Ouyang Feng has now been able to confirm that Chris's conjecture is absolutely true, because he suddenly remembered the backstage behind the Devourer.

No matter whether the seal in human body is set by human itself or the person behind it, at least one thing is certain that the person behind it must know a lot about human beings.

Since we know so well, we have met human beings. Where did he meet human beings? If it's their planet, does it need a devourer to find it? It can't be that their planet suddenly moved in the universe and came here from other places, right?

Ouyang Feng looks at Duan Lei, and Duan Lei also looks at Ouyang Feng. From the look on Duan Lei's face, it is obvious that he also realizes this.

"What's the matter with you?"

Liu wanting saw Ouyang Feng and Duan Lei looking at each other in an ugly way. She couldn't help asking.

"I think! Chris is right. We are indeed outsiders. This planet originally did not belong to human beings! "

After sighing, Ouyang said:

"now I just don't know whether our original planet is still there. In addition, is there any other planet and our human survival?"

Seeing that other people didn't seem to understand the key point, Ou Yangfeng spoke out what he had just thought. After his reminding, everyone also understood. Everyone's face was not good-looking.

After all, they have been living on this planet since they were born. Although, as Chris just said, the environment and climate are not very comfortable, they have been used to it for a long time, and naturally regard themselves as the masters of this planet.

Now they suddenly find that they are just a passer-by, a vagrant race who has been driven out of their home. What's more miserable is that they don't even know the name of their hometown.

"Why There has never been such a record in human history? Did the first people who fled here never think that one day their descendants would be able to return to their home planet? "

After a long time, Shen Yishan asked difficultly.

Hearing Shen Yishan's words, Duan Lei suddenly looks at Chris and asks:

"Chris, you have just said that this seal may be set by human beings themselves. Why do you have this idea?"

Chris looked at Duan Lei blankly. Although he had this conjecture for a long time, when his conjecture was finally confirmed, he was not excited, but lost.

Looking at Chris, Duan Lei can't help repeating his question.

"This one?"

It seems that Chris still hasn't fully recovered. After trying to recall it, he said:

"didn't I guess that human beings don't belong to this planet for a long time? Moreover, I believe in my own theory. After I found the seal in human body, it further confirmed my previous conjecture. "

"The seal in our body is very troublesome, and it is related to human genes. That is to say, as long as a human has this seal, his offspring will also have it! "

speaking of this, Chris pointed to Ouyang Fengdao:

" for example, now you have untied the seal, so your offspring should have no seal in their body, but because she has a seal, the children you have with her will still have a seal in their body! "

"Because your offspring will have both of your genes, so they will inherit the seal of his mother."

"It's not so easy for such a troublesome seal to be placed in a person's body. If it's the enemy, just kill the person caught. Why bother to do this?"

"What's more, you said just now that there is a mysterious creature looking for us. If it is this creature that sets a seal on human beings, then let him go, and then go all over the universe to look for him..."

"If human beings are really defeated by such creatures, then I have nothing to say. That's why I feel that this seal is set by human beings after they arrive at this planet and feel that they have got rid of the enemy."

"As for the reason I don't really want to say that because it's frustrating. "

Speaking of this, Chris shook his head.

Duan Lei also gives a wry smile, and then looks at Ouyang Feng and other humanitarians who have not understood yet:

"Chris means that at the beginning, human beings sealed themselves, probably because At that time, the enemies who forced human beings to leave their homes and fled here were too strong for them to confront. "

"That's why humans at that time set this seal in their genes to suppress the ability of their offspring."

"Because the enemy is strong, and restrain their own ability?"

Ouyang Feng still didn't understand that the stronger the enemy is, the stronger he should try to make himself. How can he seal his strength and make himself weaker? What's the reason?"Yes! this is it! If you think about it, the first people who arrived here at that time did not leave any information about our enemies, because they knew that with the strength of human beings, they might never be able to resist our enemies. "

"Because if not, they should record the information of human enemies in detail and leave it to their descendants, hoping that one day, their descendants will be able to avenge themselves! Return to your own home. "

"There is no such information in the historical records of human beings. This only shows that the enemy of human beings is too powerful to let the people who fled here despair."

"That's why they sealed their offspring, hoping that their enemies would never find their offspring, and that human beings would be able to live on this planet forever."

"Because since they can leave their homes and get here, it means that they have the ability to sail in the universe, whether by using technology or their own abilities."

"Since they can achieve this, as their descendants, we can also, in fact, before the end of the world, human beings have been exploring space. Although they can only reach the nearest planet, they have at least begun their outward exploration."

"If we had not been sealed, perhaps the footprints of human beings would have spread all over the universe now. In that case, our enemies should have come to our door long ago. Even our ancestors could not fight against our enemies. We met them unprepared. We can imagine the result!"

"Here! Maybe it's the real reason why the mysterious seal appears in our human body! "

"Well Are we going to untie the seal? "

Liu wanting asked softly.

"Of course, we have to solve it, and we have to find a way as soon as possible!"

Ouyang Feng firmly replied:

"if this conjecture is true, then the enemy we were afraid of at the beginning has found us, so it is useless for us to keep this seal."

"If this guess is wrong and the seal is left by our enemies, there is no need to keep it!"

"Either one! Anyway, we don't have a way out now. Let's just untie the seal. No matter how powerful the enemy is, as long as he dares to fight with them, there is always the possibility of victory! "

"The madman is right! Untie the seal and fight with them

Liu Qiang also said.

"Good! Untie the seal

"Yes! Untie the seal


Ouyang Feng seems to be picking up these people's fighting spirit again. For a moment, all the people in the club agree to untie the seal. Even Xiao Wu, who has already untied the seal, joins in the fun and yells to untie the seal.


Chris suddenly opened his mouth and interrupted their shouting of unlocking the seal. With a strange look on his face, he said:

"I didn't mean to hit you, but Are you sure you've found a way to untie the seal? "

Hearing Chris's words, all the people on the scene were so excited that they froze in their faces.

Yes! You haven't found a way yet. What are you shouting about here? Isn't that sick?

Although Chris mentioned a way to untie the seal, is that too difficult? First of all, he should be able to make himself into a state of unconsciousness, and then he should find a more important person in his heart to make him threatened.

Only in this way can we have a chance to make this person unlock the seal in his body. Let's not talk about the success rate of doing so, let's say that there are only 40 days now. How many people can be unlocked in this way?

Unless we can find a solution in large quantities, such as Ouyang Feng's medicine, it will be possible to untie the seal of all human bodies in the hope base in just 40 days!

What's more, even if we can untie the seal in the human body, there won't be so much life energy to improve their strength?

Now Ouyang Feng has some regrets. Just now, he shouldn't have made a direct commitment to improve everyone's strength.

"Yes! Chris! Didn't you say that we need primate mutants to try to untie the seal? Let's catch this mutant beast and see if you can find another way to unlock the seal! "

Ouyang Feng suddenly eyes a bright, looking at Chris said.

"No! I use the primate mutant animal, just want to try the method I just said, because I thought of this before, and now it has been verified, so there is no need to study it again. "

Chris's words, like a ladle of cold water, extinguished Ouyang Feng's last hope.

"I have an idea. Maybe I can solve this problem."

Has been silent Li Yingning suddenly said.

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