After hearing Zhang Shiyu's exclamation, Ou Yangfeng immediately ran out of his room, and then looked in the direction Zhang Shiyu pointed to. Only then did he find that just above the dome of the church, under the cover of those paintings, there were three alien creatures.

Their bodies are much smaller than that of normal adults. They are absorbed in the dome of the church like geckos. They are bloody red and ferocious. They can't see where their eyes are. However, the tongues of the three creatures are all very long. They are just like whips.

"Damn it! Licker? " After Mars saw the shape of these three mutant creatures, it could not help but scream, and then it was a little excited to jump up: "I just said, even tyrants have, how can there be no lickers?"

"Mars! Have you ever seen such a thing? " Lu Feng frowned, then looked at Mars and asked.

"Yes! This is the zombie, but it should be the zombie of agile department. It looks like the licker in biochemical crisis. This guy is the ultimate boss in biochemical crisis one! Finally, he was killed because his tongue was too long. " Mars seems to be a little excited to see its familiar creatures.

"Well! I think you will be killed for talking too much in the future! " Zhang Shiyu snorted coldly, because the shape of the licker was very ugly, which did not conform to the girl's aesthetic standards. So when Zhang Shiyu first found the three lickers, she didn't control herself and screamed. Now she may feel that her previous behavior was a little embarrassing, and her face was not good-looking.

At this time, the three lickers seemed to know that they had been found, so they moved their bodies slowly, as if they wanted to find a suitable angle to attack ouyangfeng.

"Hiss!" The licker in the middle, after adjusting his position left and right, suddenly gave out a hoarse roar, and then rushed down to Ouyang Feng. The speed was quite fast. Almost in the blink of an eye, he came to Ouyang Feng.

However, compared with Ouyang Feng's speed, it was obvious that the corpse of the licker had chosen the wrong target. Ouyang Feng summoned the Apocalypse blade and directly cut into the tongue of the licker, which was stabbed at him like a poisonous snake. In the blood splashing, the tongue of the licker was cut off by Ouyang Feng. Then, Ouyang Feng's Apocalypse waved to the body without stopping Licker in the air.

"Poof!" The licker's sarcomatous head was directly split by Ouyang Feng. In front of Ouyang Feng, he didn't even walk by, so he was killed by Ouyang Feng.

Looking at the corpse of the licker on the ground, the two lickers who wanted to join in the attack got up. They stopped trying to jump down, turned to both sides, quickly got into the top room and disappeared

"Doesn't it look hard to deal with?" Ouyang Feng looked at the body of the licker on the ground and said.

"Well! One seems to be easy to deal with, but Who knows how many? " Mars looked at the disappearing direction of the two lickers and said casually, "in the biochemical crisis movies, there are a lot of lickers attacking tyrants. Maybe there are a lot of lickers in this town!"

Ouyang Feng was stunned, then turned to look at the door of the church, his face changed: "damn! Mars, you are a crow mouth! Whatever you say, you'll get it. "

Through the fog, Ouyang Feng clearly saw that thousands of lickers were rushing to the church. This was just the direction he could see through the church gate. If this was the case in other directions, there would be hundreds of thousands or even millions of corpses of such lickers in this small town.

When Ouyang Feng killed the licker just now, he looked at the Apocalypse points provided by the licker and found that they were similar to the mutant zombies. That is to say, the licker did not reach the level of tyrant, or even the mutant corpse king. He was a zombie of the same level as the mutant zombies. However, if the number was enough, maybe he could kill himself The harvest here will even exceed that in juqing city.

Although Ouyang Feng doesn't know what caused the zombies here, they are all the zombies called lickers by Mars, but obviously for him, this situation can't be said to be a bad thing. Now Ouyang Feng's main task is to kill zombies and accumulate Apocalypse points, because he doesn't know whether he can advance in a month, so his goal is very clear That is to kill madly. First, turn all the seven or eight thousand guardians into awakeners.

