Nicholas looked at the crowd, sighed and said, "forget it! everybody! If these people don't talk nonsense, don't kill them! "

"All right, all right! We're all working! According to yesterday's discussion, we should first select some buildings, clean them up, and decide where we will live in the future. Remember, if we are close to the entrance and exit, don't be too far away. We can't say when the dark devourer will make a comeback. "

Smith jumped out at this time, waved his hand and said, "there are still some people assigned to go out and find those who didn't get the news before. Try to get everyone together. Anyway, the place here is big enough."

"Well What about those who got the news before but didn't come? " One of the survivors asked, "when Ouyang Feng was talking, he was at the scene. But he remembers that if Ouyang Feng said," if they didn't come at that time, they would not accept it if they thought about it after they defeated the dark bloodthirsty. "

"This..." Smith hesitated, then looked at Nicholas.

Nicholas also bowed his head to think, and then said: "bring it here! What he said is that after defeating the dark bloodthirsty, now we are not victorious, we can only say it is a peaceful period, and we can't say when we will fight again. "

"Again! If we don't accept them, they will become dark bloodthirsty and increase the number of our enemies! So don't worry about so many people. Try to concentrate all the people from the whole mainland here. "

Smith looked at the man who had just asked himself, "do you hear me? That's it! Seize the time, the more people come back, the better?

All the survivors scattered around. Smith looked and remained in the same place. The shivering eleven said, "get out of here. We don't accept you here, son of a bitch. If it wasn't for Nicholas, you would stay here forever today."

When the eleven heard that they were going to drive them away, they just wanted to ask for help. When they heard what Smith said, they did not dare. After looking around, they chose a direction that seemed to be few people and ran for their lives.

When they left, Smith and Nicholas were left. Smith looked at Nicholas and asked, "you didn't let us kill them just because Think today is a good day? "

"Of course not!" Nicholas shook his head: "I left their lives just to prevent the gang from thinking that after killing these 11 people, they were just repaying Feng's kindness. Don't you think that their enthusiasm just now was largely due to their heart's deficit?"

"Killing them at this time will only make those guys think that we owe a little debt to those Oriental people, even if we pay it back. It's not so much that we kill them for the sake of those Oriental people as that we kill them for the sake of peace of mind."

"Is it not good to make the debt in everyone's heart less?" Smith said with some doubts.

"Let this feeling stay in our hearts all the time!" Nicholas raised his head and let the drizzle hit his face: "sometimes, it's not a bad thing to have some gratitude, some guilt, some guilt in your heart, at least - people living in this last life need this!"

After hearing Nicholas's words, Smith nodded wordlessly. Then he pulled the automatic rifle on his back and looked at it carefully. When Ouyang Feng left, he didn't even take back the guns and ammunition he had given them before.

He understood that Ouyang Feng would never forget, but Ouyang Feng knew that these guys really needed this, and Chris also knew that Ouyang Feng had a base in the east continent, and had millions of people. These weapons and ammunition were also very useful to him.

Ouyang Feng had also mentioned the origin of these weapons and ammunition before. They knew that Ouyang Feng had changed them in beizhou with medicine and was ready to go back to equip his own army. At that time, Ouyang Feng jokingly told them to save some money when he gave them weapons and ammunition. When he left, he had to take them back.

But Ouyang Feng left all these things to them so casually. He slipped away quietly. None of these survivors was stupid. They all saw Ouyang Feng's way very clearly.

Of course, Ouyang Feng didn't know that there was such a big play among the survivors after he left, but even if he knew, he probably didn't want to see it.

The most important thing for him now is to go back to Chris and relax for a few days, waiting for his research results.

If you think about it carefully, since the establishment of hope base, it seems that Ouyang Feng has been running around all the time. He has never enjoyed a holiday. This time, he finally has a chance.

Because of the particularity of the western continent, the mutants and zombies are basically extinct, especially the zombies. Of course, Xiaowu can't count them. As for the mutants, there may be a few fish that have missed the net.

