Ouyang Feng was shocked when he looked at Enoch. They were all killing low-level zombies outside. Moreover, it seemed that they didn't want to fight with those high-level zombies in the middle, which means that they only came to collect zombies. No matter how the end of the world is over, they can't be unaware of the use of zombies for crops.

Since they have been able to run so far, it means that the zombies around dilit have been cleared, which really shocked Ou Yangfeng. Even the hope base has not been able to clear all the zombies around him.

"You How far is it? " In order to confirm his idea, Ouyang Feng spoke again.

"No way!" Enoch shook his head helplessly and said, "this is the nearest place where there are zombies. If it's near, it's already cleaned by the Zombie Hunter."

"Fortunately, during this period of time, those ogres suddenly disappeared without knowing why. Otherwise, I dare not run so far to kill them. Even selling my ass is better than joining this damned corpse hunting team!" Inovic said at the end of the day, swearing fiercely.

"Are you talking about ogres that can suck people into a very old shape with their palms, and..." Ouyang Feng asked tentatively.

"Stop! damn! Don't paint this thing in front of me. I'm trying to forget it. " Before Ouyang Feng finished speaking, Enoch waved his arm and cried out:

"you're right, that's the kind of damned monster, devil, scum..." Then a series of curses came out of enovic's mouth.

"Hi! Man A fair haired young man came over and said hello to Ouyang Feng. Then he looked at Enoch, who was still cursing. He shrugged his shoulders, spread his hands and said to Ouyang Feng:

"don't mind, he's not aiming at you. You know, this poor guy, his wife and children..."

"Ivan! Shut the fuck up Enovich growled, his fists clenched and his eyes wide open.

Ouyang Feng sighed in his heart. Although Ivan didn't finish his words, Ouyang Feng had guessed his words. Looking at Enoch, Ouyang Feng sighed softly: "sorry! I... "

"Never mind!" Enoch has been staring at Ivan, after a long time, suddenly like a vent ball general, depressed down, gently said: "has passed!"

"Do you have ogres in Dongzhou? How much? " It seems that he wants to find some other topics for himself. Enoch suddenly looks at Ouyang Feng and asks.

"Not a little!" Ouyang Feng nodded and said, "thousands of them!"

"How lucky you are to be alive!"

Enovic patted Ouyang Feng on the shoulder and said that it seems that the mention of the Devourer has narrowed the distance between enovic and Ouyang Feng. Although it is not a country or a race, we are all human beings. Speaking the same language makes enovic put down his previous vigilance.

"Dirit wasn't swallowed by those people Cannibals take over, right Ouyang Feng asked his more concerned words.

According to enovich, the people of the whole northern continent, no matter which country they are survivors, are concentrated in dirit. This way of life should be very good in the period of zombies.

But when the phagocytes come, they should not be so lucky. The phagocytes will never let go of such a big piece of fat. Moreover, due to concentration, it seems that the phagocytes can easily catch all the human beings in the whole northern continent.

"Of course not!" Enovich waved his arm again: "those sons of bitches really took a big advantage at the beginning. They seemed to be unable to fight one by one. They even had no way to take tanks and heavy artillery."

"Fortunately, Gulei found a way to deal with them by accident and killed many of them, which made them dare not come to us any more. Now, there is no trace of these guys on the North Continent."

"Is it a fire power?" Ouyang Feng asked.

"Why? It seems that you also know this method! " Enoch was stunned, and then nodded: "since you know this method, it seems that you people from the east continent are not bad."

"Gulee is a super evolutor of the fire system, because before we all used hot weapons such as guns to fight against those hybrids, but the effect was quite poor. Later, gulee once had a whim that he attached his powers to the bullets at the moment when the bullets flew out of the gun. As a result, he killed a ogre directly."

"Seeing this situation, we all adopt this method, but in the end, only the fire department can do it, and it may not succeed, but at least we have killed dozens of Ogres, which makes them retreat. They just watch us from a distance and dare not attack again."

"More than ten days ago, we suddenly found out that those ogres disappeared for no reason. At first, we thought that this was the trick of those ogres, trying to lure us out, so none of us dared to come out.""Later, all the food was consumed, and if we wait, we will all starve to death. Only then a few brave people formed a corpse hunting team again and went out to search. It's certain that all the ogres really disappeared."

Hearing this, Ouyang Feng fully understood and could not help sighing. The Devourer nodded his back. Obviously, he was very unlucky. He was just hit by the bullet with the fire power, and then he was shot to death. If he had not died at that time, maybe the Gulei would not have experimented again.

In that case, maybe when Ouyang Feng sets foot on the North Continent, there will be no human on the North continent road

"You're right! All of them have indeed disappeared, because their headquarters are in the mainland of Dongzhou, and they have been destroyed by us. We have also killed one of the two supreme commanders, so the remaining one will shrink its forces and dare not appear again. "

Ouyang Feng looked at inovic and said, "we're here to see if those guys are hiding here. Besides, I have some things to talk to your supreme commander."

"You said Have you taken away the ogre's nest? " After hearing Ouyang Feng's words, Enoch looked at Ouyang Feng strangely, but then laughed:

"little brother, I also very much hope to take those ogres' nests off and kick their buttocks with my feet. I won't be tired even if I kick them for ten days and a half months. It's OK to talk about this kind of thing, but don't make it so serious It's the same as the old one

Ou Yangfeng shakes his head helplessly, but it's not easy to explain to enovic now. They should not know that the core of consciousness of the Devourer can move at will. Those who are killed by them should be coincidentally hit by the bullet rain, and then they will die.

So in their hearts, the Devourer is still invincible, for Ouyang wind, they are obviously as Ouyang wind in the big blow!

But Ou Yangfeng didn't explain again. He looked at Enoch and asked, "can you take me to your dirit? I want to meet your leader

"It's OK to take you to dirit, but meet our leader I can't be the master of this. " Enovich hesitated for a moment and said:

"we are only members of the corpse hunting team. We are free men, similar to ordinary citizens before the end of the world. We are not full members of dirit city. Even if we want to meet the leader, it is a difficult thing. Unless we are willing to give up our status as free men and join dirit's escort, we may still meet Chief

"You You, the awakened one, can't be a full member of dirit? " Ouyang Feng was shocked: "what's the most powerful person there?"

"It doesn't have much to do with strength. Dirit's bodyguard, and the members are all like me You're called awakeners, right? We use the term superevolver to refer to people of my strength. "

Enovic began to tell Ouyang Feng about dirit, while the other members of the corpse hunting team began to collect the corpses of the zombies they had killed before and move them to the trucks they came.

"Dirit is divided into inner city and outer city now. The inner city agrees to join dirit and needs to obey orders completely, while those living in the outer city are like us, who are used to being loose and don't like to be restrained."

"People in the inner city will have a fixed job, maybe decomposing zombies, maybe farming, maybe construction workers, oh! Damn it, there's even a dentist in it. "

At this point, Enoch put his thick finger into his mouth, buttoned the innermost loose tooth, and then went on:

"they all have a fixed salary, and they basically don't have to worry about food and drink. Of course, the premise is that they must accept the task assigned above and finish it exactly!"

"But we people, they don't limit what we want to do. Of course, if we want to eat or play with women, we have to exchange things for all kinds of materials, materials, or mutant animals, and this."

Inovic pointed to the people who were carrying zombies and said, "and it's the easiest thing to do. That's why there's a corpse hunting team like ours! All of these can be exchanged for union currency in the inner city exchange, and then you can squander it! As long as you have money, you can go to the inner city. As long as you don't make trouble, no one will care about you! "

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