After releasing the hive, apocalypse immediately conveyed the order of Ouyang Feng to the queen bee. All the bees hovering on Ouyang Feng's head immediately rushed towards the cockroaches. Although these bees are much smaller than the cockroaches, they are more numerous. Moreover, these bees seem to know the weakness of cockroaches, and they all attack the cockroaches' head.

Tens of thousands of bees immediately surrounded the cockroaches. The main attack weapon of these mutant bees was their tail spines. Unlike before the mutation, their spines were not broken after penetrating into the cockroaches' bodies, but could be recovered again, and these tail spines also became sharper and thicker. At that time, the miserable image of Tiezhu was estimated to be more beautiful Half of it is thanks to these tail spikes.

Under the encirclement and suppression of these bees, cockroaches soon lost their combat effectiveness. Although these cockroaches can fly, their attack means are only their own mouthparts. Under the attack of swarms all over the sky, they can't play a big role at all. This colony just killed all these cockroaches at the cost of less than 10000 bees' death, and these bees will also kill them The bodies of these cockroaches, together with a few of them, are all in the hive.

Seeing this, Ouyang Feng nodded to himself. He thought that these mutated bees have changed their habits and become carnivores. It seems that if they want to feed these bees in the future, they will have some difficulty.

After solving the crisis of the farm, Ouyang Feng didn't leave immediately. Instead, he called out all the people of the farm to reinforce the doors and windows under the protection of the flying bees. After confirming that there should be no more danger here, Ouyang Feng put away the bee nest again and headed for the blue water garden.

At this time, Duan Lei has returned to the Bishui garden, and the birds who came to attack the Bishui garden have all been turned into their own food by the willows, which has solved the crisis. Due to Liu wanting's previous arrangement, these birds have not broken the defense of the Bishui garden, so there are no casualties in the Bishui garden, even if they have been staying under the willows Because of the existence of willows, the birds could not break through the branches and leaves of willows and attack Lu Feng.

When Ouyang Feng returned to the blue water garden, he went directly to the willow tree, jumped on the trunk of the willow tree, put the beehive between the two stronger branches of the willow tree, and then returned to the club.

The appearance of Ouyang Feng makes everyone in the club very excited, especially Duan Lei, because after the upheaval, Duan Lei feels great pressure on his forehead. All the 30000 people on Hu Yuhuan's farm died, which makes Duan Lei feel that he has been greatly hit. In addition, Tiezhu's farm has also lost more than 1000 people. A series of accidents make Duan Lei feel a bit worried Well.

Now that ouyangfeng is back, Duan Lei finally feels that he can take off some of the burden on his shoulders. And now there is no message of asking for help on the walkie talkie. It seems that the attack tonight has finally come to an end.

Of course, Duan Lei doesn't think that his hope base will be calm from today on. He knows that all this is just the beginning. As time goes on, there will be more and more mutated creatures. He hopes that the test the base will undergo is just the beginning.

"Madman! How did you disappear so long? " Seeing Ouyang Feng walk into the club, Tang Haotian is the first one to jump up and give Ouyang Feng a bear hug. Then he punches him and scolds with a smile.

However, Ouyang Feng did not answer Tang Haotian's question, because, a soft body, has been put into his arms, it is Liu wanting, Ouyang Feng disappeared these two months, although there are three small confirmation, know Ouyang Feng is still alive, but for Liu wanting, this period of time is still like years, now Ouyang Feng finally appeared in front of her, unexpectedly It made her feel a little unreal.

Holding Liu wanting gently, Ouyang Feng doesn't explain his experience. He knows that it's not the time to speak. Liu wanting doesn't care what he experienced during his missing time. What she cares about is that she can embrace Ouyang Feng and feel the existence of Ouyang Feng.

Looking at Ouyang Feng and Liu wanting who are hugging each other, other people in the club don't speak. They just look at them quietly. Liu wanting doesn't cry. She just hugs Ouyang Feng silently and feels his temperature

"All right! Ting Ting Ouyangfeng gently pushed Liu wanting away, looked into her eyes and said, "I'm back! Although I can't guarantee that I will never leave in the future, I will promise that I will try my best to come back every time and won't let you down! "

"Well!" Liu wanting nodded gently, then let go of Ouyang Feng and stood beside him, holding his arm tightly, as if once she let go, Ouyang Feng would disappear again

"Apocalypse! How many awakening potions can you make now? " Ouyang Feng looked at the crowd and asked the apocalypse in his heart. Before entering the underwater passage, he had gained a lot of Apocalypse points in juqing city. However, in the underwater passage, he also consumed a lot of Apocalypse points. In addition, he consumed a lot of awakening potions. So he is not sure how many awakeners he hopes to have in the base.

