When Ouyang Fengxing rushed to Chris' laboratory, he found that Chris was frowning and staring at a tube of medicine, which was different from Ouyang Feng's medicine. It was put in a test tube.

Ouyang Feng's heart sank, because seeing Chris's expression, Ouyang Feng knew that it seemed that the progress of the situation was not as he imagined.

"What's the matter?" Ouyang Feng asked.

"There's something wrong, but I can't find the reason." Chris still frowned and said, "I need a lot of mutants. They're not sealed, so I think that's why - no! It must be found in the mutant beast. "

"Good! I'll go to the sea and catch some mutant animals at once Ouyang Feng immediately said, now the time is only half a year, Ouyang Feng to save every minute, voice decline, Ouyang Feng turned to go out.

"Wait!" Chris called out: "the creatures in the sea can't do it. They have to be mutant animals on land, preferably primates. The body structure of marine mutant animals is totally different from that of human beings, so it's useless to catch them back."

"What?" Ouyangfeng almost jumped up, the mutant beast on the land? Primate, but a lot? It may be OK in other continents, but it's just a dream in this continent.

Because of the massacre of the dark bloodthirsty people before, the mutant animals on the whole continent were almost extinct. Now where can Ouyang Feng find so many primate mutant animals?

"I also know that this requirement is a little That's too much, but that's what it is! This seal is very strange. I don't have any samples for comparison now, so I can't see what's wrong for a moment. Let's have a look! "

Chris said, then with Ouyang Feng, he wanted to walk to a room in the laboratory. After entering the room, there was a huge iron cage, and there were eleven "monkeys" in the deaf

Strictly speaking, they should be humanoid creatures, because their eyes can clearly see that they belong to intelligent creatures, and after seeing ouyangfeng, their eyes are full of hatred, as if they want to break ouyangfeng to pieces with their eyes!

From their numbers and their eyes, Ou Yangfeng can easily guess that these creatures are very similar to monkeys, which are the 11 survivors he brought back to Chris for experiments.

"This is..." Ouyang Feng looks at Chris suspiciously.

"I don't know whether it's DNA or RNA. In short, I'm sure that the seal in their bodies has been broken. As long as you use your medicine and a lot of life energy, you can improve their strength without limit. But at the same time of breaking the seal, their genes have changed and become like this. "

Chris explained:

" I don't think you would like to be like this in order to unlock the seal in your body? "

Ouyang Feng looked at those people again. Their current image is between the monkey and the orangutan. Although they still have no tail, they have yellow and white mixed short hair all over their bodies, a lot of wrinkles appear on their faces, their bodies become rickets, and sharp nails grow in their fingers.

Chris is right. I'm afraid there won't be many people who want to be like this, even for the sake of survival. You can see this from the way these people look at themselves.

Before, when they met Ouyang Feng, these people's eyes were full of fear, but now, when they looked at Ouyang Feng, they only had hatred. They would not have any fear even if Ouyang Feng said that they would kill them soon.

It's better to live in their heart or die than to live in their present image. If Chris hadn't locked them in, maybe they would have the courage to commit suicide now.

After sighing, Ouyang Feng walked out of the room and asked, "Chris, are you sure that if you can get the mutant primates, you will find a perfect way to break the seal?"

Ouyang Feng didn't say crack the seal, but said perfect crack the seal, because if only crack the seal, only in this respect, Chris has been successful.

"Sure!" Chris said without hesitation: "now the seal has been broken, and the people you just saw just now, their appearance has changed, their intelligence and other aspects have not decreased in any way."

"So, this is just one of the steps. I didn't make it clear. If I find some mutant animals that are similar to human beings but have no seal, I will be able to find this key point."

"Good! Then you should get ready, pick out the instruments you have to take, go out with us and go back to Dongzhou mainland! " Ouyang Feng said decisively.

