At this moment, Dai Guo suddenly yelled: "who dares me?" With that, he jumped directly into the clear-cut between the two teams of soldiers, standing proud, but, I don't know why, ouyangfeng, they even felt that Dai Guo's body was slightly bent at this time.

"If you are willing to stand in front of me, it shows that you do not forget your old love and treat yourself as my old soldier. That's good. I'd like to thank you, but! You soldiers who point guns at your comrades in arms! I don't want it, and you don't want to say it's Dai Guo's soldier! I can't afford to lose this man!! Put the gun down, motherfucker

Dai Guo pointed to his soldiers and said with emotion and tears in his eyes: "I always think that I am good, and the soldiers I bring out are also good, but I didn't expect that the soldiers I bring out will one day be able to point the gun at my own people!"

"What is a soldier? Soldiers are war machines, human weapons that are not afraid of death and danger! It is the first and last line of defense for the motherland and the people!! When the motherland and people need us, we will appear at any time! When we resist external humiliation, we are a strong shield. When we pursue the enemy, we are a sharp blade of revenge! "

"When did I teach you how to kill your comrades? When did I teach you that the guns in your hands are used against your own people? What you want to give to your comrades in arms should be your back, not the muzzle of the gun! "

Daiguo's words, let his side of those soldiers silently put down their guns, all a face of shame hung down his head, dare not look at daiguo's eyes.

"And you! You chose to continue the mission. I have nothing to say. This is your choice, but this is not the reason why you want to kill your comrades in arms! " Dai Guo turned to the soldiers on Dai Jianfeng's side and pointed to them.

"Daguo! Don't stir up feelings here! I tell you, no matter what you say today! Gu Changsheng, we must take it back, and the hurricane! You have to stay for me, otherwise, none of you want to leave. What's the matter with you? Listen, brothers. When the war starts, give me the chemical truck. I'll see what important people are there! "

Dai Jianfeng felt a little bad, and quickly said that he was worried that Dai Guo would say something to the soldiers left on his side, and the soldiers on his side would put down their guns as they did on the other side, and then he would be finished.

"Sensational? Do you think I'll play in a TV play? Give it to his mother Dai Guo said impolitely: "fight chemical truck? Thank you for giving this order! Laozi told you that there are all civilians in it! Soldiers' guns are used to protect them, not to kill them

"You say civilians are civilians? Civilians, how nervous were they just now? Cut! To whom? " Dai Jianfeng said with disdain.

"You fuckin 'fart!" Dai Guo was furious: "Lao Tzu always spits on one nail when he talks! When did you lie? You find a sentence for me to listen to! If you can't find it, shut the hell up for me! "

Dai Jianfeng's face suddenly stagnated. Dai Guo was really like what he said. He never told lies, and his words were as good as a promise. But what he said and promised, he never failed to do.

"I don't care if they are civilians or anything, as long as they stop us from completing the task, they are our enemies, we are soldiers, and completing the task is our mission!" Dai Jianfeng was a little annoyed: "all ready!"

"Wow!" At Dai Jianfeng's command, nearly a thousand soldiers in front of him pulled open the bolt uniformly and made preparations before shooting.

"Commander! Please get out of the way! " A soldier, armed with a gun, yelled at DAGO.

"What? You want to shoot? Good! Then come on! Son of a bitch! If I'm afraid, I won't stand here! " Dai Guo slapped his chest, and stopped the soldiers who wanted to rush to stop him: "don't move! Standing there, I'll see if they dare to shoot me today! "

"When you first joined the army, I remember that Lao Tzu taught you. This is the tradition of our fifth army. When new soldiers join the army, Lao Tzu always goes up and talks! Do you remember those words? "

"I don't remember! I'll wake you up! Laozi will say a word to every recruits who enter the Army: as long as you enter the army and put on this uniform, that's it! You are my brother. On the battlefield, anyone who wears the same uniform as me will stand in front of him and block bullets for him, no matter whether I know him or not, because! I know the uniform

"I went to the battlefield at the age of seventeen and went through countless wars. I can live to the present not because of my luck or my skill, but because I have a group of good brothers and comrades in arms. In my military career, at least 20 comrades in arms fell in front of me to help me resist a fatal bullet."

