In fact, those nobles are also unhappy because they are depressed, they need to vent, they need to release the fear and despair in their hearts, because they dare not go out, they can only find fun in this underground fortress.

And their goal is only those poor "untouchables". In addition to pulling out the women among these untouchables and wantonly abusing them, they also come up with a lot of novel ways to satisfy their distorted satisfaction.

In a spacious hall in the fortress, they built a "corpse fighting field" similar to the arena Then put those who "made a mistake!" If the Dalit wins, he can get some breathing time. After a ten minute rest, he will start the next game. In the next game, he will face two zombies.

In this way, one will be added to each game, but the advantage is that if the pariah wins, the reinforcer of the zombie against him can be used by him. If he is lucky enough to become a reinforcer, he can continue to fight. While the nobles watching, they can bet on how many rounds this man can hold on to.

Of course, no matter how many rounds he sticks to, at least the person who ends up is doomed. If he dies before he becomes a reinforcer, then he will become the opponent of other pariah after he becomes a zombie and experience another death.

If he is bitten after becoming a intensifier, maybe it's better for him, because he should be able to live longer, because those nobles will tie him to an iron shelf specially made by them, and keep talking with him and repeating his name until he becomes it while he still maintains human consciousness.

Because in the aristocratic circle, there is a legend that a zombie can be tamed. If you stay in his sight and repeat his name when he is alive and still maintains human thoughts, he will have a certain chance to know you when he becomes a zombie. At that time, he will no longer attack you and become you Your pet, just like your cat and dog before the end of time.

Although this legend has never been verified, these nobles are still happy with it. Even if they fail, they will not easily kill the reinforced zombie. They will remove the lower jaw of the zombie, smash all the teeth of the upper jaw, and then cut off its hands, so that it can no longer harm human beings.

Then, connect the two zombies with a special chair. There is something similar to a flail at the front and back of the chair, which can jam the head of the zombie, fix the chair between the two zombies, and then sit on it as if it were a "sliding rod". Later, when you want to let the zombie walk, you just need to be in front of the zombie in the back Put a piece of fresh meat, then hold a fishing rod like thing in your hand, hang a piece of fresh meat on the bait, and put it in front of the zombie to control its direction. This is a kind of "Sport" that many nobles like very much

Because of the nature of zombies, they will catch up with the fresh meat in front of them, and the people sitting on the chairs can easily guide them to any place they want to reach. They call this corpse horse, and even have such a competition. In the field like a maze, several players sit such corpse horses to guide them out of the maze Maze, in order to get out of the maze time to determine the position of the game.

There are many ways to play this kind of game in this underground fortress. We have to say that human beings have endless ideas. No matter how abnormal they are, they can think of it. Some people even make a woman pregnant and let her be bitten by zombies. They want to try whether their children can become zombies and listen to their own words.

Even some people directly catch female zombies to mate with them to see if they still have the ability to reproduce after becoming zombies. Some of them are infected because of this, and turn themselves into reinforcers of zombies. In a word, in this chaotic environment, in this evil underground fortress, no one with normal thinking can survive. Here, what's more Even more terrifying than the black wolf camp before.

Fortunately, there is also a rule here, that is, the daily death rate of those Dalits should not exceed 20. It's not that they still have some human nature in their hearts, because they know that there are only a few thousand Dalits in the whole underground fortress. Once all of them are killed, they will lack a lot of fun. Zombies are easy to say. Because of the monitoring, they can catch some games It's not a problem for thugs or zombies to come in and play. Living people are hard to find now. One dead person is one less.

Because people living here all know that they have no future, and they can't get out at all. Their strength is too weak compared with those zombies outside. If they want to break through, they have no hope at all. They have more food, but these food will eventually deteriorate. Even if they leave those people as food, they can't survive much For a long time.

They have carefully calculated, combined with food and other reasons, they have come to the conclusion that these people should be able to live for another five years. After five years, they will die of hunger in this fortress. Once people know the date of their death, whether it is long or not, as long as it is a certain date, it is enough to defeat a person's letter Heart and hope.It is precisely because these people have determined their own death date, so their hearts have actually collapsed. They begin to suppress their human nature, and no longer let themselves be controlled by any trace of human nature, because human nature will be afraid, sad, and anxious. Now they don't need these emotions, they want to vent, they want to indulge, and they want to enjoy.

In the last five years of their lives, they don't want to live a human life any more. They want to become crazy demons, release their desires completely, and release all the depression they accumulated as human beings after and before the end of the world in order to abide by the moral law

In the nearly one year after entering the fortress, human civilization only lasted for more than one month and then disappeared. Since the appearance of the mutant corpse king, who cut off their life, these people have completely lost their sense, and turned the underground Fortress into a gathering place of demons. They pull out the so-called pariah and try their best to kill him They can think of ways to torture them.

Because they want to save play, they can often torture a person for a month before they die, and make videos to show off their achievements. When they put their past sufferings on another person they don't know, they will feel extremely satisfied.

As if in this way, the injustice, the humiliation and the tribulation that they had suffered were rewarded. When one of them successfully cut off the flesh and blood of another aggressor, the Dalit, leaving only the internal organs, he could walk, and after living for half an hour, this man became their idol and became what they wanted The goal of surpassing.

If a person can make his own choice, he would rather have his limbs cut off and hung in the warehouse of the black wolf camp than fall into the hands of these demons and be regarded as the object of their experiments on human endurance. Compared with these people, it is God's favor to be able to enter the cemetery, fight with zombies and die in the mouth of zombies .

This is a group of people who are now thinking about how to let ouyangfeng save themselves. They are thinking about how to let ouyangfeng accept their identity and become soldiers fighting for the continuation of human civilization under their leadership.

They found that ouyangfeng was totally accidental, because tomorrow, they will have a "corpse horse" competition, but they are short of several "corpse horses".

So they thought of going outside to catch some reinforced zombies, because only the "corpse horse" made of reinforced zombies can quickly run out of the maze. The "corpse horse" made by wanderers can easily wrestle and lose the face of "Rider".

After opening the cameras near several exits to find suitable enhanced zombies, they found a strange place, that is, they didn't find any mutant zombies or mutant king near these exits.

Although they rarely see dissimilated zombies, mutant corpse king and mutant zombies often appear in their cameras, and these zombies are not interested in things without flesh and blood, even if they find the rotation of the camera, they don't care at all.

Curiously, they seem to have found something funny. They keep turning on the cameras around them until all the cameras at the exit are turned on, but they don't find any variant zombies. For them who are bored all day, naturally, this is a thing that makes everyone excited.

So they decided to waste energy, turn on all the cameras one by one, continue to expand the search scope, little by little looking for traces of high-level zombies.

At this time, they have forgotten that they want to choose a few strong mutant zombies to be their "corpse horse". Instead, they all concentrate on the existence of high-level zombies in the searcher.

However, because they think it's very "fun" and "fresh", just like zombies feel bored and play hide and seek with them, it's a fresh game for them, so they don't want to end the game too soon. So, these excited nobles divide their own areas and expand their life gradually Search area, street by street to find those "hiding" up high-level zombies , the fastest update of the webnovel!