"Go and play, you little boy!" Lu Feng looked at Mars with disdain and disdain: "I said Mars is that Mars, not you, cut! You still fly a plane? It's not your turn to fight a plane! "

"Well After hearing Lu Feng's words, Mars looks depressed, but there is no way to refute it. Can't he pull that "going to Mars" to himself?

"Come on! This is the situation outside now. You all pay attention to your physical strength. Once the church is damaged, immediately follow me and make a full assault. Gather at the hurricane. I will stop at the church gate and go out 50 meters away from 12 o'clock. " Ouyang Feng said that he still relies on the hurricane to stay in the church.

As long as you can bring people into the hurricane, no matter what, at least they should be able to retreat. As for the lickers here, it's a big deal that Ouyang Feng returns to the hope base first, changes the accumulated Apocalypse points into awakening potion, and then takes them out to clean up after the Guardian soldiers complete their awakening. Although it will waste more than ten days, the efficiency will also be improved And that's the only way to do it for safety.

Outside the church, the sound of stones falling to the ground or hitting the church wall still rings from time to time, and it becomes more and more dense with the passage of time. However, Ouyang Feng and his colleagues have already known the reason, and they have been on guard, so no one cares. Now, in order to save energy, Lu Feng uses the metal in the room and blocks the skylight It's too late, so now it's equivalent to just guarding the door.

Moreover, Lu Feng also made some spears for other people, which made it more convenient for them to deal with those lickers. They didn't suffer as much as using military spikes.

When the time passed again, a day later, finally outside the church came a burst of "zazazazazaza!" It seems that the tower crane is finally overburdened and will be overturned by these lickers.

"Everyone ready! We're going out! " Ouyang Feng roared, now they have basically killed 70000 lickers. Although they say that everyone is carefully preserving their physical strength, they have been fighting for two or three days in a row. In addition, they are always facing this kind of creature. Both physically and mentally, Ouyang Feng feel very tired.

In particular, Ouyang Feng had known the real number of these lickers for a long time. He knew that in the past two days, they only killed a little more than one tenth of the lickers, and there were hundreds of thousands of lickers who rushed up to tear them up after waiting for the church to be broken.

If they lose the favorable terrain of the church, they will be in continuous killing and no longer have time to rest. Once their physical strength is exhausted, maybe they will fall here one by one.

Now, their only hope is the hurricane. Only when all of them enter the hurricane can they get a chance to breathe and leave here at any time. Although there are a large number of lickers, they basically have no destructive ability to the shell of the hurricane, so the hurricane can at least become their shelter temporarily.

However, Ouyang Feng didn't go out immediately, because the inside of the church is still full of lickers. According to Ouyang Feng's inference, there must be a leader among these lickers. Since there is a leader, on the eve of the collapse of the church, these lickers inside will react and can't still gather here.

This kind of licker is very fast and has good breaking power. However, their defense is relatively poor. Even ordinary military spikes can directly penetrate their skulls and kill them. Therefore, if this church is demolished, these lickers will still gather here if they don't evade. I'm afraid Ouyang Feng hasn't Well, the licker army will lose a lot first.

As for the intelligence of these zombies, Ouyang Feng now has some knowledge. It's impossible for them to regard these zombies as creatures acting completely by instinct, as they did at the beginning of the end of the world.

Ouyang Feng was killing the lickers in front of him, while paying close attention to the zombies in the church. After more than an hour, a stone finally knocked heavily on the wall outside their room, smashing a gap in the wall. However, with Lu Feng's metal power, the lickers had no time to get through the gap In the middle, he was completely blocked by Lu Feng.

However, at this time, Ouyang Feng noticed that the number of lickers in the church had decreased a lot unconsciously, especially those who had been climbing on the dome of the church had disappeared.

Ouyang Feng listens attentively and finds the creaking of the tower crane outside the church Sound seems to be more and more frequent, so quickly remind people, ready to follow their own evacuation.