"Yes! I'll be ready! We can start in half an hour, but It's easy to say that there is only one large instrument. If we don't have a big ship, we can't take it with us, and the sea water may cause damage to it. "

Chris hesitated and said: "moreover, I can be sure that there is absolutely no such instrument in Dongzhou, and it is the key to my research. Without it, I can't work.""Which is it?" Ouyang Feng asked.

Chris went to a large instrument and patted it: "this is the human gene analyzer."

Ouyang Feng looked at the size of this thing and felt relieved. Although this thing is really big, at least the hurricane can't be installed, there is nothing wrong with his Apocalypse space.

"Wait! This instrument is made on the principle of biotechnology. If you can't hold organisms in your space, you can't put them in your space. "

See Ouyang wind into the instrument, Chris quickly called.

"What?" Ouyang Feng a Leng, then heart ditch open way: "this can take in?"

"This instrument has a strong reaction of life energy. The intensity of this life fluctuation has exceeded the carrying capacity limit of Apocalypse space. If it is forcibly collected, it may damage this instrument." Apocalypse's reply depressed Ouyang Feng.

"Is this instrument a living thing?" Ouyang Feng asked.

"That's not true, but it's driven by life energy. If I guess well, part of the life source you gave Chris was consumed by this instrument."

The Apocalypse replied.

"Chris, it just can't touch the sea, can it?" Ouyang Feng looks at Chris.

"Yes Chris nodded.

"Good! Find something to seal it up and we'll take it with us. I don't need a boat. I have a whale that can carry it out to sea. " Ouyang wind tunnel.

"Really? Good! I'll be ready in a minute! " As soon as Chris's eyes brightened, he instructed the dark bloodthirsty man to put the instrument into a large metal box and lock it up.

"OK, this metal sealed box is originally its packing box. It won't be a problem, but it's better not to go through strong shock. If it's damaged, I don't know how to repair it." Chris said.

"Let them carry it. Let's go now." Ouyang Fengdao then looked at those dark bloodthirsty people and said, "what do these guys do when you leave?"

Ouyang Feng actually wants Chris to destroy all these dark bloodthirsty people, but think about these guys staying here. When the Devourer comes, they are also a powerful force, which can at least help Nicholas to delay them for a while.

If all of them are destroyed, in the past six months, Nicholas and they will be relaxed, but when the Devourer comes, Nicholas and they will be in a bad situation.

Originally, if Chris could crack the seal on this road, Ouyang Feng would tell Nicholas the method, and then leave them some medicine and other things that can improve their strength.

Now, once he left Xizhou, even if he found a way, Ouyang Feng had no time to come back and inform them that when the Devourer arrived, Xizhou would have to rely on his own strength.

There is no way to do this. Ouyang Feng must keep his hope base first. Only when he has the spare power can he help others. He can't give up hope base for anyone.

Even in beizhou, Ouyang Feng has no time to go. Although the number of survivors there is far more than the hope base, Ouyang Feng will never sacrifice the people around him for more people.

People! Always selfish, everyone is the same!!

"They? Anyway, after I leave this time, I may not be able to come back. You have decided that if you want to destroy them, I will let them all jump into the sea. " Chris said with indifference.

Before, Chris valued these dark bloodthirsty people, because he felt that his salvation angels were his hope of ruling the world. Now that he knew the information of the Devourer, he naturally knew that his dream of ruling the world had awakened ahead of time.

Depending on these guys, he may eventually be used as food by the Devourer. Therefore, Chris thinks that it's better to follow Ouyang Feng now. If he really unties the seal, this mysterious oriental may really be able to block the attack of the Devourer.

In that case, they will be able to survive. Compared with life, whether the planet is ruled or not is not so important.

"If you leave the western continent, will your orders still be valid?" Ouyang Feng hesitated and asked.

"Of course, I don't have mind control over them. As long as I give them orders, they will abide by them before canceling them." Chris said with a proud face.

Ouyang Feng thought about it, looked at the dark devourer, and then said: "that's it. You give them a death order, which will never be cancelled. After that, you let a dark devourer go to the bunker before me and send a letter to the people there..."

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