Ouyang Feng naturally doesn't know about the situation of No. 7. Although he also thinks that the eyes of No. 7 seem to be wrong, Ouyang Feng has never been interested in studying men's eyes.

After leaving No.7 and the location of the wormhole, ouyangfeng quickly rushed to the location of the hurricane, and even launched several strong winds to improve his speed.

However, Ouyang Feng has been chasing them to the beach where they landed, and has not seen the hurricane and Qiu Jian. Looking at the rough sea in front of him, Ouyang Feng completely knows what it means to look at the ocean and sigh.

Although he is very strong now, he still has some scruples about crossing the ocean. Not to mention the mutant animals in the sea, it will take him at least a week to cross the sea and return to the east continent at his speed.

A week, with their own ability, wandering in the sea - no! It's not wandering, it's desperate to swim. If you want to swim in the sea for a week, Ouyang Feng feels great pressure.

But now there is no other way, not to mention that there is no ocean going ship nearby. Even if there is one, Ouyang Feng will not drive. He is a special forces. That's right, but the special forces don't know everything.

After a heavy sigh, Ouyang Feng took out his tablet and confirmed the direction of the east continent. Then he plunged into the sea and swam towards the east continent.

Although it's a success to delay the formation of wormhole, it's only more than 40 days after all, which is a long time away from what I thought before. So now Ouyang Feng doesn't waste time.

But it's impossible to catch up with the whale. Ouyang Feng just wants to go back to Dongzhou as soon as possible and do what he wants to do.

At the beginning, he told No. 7 to let them land directly from Jiangwan Town, because it was the nearest sea area to the hope base, but now he himself would not take Jiangwan Town as the target.

After all, the whale is a marine mutant. Its speed in the sea is far faster than Ouyang Feng's. let alone its strong wind can't last long. Even if it can be used all the time, its effect in the sea is very limited.

Human beings are terrestrial creatures. They don't have a streamlined body or a tail that can be used to accelerate in the water. Fortunately, as a special soldier, Ouyang Feng can't drive a ship, but he can always swim.

Try to use the fastest speed to move towards the east continent. Fortunately, Ouyang Feng can keep the fastest speed in the sea all the time. After all, he doesn't need to activate his powers. The supplement of apocalypse is enough for his physical strength.

After swimming in the sea for two days, Ouyang Feng is not in the mood to calculate how long he will be able to reach the east continent and return to the hope base. No matter who he is, he is in the boundless sea and the monotonous scene of the sea and sky.

Even one day's stay is enough to make some mentally unstable people break down. Fortunately, Ouyang Feng once experienced more cruel scenes in the underwater passage. Now at least he can see the sunrise and sunset, and hear the waves and the wind.

What makes Ouyang Feng strange is that Apocalypse has kept silent since he left the wormhole. Even if Ouyang Feng asks him some questions, he is indifferent and seems to be abnormal.

"I said Apocalypse! What's the matter with you these days? Is menopause coming? " Ouyang Feng didn't talk at first. After two days, he wanted to prove that he was not the only one in the world.

"I was thinking, what kind of person are you? Why can we let the Devourer without any human emotion make such a move This time, apocalypse didn't ignore Ouyang Feng's question. Instead, it answered a sentence that made Ouyang Feng a little confused.

"The Devourer? What kind of action do you do? " Ouyang Feng's mind was a little dull because of the monotonous scenes in the past two days, and the Apocalypse didn't answer the questions, so he didn't respond.

But Apocalypse didn't answer Ouyang wind's question directly, just sighed in Ouyang wind's heart.

"The Devourer Move What kind of person am I? " Ouyang Feng tried his best to connect these keywords in his heart. Then his body suddenly stopped and stopped:

"No.7! You're talking about number seven! " Ouyang wind finally recalled when he left, seven that some abnormal eyes, Ouyang wind bet, before in the eyes of seven, never saw that look.

"Apocalypse! Is there something wrong with number seven? " Ouyang Feng asked in his heart.