At present, there are only two kinds of living creatures in Xizhou, one is human, the other is dark bloodthirsty. But now Ouyang Feng seems to have established a certain relationship with both of them. Therefore, although they are mortal enemies, they are not enemies to Ouyang Feng.So before Chris' research results came out, even if Ouyang Feng wanted to do something, he had no place. Of course, he could choose to go fishing on the sea.

However, in his Apocalypse space, there are still several bodies of marine mutant animals. If they eat them alone, it won't be a problem for a week, so Ouyang Feng doesn't have to worry now.

Before leaving, Ouyang Feng left all the dark bloodthirsty bodies in the Apocalypse space in the underground hall. Originally, he wanted to find a place to put them on the ground, but he found that the hall was just empty, and he didn't want to meet those people, so he simply stayed in the hall.

As for Xiaowu's rations, they went to Chris to "borrow them!" And Chris here, the most is the dark bloodthirsty, but also "fresh!" No matter what, they are also guests, and they can provide the source of life.

Presumably, such a distinguished guest, help yourself to some Pet owners should not mind. Therefore, Ouyang Feng has already told Xiaowu and others that if they are hungry, they can find food by themselves. However, they should try not to do it in public, just find the one who is left alone.

As long as it's not found on the spot, even if it's found later, you can kill him and refuse to admit it. Moreover, Ou Yangfeng thinks that even if Chris finds out, he will definitely turn a blind eye to it, and it's impossible to turn a blind eye to them because of this.

After arriving at Chris's home, Ouyang Feng was surprised that those dark bloodthirsty people in the city, after seeing the hurricane, let them enter the city in an open and aboveboard way just like they did not.

Ouyang Feng decided that after seeing Chris, he must ask how he made those dark bloodthirsty people recognize that they had entered the city. Neither Chris nor Johnny had ever seen a hurricane. Moreover, Ouyang Feng was in the middle of a hurricane. It was impossible to see who was inside from the outside.

Ouyang Feng remembers that Chris said at that time that the dark bloodthirsty people had gone out to catch the survivors, but if anyone dares to come to his old nest, he will never be polite, except Ouyang Feng.

Later, Ouyang Feng really asked Chris this question. As a result, Chris's answer made Ouyang Feng feel like an idiot, because Chris's answer was very simple. He said, "who dares to drive a car into my city except you?"

That's right! Even if the survivors want to kill Chris and avenge their relatives, they must gather as many people as possible, and they will kill from the outside.

Only Ouyang Feng would drive directly into the main entrance of the underground fortress, so those dark bloodthirsty people ignored him.

With Xiaowu, they come directly to Chris' laboratory. Outside the laboratory, there are three or four hundred dark bloodthirsty people on guard. These dark bloodthirsty people seem to know ou Yangfeng. When they see him coming in, they directly get out of the door and let them in.

Chris and Johnny are the same as ouyangfeng when they left last time. They are still busy in a pile of instruments, even they didn't notice ouyangfeng coming in.

It was only after Ouyang Feng walked by and called Chris for a third time that Chris reacted and looked up. When he found that it was Ouyang Feng, his wrinkled face suddenly got excited, which made Ouyang Feng excited.

Because of Chris's look, it's easy to think whether his research has made any breakthrough. As a result, Chris's first sentence is: "why is it so late? What is the origin of life today? Hurry up. I'm going to run out of them. "

Ouyang Feng can't help but be surprised. You know, the life potion he gave Chris is not the one he gave to the awakened. It's mostly life energy, only a little bit of life origin.

What he gave Chris was the complete source of life. There was no life energy at all. One bottle was enough to be worth at least hundreds of ordinary life potions. Didn't you expect that Chris used it so fast?

"You didn't drink it yourself, did you?" Ouyang Feng a little doubt asked: "how can so fast?"

"Drink for yourself?" Chris rolled a white eye, but his eyes were less black and more white, so this white eye was not found by Ouyang Feng, it was very hidden: "such a powerful energy, if I drink it, I will die directly, do you think I will be so stupid?"

"You said that you can give me so much life every day. Of course, I don't need to save. In this way, my research speed will be improved a lot. I'm worried that I'm greedy for ink. You can find someone to look at me in the future." , the fastest update of the webnovel!