"Some of them have died and some of them are still alive. No matter whether they are dead or alive, I will always remember the happy smile they showed to me when I held their fallen bodies, and their words: rookie! Be careful, bullets No eyes"These words have become the last words of some of them. Because of them, I have lived to the present, and because of them, I will say those words to you! No one is afraid of death, so are soldiers. But why do we dare to march forward bravely in the battlefield and in the hail of bullets? It's because we have brothers we trust. "

"Do you know why people don't want to retire? What's good about being a soldier? Few holidays, hard training, low allowance, great danger! Why are so many people reluctant to leave? It's because they don't want to leave their brothers. Their comrades in arms are brothers who are more intimate than their brothers. Only the battlefield and the barracks can produce this kind of emotion. It is this kind of emotion that attracts countless people to stay in the barracks. "

"Now! It seems that I don't need to help you block bullets, because this bullet is shot from your muzzle, ha ha ha! Come on! Shoot! Let me see how the soldiers I brought out shot me. "

Dai Guo's words let the soldiers who stayed on Dai Jianfeng's side, although the guns were still in their hands, but from their expressions, we can see that they were ready to give up, because there was not a trace of fighting spirit in their faces, and there was not that special killing intention in their eyes when they stepped on the battlefield

"Bang, bang!" After daiguo's words fell to the ground, two sudden gunshots rang out. At the moment of gunshot, Ouyang Feng's figure appeared in front of daiguo almost at the same time. Two blood arrows were marked from his body, but his body didn't shake at all.

"Dai Jianfeng!" Dai Guo roared angrily. The two shots just now came from Dai Jianfeng's rifle. He saw the reaction of his soldiers and knew that if he didn't do something, maybe these soldiers would no longer belong to him. So he secretly took his rifle and fired a double shot at Dai Guo.

"You want to kill me?" Dai Guo rushes forward and looks at Ouyang Feng's body. He is relieved to find that the shoulder and shoulder socket are where he was shot. He knows that Ouyang Feng is an evolutionist. Although his body has not yet been able to resist bullets, as long as it is not a fatal injury, with the strong constitution of the evolutionist, he will soon recover. So he turns back and shouts angrily at Dai Jianfeng.

"Dai Jianfeng! You want to kill me? " Dai Guo's eyes were full of disbelief: "I played with you from childhood, grew up together, joined the army together, experienced the end of this son of a bitch together, and now you want to kill me?"

"Daguo! I I'm doing it. I'm a soldier. " Dai Jianfeng felt guilty and said that he was in a fever of the moment when he shot. Now he is relieved to see that Dai Guo is not injured. He used to be a hot-blooded soldier, but with the passage of time, his pursuit has changed, so his way of doing things has also changed

Dai Guo looked at Dai Jianfeng with a look of disappointment in his eyes. Then he turned to Ouyang Feng and said, "little brother! Didn't it hurt? You... "

"No!" Ou Yangfeng shook his head gently. Then, looking at Dai Guo's suspicious eyes, he said with a smile: "as long as you wear this uniform, I'm willing to help you block the bullet. When I was just enlisted in the army, our company commander also said, OK! I remember it

"I remember!" Dai Guo gently repeated Ouyang Feng's words, then laughed: "ha ha ha! What a good one I remember, little brother! You are a good man. In fact, you only need to remember a few words in your life, and do according to them. No matter how he lives, at least when he dies, there will be no regret! "

"Death without regret!" After hearing Dai Guo's words, Li Tianxiang nodded and said softly.

"Well! Death without regret One side of GUI Wuwang also said.

"All my life! Remember a sentence is: don't starve yourself to death! As for the dead after there is no regret! I don't care! " Lu Feng said: "so! I don't quite understand what he said, because I don't have your experience, but I may understand it later. "

"Lao Lu! In fact, you already understand, even you know better than us, but you don't want to accept it. After all, you have been used to that lifestyle before, so subconsciously, you don't want to change yourself, so now you have changed, but your heart just won't accept it! " Meng Fei points out Lu Feng's real thoughts , the fastest update of the webnovel!