"Jump ~" suddenly, there was a loud noise, which seemed to be the sound of something breaking. Then, a strange roar sounded outside the church. With this roar, those lickers in the church suddenly turned and swarmed towards the outside of the church, "Gaga, gaga!" The sound of the tower crane is also more and more intensive, and also more and more loud.

"Ready! It should be that the boom of the tower crane is broken. Guard carefully and prepare to protrude! " Ouyang Feng yelled, now that all the lickers in the church have basically withdrawn from the church, there will be no defensive pressure on them. However, Ouyang Feng didn't plan to rush out now. You don't even need to think about it. Ouyang Feng also knows that those lickers should have been waiting for them at the door of the church, just waiting for them to go out.Ouyang Feng with the crowd, quickly turned to a room next to the second floor, this room is smaller than the room they were in before, and there is a larger window, so just now Ouyang Feng they did not choose here, but now here is a good breakthrough.

Since Ouyang Feng doesn't plan to go out from the church door, he naturally wants to go out from other places. The window of this room is Ouyang Feng's choice to break through the exit of the church.

"I'm the first to go out! Then you keep up, Lao Lu, you and Hao Shuai break up! " Ouyang Feng said, then came to the window, the Apocalypse wave, will completely break the window, and then look out, then directly out of the window.

Now, because the lickers are going to destroy the church, even the walls outside the church, there are not any lickers clinging to it, or even under the church, there are not many lickers. Those lickers gather more on the street next to the church and on the buildings opposite the church.

Ouyang Feng looks out to see if he can find the leader of the licker, but it may be the leader of the licker. He thinks Ouyang Feng will break through the church gate, so he stays there to command, so Ouyang Feng still doesn't find any special zombies.

The room is still on the second floor. For the awakened, this height has no effect on them at all. As soon as Ouyang Feng rushes out of the window, Zhang Shiyu and Xu Mo follow him and jump out, followed by Mars and Li Fei, then Hao Shuai, and finally Lu Feng.

Seven people didn't come out of the church door, but jumped out of the side window, which surprised the zombies. However, because these hundreds of thousands of zombies are all gathered around the church, there are basically lickers everywhere. As soon as ouyangfeng fell into the street on the side of the church, they were attacked by countless lickers.

"Crackle! Boom Ouyang Feng had not advanced five meters among the corpses. A confused sound sounded behind them. As Ouyang Feng had expected, the tower crane finally fell down on the church. On the falling boom, there were still a large number of lickers. When it was confirmed that the boom had broken and was about to crash into the dome of the church, these lickers began to climb Many of the lickers left the boom and fell from the sky like raindrops. Although some of them fell to the ground, most of them survived.

When the church was hit by the boom, the smoke and dust suddenly rose, which made the visibility of the Church even more blocked. Even Ouyang Feng's eye seemed to have lost its perspective on the smoke and dust. Fortunately, Ouyang Feng still remembered the location of his parking, so he took the crowd to the direction of the hurricane.

Because of Ouyang Feng's warning before, most people are at the peak except Ouyang Feng. Although Ouyang Feng has consumed more than half of his physical strength, the instant recovery of Apocalypse can be used. That is to say, as long as Ouyang Feng is willing, he can reach the peak at any time.

When the church collapsed, the scene was a bit chaotic. Because of the collapse of the church and Ouyang Feng, the lickers didn't rush out of the church door, so it seemed that the leader of the licker couldn't react for a moment. He let Ouyang Feng rush forward for more than 100 meters and came to the intersection on the right side of the church.

This location is less than 100 meters away from the hurricane. It seems that it is not difficult to reach the hurricane. As long as they reach the hurricane, their safety can be guaranteed for the time being. Moreover, ouyangfeng still has a lot of physical strength, not to mention the distance less than 100 meters, even if it is one kilometer. With their full strength, they are basically safe There's no problem.

However, just when Ouyang Feng thought he could get out of danger, through the fog, Ouyang Feng found an unexpected trouble

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