Hearing Ouyang Feng's words, Cavia frowned: "ogre? Those damned things haven't appeared for a long time. Have they gone to your east continent? You're not here to ask for reinforcements, are you

"Of course not, but this matter is more important, so please tell your leader that if you don't prepare in advance, your base may be destroyed in an instant!" Ouyang wind solemnly said.

After carefully looking at Ouyang Feng's expression and feeling that he was not joking, Cavia finally nodded: "then wait, I'll tell the captain!"

With that, Cavia turned to the guard tower and contacted the people in the inner city with the telephone inside. Although Cavia was the leader of the outer city guard, he had no real power and had no right to talk to their leader directly. He had to tell the leader of the guard about it first, and then the leader decided whether to alarm the leader.

After a while, Cavia came out of the tower, then looked at Ouyang Feng and said, "wait here. The captain said he would come and see you soon."

Ouyang Feng frowned, but he didn't speak. He just nodded. He also knew that he was an outsider here. It must be unrealistic to meet their leader directly. So although Ouyang Feng was worried, he had no other way.

"The wind! You mean cannibals could come back? " Enoch looked at Ouyang Feng and asked. On the way, Enoch only asked about Dongzhou mainland and hope base, but didn't ask Ouyang Feng what happened to the leader of Avengers alliance.

In his opinion, maybe Ouyang Feng wants to stay in beizhou for a while, so he wants to have a good relationship with the forces here first. However, it seems that Ouyang Feng's meaning is not what he thinks.

In particular, this involves the ogre, so enovich suddenly become concerned.

"It's not possible, it's bound to happen, and it's still a large-scale invasion!" Ou Yangfeng took a look at Enoch and didn't hide it. Anyway, the team leader hasn't come yet. It's nothing to tell them first. At least Enoch is a good man. Let him have some psychological preparation first, and he didn't get to know each other in vain.

"Inovic, the phagocytes you met in front of you are just the vanguard of the phagocytic army, which is equivalent to the Scout. Behind them, there is a huge army, led by the mother nest of the phagocytes, heading for our planet."

Ouyang Feng looked up at the sky and took a deep breath: "in less than a year, they will arrive here. At that time, it may be the real doomsday..."

"The army of devours?" Enoch, Christophe and Cavia exclaimed together, "what you said is true?"

Ouyang Feng said with a bitter smile: "I also hope this news is false, but unfortunately, the human crisis will really come in less than a year!"

"They're aliens? How do you know? " Cavia looks at Ou Yangfeng and asks.

"Because I have fought with the Devourer many times in Dongzhou, do you know why the Devourer on your side suddenly disappeared? Because I killed one of their two commanders. "

Ouyang Feng explained: "there are only tens of thousands of the vanguard troops of the Devourer. They came here in a huge spaceship. There are only two of them at the command level. One of them has been killed by me, and their spaceship has also been destroyed by us."

"It's because of this kind of change that the devours here suddenly disappeared. It should be their commander who called them all back."

"These devours are a ferocious race, no matter human beings or other creatures, as long as there is life, they are their food, and their ultimate goal here is to completely destroy our planet."

"What's more, the most terrible thing about them is that their forces are basically endless. No matter how many people die, as long as they have enough life energy, they can continue to replenish their forces."

"It's not a pleasant thing to fight such an enemy in any case! The only way to really solve them is to kill their mother nest, because all the phagocytes we see are made by the mother nest. "

"But this mother nest will not come to our planet. It will only hide near our planet. If we want to kill him, we need to fight in outer space. As for how to go I haven't thought about it yet

"God! The wind! You know what? When I first saw you, I thought you would be my lucky star, because you sent us such a big city as soon as you appeared. "

Enovich cried out: "now I feel that the price of that city seems to be a little higher. I regret to know about it. God, after knowing about it, I won't be in a good mood in the future."

"Inovic! Whether you know it or not, the Devourer Legion will come to us, and no one can stop it. If we want to survive, we must kill the mother nest. There is no other way! This is a war of annihilation. If we fail, no one will be spared and all will die. "Ouyang Feng looked at inovic and said:

"if you have confidence, try to improve your strength and prepare to teach those sons of bitches a lesson when the Devourer army arrives. If you don't have confidence, you can just go to Lucas city and wipe out all the dead bodies there to earn a little more League money. After that, stay in the inner city and enjoy yourself, The last year of your life is good. "

"I'll take your suggestion seriously!" "It's a good idea to have fun for a year," Enoch said after thinking about it

Christophe said at the same time, "enovich! If you want to enjoy it, I think we should go and gather people now and exchange the corpses and supplies of Lucas city for union money as soon as possible. Otherwise, we have no money to spend. "

From Christophe's words, we can see that he didn't really believe Ouyang Feng's words, but because Ouyang Feng was a big gift to them after all, so he didn't directly refute Ouyang Feng, which saved him face.

Ouyang Feng naturally will not go to explain anything. Anyway, he just comes to bring the news of the Devourer to us for the sake of human beings. As for who is serious, it is not up to him to decide.

"That's right, Chris. You can find someone now. Remember to make it clear that those guys are greedy. I want to stay here and see what the top management of Avengers thinks about it!"

Enoch patted Christophe on the shoulder and said, "go! It's easy to find people. We don't have to go both of us! "

"All right! Then it's up to you! " Christophe shrugged his shoulders and said nothing. Then he turned and left

As soon as Christophe went out for several tens of meters, a jeep came from the direction of the inner city. It seems that this is the captain of the escort team. In terms of time, they came very fast.

Jeep all the way to the hurricane, and then, a few people jumped out of the car, the leader about 50, wearing a snow camouflage suit, a full height of two meters, so that their race's "polar bear" nickname is worthy of the name.

Cavia ran to the man, stood at attention and said, "report to the captain! It's this Easterner who says he wants to see the leader, and he also says that the ogres will invade our planet in a year

The captain of the guard also gave a military salute, and then looked at them. However, it was only a short stay. Most of his attention was still on the hurricane.

The jeep they came from was also specially used by the army. It was also equipped with a machine gun, and it was definitely not small. At least it was much bigger than an ordinary civilian car. But now it was parked beside the hurricane, and it was quite "small and exquisite".

Hurricane armor was the world's top military vehicle at that time. Of course, all countries in the world collected information about it, but because it was not sold to the outside world, it was always half covered with pipa.

For its detailed data, although ouyangfeng's country has also announced it to the public, everyone knows that this is only the official data, which is not accurate. After all, no one will easily show the real cards.

"How do you do, lieutenant general! My name is Ouyang Feng, the top leader of hope base in Dongzhou mainland. I hope to meet with your top leaders here and share with you some information about the Devourer, which is what you call the ogre. "

Ouyangfeng stepped forward, came to the guard captain, saluted and said that the guard captain carried two generals on his shoulders, that is to say, his rank was lieutenant general.

The captain of the guard glanced at Ouyang Feng carelessly, then nodded and said: "yes! Let's go to the inner city first! "

The attitude of the captain of the guard made Ouyang Feng frown, but after thinking about it, he still didn't attack, just nodded and went to the hurricane.

"Wait!" Seeing Ou Yangfeng's action, the guard captain suddenly said: "this car needs to be driven in by us. The inner city is the center of our base. To enter the inner city, we need to keep this car temporarily. When you leave, we can return it to you again!"

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