Ouyang Feng's first goal now is very clear. When the leading forces of those alien creatures arrive here, they will kill them all at all costs and fight for a year for mankind. As for whether they can continue to defeat the enemy after a year, it is up to fate.

Because of the large number of lickers, ouyangfeng had to form a small circle in the middle of the church, ready to fight. Now they have no time to return to the hurricane, and they are very flexible to watch these lickers, even if they stand on the hurricane, they can't get any advantage.However, their current position, which can be said to be used to fight against lickers, is quite a loss, because those lickers are very flexible, and they can fly on the eaves and walk on the wall, just like geckos. In other words, the lickers they are going to fight against are not only attacking them on the ground, but also guarding against the attack of lickers from the air.

Just because the lickers appeared too fast, they had no time to adjust their position, so they had to rush to fight, even they couldn't go back to the hurricane.

Countless lickers poured into the church, and a large number of lickers poured into the windows of the church. In just a few minutes, the whole church was full of lickers. The dense number made Zhang Shiyu feel a little hairy.

This is because the appearance of the lickers is really not flattering. No matter from the appearance or the skin color, these lickers can be described as disgusting.

After all the lickers came in, they didn't attack immediately. Instead, they surrounded Ouyang Feng and others in groups, and countless tongues were flying in the air. It seemed quite spectacular. However, if there were people with intensive phobia here, I'm afraid they would not feel so comfortable.

The lickers didn't attack immediately, which made Ouyang Feng move in his heart, because the lickers he saw now are basically the same in appearance. But it seems unlikely that these lickers don't have a leader. But if they have a leader, where will the leader be?

Ouyang Feng looked up and down and left and right, and didn't find any special image of the licker. Maybe, the leader of the corpse group, like other zombies, would not appear if he didn't win.

Ouyang Feng looked out again, and he found that the number of lickers seemed to be increasing. Now, even outside the church, there are all lickers. It seems that they want to wait for all the reinforcements to arrive here before they attack them.

Ouyang Feng looked at the rooms above, and suddenly he was a little depressed. They should have reflected quickly just now. It's better for them to enter one of the rooms above than they are now in the chapel of this church.

At least, in those rooms, they should just guard against zombies coming through the doors and windows, instead of lickers attacking them from almost any direction except their feet.

Now there are only seven people in ouyangfeng, and their hands are not enough. Moreover, even if they are awakened, their physical strength is not endless. They are OK. With the support of the apocalypse, they may be able to hold on for a day or two, but they should not be able to. Although they haven't tried the extreme physical strength of the awakened, judging from the consumption of their abilities, If the awakened person with all his strength basically keeps winning, the time will not be more than one hour.

It's only an hour. It's impossible to kill all these lickers. Therefore, Ouyang Feng must act like a way now. He can't drag them down. The number of these lickers can kill them all here.

"Lao Lu!" Ouyang Feng shouts to Lu Feng, "do you see the room on the second floor? After the war, we have two choices. One is to enter the room, which is closest to us. After entering, we can take turns to defend and take turns to recover our physical strength. Moreover, the space there is large enough for us to use

"Another is that we go to the door, try our best to rush to the hurricane, launch defense on the side of the hurricane, and when we feel that we can't, we can retreat at any time! Which do you think is better? "

"Go to the second floor! Grandma, you can't be scared to death by these ugly people Lu Feng roared loudly. As soon as Ouyang Feng asked himself a question, Lu Feng recognized the hidden meaning of Ouyang Feng's words.

Obviously, the hurricane side will be safer, because they can drive the hurricane to retreat at any time, but the defense next to the hurricane is not much different from that here, because it is also open, and it is still in front of the church door. Compared with here, the only advantage is that when they feel that their physical strength is running out, they can all hide in the hurricane Among them, the claws of these lickers should not be able to grasp the strong armor of the hurricane!! , the fastest update of the webnovel!