were ten of them, who were brought to the front of the three mother's nest guards by several devourer elites, because these ten people came to them voluntarily, saying that they wanted to help them.

They went straight to the patrolling devours and said that they wanted to meet their leaders, discuss important matters, and help them enter the city they were attacking.

For such humans, of course, the Devourer did not dare to treat them as food, so this brought them to the front of the mother nest guard , the fastest update of the webnovel!