But now they seem to understand that it's a little late. Seeing Duan Lei's appearance, it seems that they don't want them to kill these people, so they begin to beg Duan Lei to let them kill these people, or Duan Lei can do it. As long as they kill these demons, they don't care who does it.

"Ha ha! Just now I said that I would kill them. You said solemnly that even if they were guilty, they would not die of their crimes. You also asked me to list their criminal evidence. OK! Then I won't kill them. Now you want me to kill them again. Do we have to kill them? " Duan Lei said calmly:

"what do you think you are? If you don't want to kill us, you can't do it. If you want to kill us, you have to do it! Are you the masters of heaven and earth? Or the idiot? Do we have to follow your orders? "

"Since I can remember, I've always met you people who don't understand bullshit. When I hear a few words, I think I understand the whole process of things. Then I start to make comments, saying this is wrong and that is cruel. Then I find that the wind is wrong and I rush to turn around and scold the other side. Anyway, you will always be the majority of people, and you will always be Yes, whenever there is a discordant voice, it will be immediately drowned by your saliva. "

"Why are you so strong? The world is yours, right? Everyone has to do what you say, right? You're so awesome? Why not go to Mars? "

"I'll go!" Mars turned blue on one side, but Duan Lei was the one who said this. He didn't dare to say anything, so he had to lower his head and mutter.

Duan Lei heard Mars' mumbling and looked back. Only then did he find that his words were wrong again. But now it's too late to change them. They're all up. Let Mars be aggrieved.

"Before the end of time, even if you are wrong at last, you will find a lot of reasons to say that you have been hoodwinked and led. What the hell have you done before? Before that, I hated people like you, but at that time I was a soldier, that is, the kind of person you praised and said it was OK. "

Duan Lei continued: "as for now, I'm also in accordance with what you said. It's up to you to decide whether you want to stay or not. Do you remember my previous arrangement? Kill these scum, empty the materials inside, and then take you back. However, according to your requirements, we will not kill these people, neither you nor I. now you should be satisfied? "

"Oh! by the way! You just said that juqing city has a lot of resources. That's right, but those are not yours, but ours. If we are reasonable, we will kill all the zombies, and the spoils will be ours. If we are unreasonable, I will take them. Whoever grabs them, I will kill them! And I guess even if we don't take those goods, you won't have time to enjoy them. "

"You can guess! How long will you live after we leave? It was you who saved these people just now. I think since you are their saviors, you will always get their preferential treatment, right? As for the preferential treatment? " Duan Lei said that here, he took the tablet player from Mars again and threw it to the Yellow faced man casually:

"there are many patterns in the video. Maybe you can choose one of them. They may help you with your life-saving kindness."

After that, Duan Lei turns around and walks to the side of the hurricane car. After jumping on the car, he sits down on the top of the car and holds his head in his hands. He is silent. He doesn't know whether he is right or wrong, but he really can't accept yellow faced men. They are leading the way, and a group of people follow each other. They follow each other. They don't even know what they are doing. They make themselves like saints It's like that.

Lu Feng looks at Duan Lei and sighs. Then he takes out his walkie talkie and asks the guys who are searching outside to get some buses full of gas, because there are so many girls here who need to take back to hope base.

"We Can we go back to your base with you? " Behind the Yellow faced man, a young man in his twenties raised his right hand and asked Lu Feng timidly.

"What? Our base is owned by your family? You can't go if you want, and you can go if you want? " Lu Feng said that he didn't like this kind of person. Lu Feng was selfish, but at least he wouldn't define people without knowing why. Of course, generally, he wouldn't meddle in other people's business like a yellow faced man.

For Lu Feng, it's none of his business. If it's none of his business, he'll hang up the enemy. He doesn't want to worry about things that have nothing to do with him. What's wrong when he has time? Do you have to go to BB to do things that you can't do with yourself?

