Looking at the people in the circle around him, there was no reaction at all. They were still killing zombies seriously, as if they had not heard him at all. The middle-aged man seemed to have some doubts. According to his idea, after listening to his words, these people had doubts in their hearts, and then they looked at each other to see the reaction of their teammates?

At that time, some people will hesitate to retreat, and then lead the whole defense formation to retreat. In this way, they should easily take over the command of these soldiers, and then kill the two leaders who are only intensifiers, take over the army, and even get their base. But now It seems that this play is totally wrong, isn't it?

Duan Lei looked at the middle-aged man with some doubts and sighed: "let you go, you don't go, you have to say so much nonsense! Silence is golden, don't you know? Keep one

The middle-aged man looks at Duan Lei and opens his mouth to talk. He doesn't understand Duan Lei's last sentence: keep one! What do you mean? Three figures have flashed into them, and then the knife lights up. The middle-aged man's head has been flying in the air, and his face is still with a look of panic.

These three are Li Tianxiang, Mars and Li Fei. Meng Fei and Hao Shuai still stay by Duan Lei's side to protect him, but they don't do anything. It's Li Tianxiang, the second-order evolutor who killed the middle-aged man. After killing the middle-aged man, he turns back, and his spear is in the eyebrow of the other evolutor.

These two evolutors are first-order, and they have no fighting power in front of Li Tianxiang who suddenly launched an attack on them, while the other three intensifiers are all knocked to the ground by Mars and Li Fei, although Duan Lei just said "keep one!" But after all, they are all human beings. Mars and Li Fei are a little reluctant.

"You!! How dare you kill people? " The rest of the evolutor said with a shocked face.

"Well! You should be glad! " Li Tianxiang snorted coldly. Then he looked back at Lu Feng lying on the ground: "it was him who should have done it. Now I just do it for him. Only when he does it, can you know what killing means!"

Duan Lei takes a breath and is about to ask the evolutioner a question. Suddenly, three rockets fly out of juqing city center, and the target is them.

“RPG!!” Li Tianxiang yelled, and then he stopped caring about the evolutioner who was controlled by himself, jumped into a hurricane, pulled up the six barrel machine gun, and started shooting in the direction of the fire rocket. Unfortunately, the lead time of the six barrel machine gun shooting was too long, so it was estimated that there was little hope of successful interception.

Ouyang Feng jumped up immediately, and the Apocalypse bow appeared in an instant. Then, two ice arrows shot at the rocket. After a period of rest, his physical strength has recovered with the help of apocalypse. However, shooting two ice arrows is the limit he can do now.

Mars and Li Fei look at each other and rush towards the rocket. When they rush to the side of the guardian, they both grab the rifles they are carrying behind their backs, and then launch their own powers, which speed up a lot in an instant. Then they take up their rifles and shoot at the flying rocket.

"Bang bang! Bang bang! Bang bang The sound of two successive firing bursts out, highlighting the fact that Mars and Li Fei don't care about the zombies around them. They just shoot at the three flying rockets all the time. The guardians who see this scene also launch their own powers to rush up and solve the zombies around them one by one.

"Boom! Boom Two rockets shot by Ouyang Feng were blasted one after another, because Ouyang Feng's ice arrows didn't detonate them when they hit the Rockets, but they also made their flight path deviate, and their speed decreased, making them easier to be hit.

With the explosion of these two rockets, the rocket flying in front of them also lost its precision. It was pushed directly to the ground by the blast wave and exploded among the corpses. At this time, the rocket was less than five meters away from the defense array of the hope base. The blast wave turned up and made the formation of the guard soldiers a little chaotic.

Fortunately, the guardians are all evolutionists and have not been hurt. Only a few of them have been cut by fragments, which does not affect their combat effectiveness. Therefore, they soon recovered their formation and began to resist the zombies around.

At the time of the explosion, Qin Yue, who was suturing Lu Feng's wounds, threw herself directly at Lu Feng's waist and used her body to block the debris that was lifted by the waves and flew to them. Among the debris, there was a zombie that was broken in two.

The zombie landed near Lu Feng's upper body. Qin Yue didn't notice the zombie because she threw herself on Lu Feng's waist and buried her head.