"He should not be bothered by this." Apocalypse seems to subconsciously reply: "because after a period of time, that is, the 45 days he told you, he will not have any trouble."

"But maybe it's a good thing for him, at least he doesn't have to worry about seeing the nest any more." Apocalypse said with some emotion.

"What?" Ouyang Feng suddenly felt cold: "you mean At the beginning, the seventh didn't leave with me, not because he didn't want to, but because he couldn't? ""Of course!" Apocalypse sighed softly: "he was regarded as an energy block by the wormhole core at that time. How could he let him go if he didn't absorb all his life energy?"

"Then he is..." Ouyang Feng's voice trembled. It's two days since he left No.7. I'm afraid No.7 has been killed by the core of the wormhole, right?

Ouyang Feng knows more about the Devourer, especially No. 7. In the hope base, No. 7 may be regarded as the advanced combat power, but in Ouyang Feng's team, he is not so brilliant.

Although Zhang Ruhao's existence makes No.7 not the bottom one, because of his special way to improve his strength, Xiaowu and Qiu Jian's fighting ability has long surpassed him.

When the white shark group exploded, No. 7 was the first to recover because of his special body structure. If it was a one-on-one hard touch, at least now Chou Jian could kill No. 7 in one second.

In addition, No. 7 has always been silent, so in this team, he seems to be a little unknown. However, after all, he has been in contact with Ouyang Feng for such a long time, and after the completion of the agreement between Ouyang Feng and him, he has been following Ouyang Feng without any conditions, and has been paying wordlessly

"He's still alive." Apocalypse answered in a positive tone: "although he can't enhance his strength by absorbing life energy, he can't strengthen his body by swallowing other creatures."

"But in the original situation, he could offset the life energy absorbed by the wormhole core by absorbing the energy blocks around him."

"So he must still be alive now, but he won't live long. The 45 day period he said is the time when the wormhole is completely formed, and it's also the rest of his life."

"Shit Ouyangfeng immediately wants to turn around and swim to the south continent again to help the 7th.

"You want to go back and save him?" The voice of the Apocalypse sounded again.

"Nonsense! I'm not in the habit of abandoning my comrades in arms! " Ouyang Fengdao: "as a soldier, I don't care what No. 7 used to be and what he did. As long as he fought side by side with me, he is my comrade. I won't leave him under any circumstances."

"Even if you can go back, what can you do?" Apocalypse suddenly became angry: "do you know why No. 7 was hiding you and didn't tell the truth? It's because of your character. "

"Your character may make friends around you feel that you are trustworthy, and even the seventh devourer is willing to give his almost unlimited life for your goal."

Apocalypse didn't say that the seventh is for the continuation of human beings, because as a devourer, he can understand the mood of the seventh. Perhaps in the whole human race, the seventh only cares about Ouyang Feng and those members of the special group.

As for other human beings besides them, in the eyes of No. 7, they are still only food. Therefore, No. 7 can not take his own life for food. Although there is a saying that birds die for food, it is birds, not devours.

The reason why No. 7 can jump on it without hesitation and resolve the crisis with his own life is that the human standing in front of him is Ouyang Feng.

There is no better understanding of the current situation of No. 7 than the apocalypse. As a devourer, the Apocalypse certainly knows that even if Ouyang Feng goes back, there is no way to save No. 7. When No. 7 puts its palm in the core of the wormhole and inputs life energy to it, it is doomed to the end of No. 7

The roar of Apocalypse made Ouyang Feng stop his body again. He held his hand tightly, and his face was a little distorted. He thought carefully, if he went back, it really didn't work.

And No.7 is just a devourer, not a human. Can Ouyang Feng give up the whole hope base, or even the whole human for this devourer?

Now he also knows that No. 7 is sacrificing itself to fight for time for himself and mankind, and a little bit of energy tidal burst. At the moment of wormhole formation, No. 7 will say goodbye to the city forever.

Ouyang Feng's body is constantly shaking in the sea. Now he has no way to make any decision, although he knows that his most correct choice now is to turn around and continue his journey. Only in this way can human beings have the hope to continue

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