"But! We didn't say no just now, did we? We just want to know about your base and discuss it together. " Said the young man again, with a pleading look on his face.

"No! That's a lot of trouble. I have to let you discuss it. Anyway, you get along very well with these guys. Let's continue to live together. Our base can't afford to raise such a powerful person as you. You are all saints, and your words contain the way of heaven. How talented are you? Let's educate these guys! Maybe they will be influenced by you? "

This time it was Hao Shuai who said to the young man in a strange way:"What did you say? This is the sentence that describes you who have a sense of justice and love to sacrifice yourself for others

"I'm not going to hell! Who goes to hell? " Mars immediately connected, and also to the yellow face man thumbs up: "big brother! You're awesome! I admire you all the time. It's accurate to see things and cruel to use your mouth! In fact, you don't have to be afraid of these guys. They are more powerful and nothing to be afraid of. "

"Yes Li Fei also joined in: "after we leave, if they dare to do harm to you, do you condemn them? We should strongly condemn them. We can't do it without cursing them to death. We can only curse them so bloody that we don't dare to raise our face! "

"If you can be trapped here, we don't believe it. It's OK for you to reason with zombies directly. Low level zombies can't, but high-level zombies are intelligent. Maybe you understand the truth. You can reason with them directly. They are speechless and retreat in dismay. It's so cool. You see we can kill so many zombies, which means we are more powerful than zombies 。”

"But we don't dare to do what you said directly, which means that you are still powerful, so you don't have to be afraid of these people and zombies. Don't you think it's reasonable to go all over the world? It's no matter when you will let yourself stand on the side of "reason", so you can travel all over the world. Don't worry! "

The Mars trio is speechless and blushing, but they may not have the courage to ask them, but they can't do it now! Just now, they randomly fast forward the player's screen several times. Every time they see the scene, they can feel a burst of blood surging, and many people even vomit on the spot.

Just looking at the pictures is already like this. If this kind of thing happens to them, they can't even think about how much pain they will suffer, so no matter what, they have to ask Duan Lei to take them with them, and they don't want to stay among these real demons.

However, no matter how much these people plead, they hope that the people in the base will not pay attention to them. At this time, more than a dozen buses have formed a long line and are driving towards this side. This is the bus that will pull these girls.

As soon as they saw that the bus had arrived, they were ready to organize these girls to get on the bus. Because there were cars running between juqing city and hope base, and the zombies along the way had been cleaned up long ago, so basically they were looking for a car here, then filling it up and driving to hope base.

It's such a simple procedure that has been repeated all the time, so as long as these girls get on the bus, they can start at any time. When they get there, Shen Yishan and Liu Qiang will arrange for them, and Duan Lei has already prepared to let them live directly in the blue water garden. How can we say that they are all prepared for the guardians, near the water.

Seeing that these girls are going to leave, some of the Yellow faced men immediately yell, calling their familiar girls' names and asking them to help them intercede. In addition, they express their remorse incisively and vividly, and even some people begin to accuse their yellow faced men, because it is he who takes the lead, these people will follow suit.

Now it's wrong to coax. Naturally, it's the person who takes the lead. Without him taking the lead, how could he coax blindly, right? If the Yellow faced man didn't say that Duan Lei and Duan Lei are demons, he would not blame others casually. After all, there is no evidence and he can't talk nonsense. Disaster comes from the mouth!!

Some of the girls, after hearing their entreaties, were moved and looked at Lu Feng. Judging from the performance of these people, not only Duan Lei, I'm afraid that this big man also has a certain say in this team. If they can persuade Lu Feng, maybe these people can bring back a few.

Seeing these girls' pleading eyes, Lu Feng was completely unmoved and said, "if you pity them, you can stay with them. We won't force you to come to our base. As for them, hum! Don't even think about it! People should be responsible for what they have said! If you can't, you'd better shut up. In this last world, blind BB has to pay a price! We don't want this kind of self righteous, truth full fool in our base! "