Ouyangfeng saw the zombie, but he didn't take action immediately. He just put an arrow on the bow string, because now all three rockets have been detonated, and the crisis has been relieved. So he saw that Qin Yue didn't hesitate to pounce on Lu Feng. He wanted to know what Qin Yue would do if the zombie appeared.

The zombie fell next to Lu Feng. The only zombie left in the explosion was not dead. After landing, he was attracted by Lu Feng's blood. He grabbed Lu Feng's shoulder with both arms, dragged himself to Lu Feng, and then opened his mouth to bite Lu Feng's neck.Hearing the news of the zombie, Qin Yue raised her head and suddenly found that Lu Feng was about to be attacked. At that time, she had no time to think about it. She put her right hand in front of the Zombie's mouth. However, just as the zombie was about to bite off, a sharp arrow flew through the Zombie's head and nailed it to the ground.

Qin Yue looks back and sees Ouyang Feng with a mysterious smile. She blushes and lowers her head to help Lu Feng sew up his belly.

Ouyang Feng looks back at the evolutor. Just now when the Rockets came, Li Tianxiang gave up his control because he wanted to kill the three rockets with a six barrel machine gun. However, this guy didn't run away. Instead, he rushed to Duan Lei. He wanted to control Duan Lei and use Duan Lei to kill Duan Lei while everyone's attention was focused on the Rockets Threatening people.

According to the situation just now, the evolutor seems to understand Duan Lei's position as a fortifier in the eyes of these soldiers. He immediately judges that maybe this guy is the son of their base leader, so these evolutors are so loyal to him. In this case, after controlling him, maybe he can leave safely.

However, Meng Fei and Hao Shuai are still around Duan Lei, and Xu Mo has been paying attention to this guy. As soon as he rushes in front of Duan Lei, Xu Mo punches him. Then Hao Shuai comes forward directly, raises his foot and breaks his legs without saying a word. Now he knows that if he is kind to the enemy, he will be hurt at any time To his counter attack.

Mars and Li Fei are in a bit of a mess. They have been bitten by zombies, and most of them are wounds with muscles torn off. Although they are not heavy, they look very shocking.

However, these two guys didn't care about it. They didn't even care about stopping bleeding. Instead, they ran towards the hurricane, pulled the six barrel machine gun and aimed it at the middle and west of juqing city. It's obvious that these two guys were afraid that they would continue to launch rockets there. Just now, Li Tianxiang rushed to the hurricane to operate the six barrel machine gun after the Rockets had been sent out because he wasn't on guard, so the time was limited It's half a shot slow. Now that they are on guard, there will be no such delay.

Duan Lei looked back at Qin Yue and Lu Feng, feeling that it should take a little time, so he began to issue an order: "let's spread out a little bit and expand the circle."

Because of the rocket attack just now, Duan Lei doesn't know what heavy weapons the other side still has. In front of him, he asked us to gather together because it is convenient for defense, so that we can save some energy. However, due to an accident, we should try our best to spread out, so that the other side can't choose the attack location.

"Leizi! Go straight to the hurricane and throw a missile Ouyang Feng looked at the center of Juqing City, and a trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes. These scum, who have heavy weapons and are unwilling to use on zombies, don't hesitate to fight the same kind. Ouyang Feng doesn't want to rescue the people in Juqing City, but wants to kill them all.

just now, as like as two peas of the three rockets coming from the center of the city, Ouyang Feng reminded of the equation that he almost died at that time. Besides the weak weapon they launched, the situation that happened almost the same in Harbin city was the flip version.

"Don't worry! They can't run without missiles! " Duan Lei said, running to the hurricane, because now are all low-level zombies, so all the hurricanes are parked in the defense circle, Duan Lei casually on one of the hurricanes, launched the surface to surface missile, aimed at the center of juqing city.

But Duan Lei didn't release it. He just let the missile out of the launching port and made preparations before launching. Duan Lei was ready to use this to frighten the other side, because Duan Lei had a feeling that the other side seemed to be able to see their situation.

Because the three rockets came too timely, they just killed one of their evolutioners and took control of their personnel, and then they quickly responded. According to the evolutioner, they should be hiding underground, and now they are surrounded by corpses. If there is no monitoring for them, the reaction will not be so fast.

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