"Twelve!" Apocalypse's reply made Ouyang Feng very depressed, but he immediately thought of the massive zombie tide in Juqing City, so he looked at Duan Lei: "Leizi! Is there any fortifier? "Duan Lei nodded and said with a smile, "a lot!"

Yes, now the fortified liquid in the hope base can only be described in many ways, because all the huge zombies in juqing city have been eliminated by them. Naturally, the fortified liquid of those zombies has been recycled by the guardian soldiers, and there is no waste at all. Just collecting the fortified liquid, Liu Qiang sent out the whole hope army.

"Give it all to me!" Ouyang Feng said eagerly. Then, looking at the people in front of him, he was puzzled. Now only 12 awakening potions can be made, which makes Ouyang Feng's mind a little uncertain. Even if all the strengthening liquid collected from juqing city is absorbed, it is absolutely impossible to take care of all the hundreds of people in front of him.

When Duan Lei heard Ouyang Feng's words, he directly shook his head, pointed to a room and said, "take it, just go yourself! There it is. "

Ouyang Feng was stunned, and then reflected that the amount of strengthening liquid should be huge, so Duan Lei would let him absorb it. Now he didn't hesitate and walked directly towards the room. Naturally, Liu wanting followed him.

Duan Lei also follows Ouyang Feng. Sanxiao hesitates for a moment and chooses to stay where he is. Ouyang Mie's expression is somewhat tangled. According to Ouyang Feng's present performance, it seems that he is not controlled by the independent consciousness, but it should be impossible according to the truth? Ouyang Feng, who has not reached the level five standard of life, should not be able to resist the invasion of that independent consciousness.

But now it seems that Ouyang Feng is no different from before. At least, if Ouyang Feng is controlled by the independent consciousness now, he will not be so eager to improve the strength of these human beings. Is that independent consciousness not awakened?

Now, Ouyang Mie can only think like this. Then, he quietly disappears in the club and appears outside the blue water garden. Because of Duan Lei's order, there are no soldiers of hope Corps who have been patrolling nearby, so Ouyang Mie has not been found by anyone.

"Chief! The Apocalypse master is not under control. Everything is normal at present! " Ouyang Mie reports to the messenger, and then the messenger sends an echo: "if you can confirm, then don't make any action. Follow him and continue to lurk. The Devourer will come in a month. Be careful!"

Looking at the communicator silently, Ouyang Mie took a deep breath, turned off the communicator without answering, and then disappeared into the dark

"Apocalypse! How many awakening potions can we make now? " After Ouyang Feng absorbed all the strengthening liquid in the whole room, he asked nervously.

"132! However, in this case, all Apocalypse points will be exhausted, and you will no longer be able to accept any assistance from me! " The answer of Apocalypse gives Ouyang Feng some hope. More than 100 awakened people must hope that the base can also gain a firm foothold in this world of secondary upheaval?

"Leizi! I have advanced again. At this stage, I call it the awakener. When I reach this stage, it seems that all people can awaken their own attributes. What I awaken now is the attribute of ice. I estimate that after you awaken, it will be the attribute of thunder, which matches your name very well! "

Ouyang Feng looked at Duan Lei and said, "but! The process of awakening takes a long time, at least more than ten days. Who do you think we should awaken first? "

"More than ten days?" Duan Lei frowned and asked: "in this case, we can't wake up together. Tonight is the first day of the upheaval. So many things have happened. It is estimated that there will be more accidents tomorrow. We can't let so many people fall asleep."

"But if we don't improve our fighting power immediately, we may be even more sad in the future. It's settled. You can choose 100 people right away! Use the awakening potion immediately. As for the base, I'll be responsible for it. After dawn tomorrow, I'll take all the people back to the Bishui community and give up the periphery temporarily. With my assistance, at least there won't be any problems in the Bishui community. As for other places, I can't manage so many things for the time being. We'll recover them after you finish your awakening It's over. " Ouyang Feng said decisively. , the fastest update of the webnovel!