Get the sign of Ouyang wind, Liu Wu also quickly ordered: "all the intensifiers go back to continue, others, follow me on the bus!" Then, he turned around and walked towards the hurricane. After getting the order, the ordinary soldiers got into the hurricane one by one. Fortunately, the hurricane was big enough to carry more people than ordinary armored personnel carriers, so they were still very spacious after they went in.

Ouyangfeng stood on the roof of the car and silently counted the number of soldiers entering the hurricane. After counting to 36, no more soldiers entered the hurricane, 36! Ouyang Feng nodded, then told the apocalypse in his heart to synthesize 36 strengthening potions, and then turned to enter the hurricane carriage from the shooting port.

When the people on the roof look at each other and smile, Liu Wu may wonder why Ouyang Feng only chooses ordinary people to go with him, and doesn't bring any intensifiers. Naturally, they know Ouyang Feng's purpose of picking these ordinary people.

Thinking of the surprise when they got the second-order evolution potion last night and the surprise when they woke up in the morning and found that their strength had improved, Meng Fei and Li Gu could not help shaking their heads and laughing bitterly. They could imagine the expression on the faces of those soldiers in the carriage when they knew they had become intensifiers.

"This power of the madman is absolutely the most valuable power in the last world! None of them! " Meng Fei gave a bitter smile and said softly in a positive tone.

"Well!" After hearing Meng Fei's words, Lu Feng, Tang Haotian, GUI Wuwang and Li Gu nodded together. This power is certainly powerful, but they didn't know it was the function of apocalypse, not the power.

It wasn't long for Ouyang wind to go down. Before Lu Feng drove the car out of the gate of the defensive wall, he had climbed up. Then he stood in the front of the roof and looked ahead.

He gave all the fortified potions directly to Liu Wu. Because the fortified potions did not need blood cooperation, there was no need to distinguish between people, just one bottle for each person. Ouyang Feng didn't say what kind of potion it was. He just told Liu Wu to let him give all the potions, and let the soldiers drink them immediately, then lay down and go home Turn around and go up.

This is also Ouyang Feng's attempt to see Liu Wu's degree of trust in himself. Because he intends to take all these people into hope base, he should first figure out the position of these people. Those who believe in himself can be put into the Guard Corps. If he doesn't believe in himself, he should stay in hope Corps first.

Because of Liu Wu's performance, now he believes in Ouyang Feng. Ouyang Feng wants to know whether this person is consistent with his appearance. If he believes in himself on the surface, but has reservation in his heart, Ouyang Feng will not put him in the Guard Corps.

After Ouyang Feng went up, Liu Wu looked at the fortified potion in his hand. He just hesitated for a moment and sent all the fortified potions down. Then, according to Ouyang Feng's instructions, he asked these people to drink the potion and find a place to lie down.

Although the soldiers were strange about Liu Wu's order, no one questioned it. After the potion, they sat down on the spot, opened the bottle of the potion, looked up and drank it all.

Soon, there were people lying on the ground in the back of the hurricane carriage. Liu Wu looked at these soldiers with calm face. He didn't doubt Ouyang Feng, because he questioned Ouyang Feng before, whether he could afford his military uniform or not. He saw the gloom in Ouyang Feng's eyes. In addition to Ouyang Feng's performance at the stairway, and a series of actions behind, Liu Wu really was I believe Ouyang Feng.

In particular, Ouyang Feng's current target is these ordinary soldiers. If they want to be disadvantageous, do they need to be drugged? As long as Ouyang Feng makes a move, Liu Wu is sure that in two minutes, these people will be killed by Ouyang Feng.

Lu Feng didn't take care of the following things. He always followed the road to juqing city. The map was easy to see. He could enter juqing city by walking along the road they had taken before. However, the biochemical research institute they were going to was still a long distance away from juqing city. Of course, this is normal. This kind of research institute can't be directly set up in juqing city In the city.

Soon! Lu Feng drove the hurricane to the main road they had been driving before, and then continued to drive towards juqing city. During this period, the soldiers who drank the medicine also woke up one by one. When they woke up, they felt their own changes and were shocked one by one.

"What's the matter?" Liu Wu, who didn't know why, asked.

"I I feel like It's like a reinforcer. " A soldier stammered, with a trace of uncertainty in his tone.

"I So do I

"Me too..."

"Me too..."


Soon, all the soldiers stood up and told Liu Wu the same message - they have all become intensifiers, without exception!!

Looking at the 36 surprised soldiers in front of him, Liu Wu could not help but shed tears. He knew that these people would not cheat him. He also knew what these people had given up in order to make Xu Mo become an evolutionist. The reason why they lost a lot of hands in the initial riot was that there were too many ordinary people among them.And those people, who gave up the opportunity to become intensifiers and made Xu Mo a success, died in the riot and didn't get any return. This has always been a pain in Liu Wu's and Xu Mo's heart. Now, seeing these soldiers, they have finally become intensifiers. Liu Wu's eyes are filled with tears. He turns and climbs to the roof of the car to find ou Yangfeng.

When Ouyang Feng sees Liu Wu's look, he knows that all the people below have become intensifiers, and his face also shows a smile, because it is obvious that Liu Wu has passed his own test.

"Thank you!" Liu Wujing gave a military salute: "you help me make up for what I owe my brothers. I owe you a lot of lives! But I have only one life, so! I'll give you one. From now on, Liu Wu's life will be yours! "

"Good! I'll take it. However, keep the account first, and your life will be left to Heping Town. After Heping Town is safely transferred to hope base, you can sell your life to me! " Ouyang Feng didn't refuse. Anyway, Liu Wu is also his subordinate. If he agrees, maybe Liu Wu's heart will feel better.

"Good!" Liu Wu nodded and then asked, "what are those bottles filled with?"

"The tonic is similar to the tonic in the zombie brain, and it is also extracted from that thing, but the effect is 100% success, and there is no chance of failure." Ouyang Feng replied, "this is a special ability of mine."

"Such a powerful power?" Liu Wu was shocked, and then asked strangely, "didn't you say you were a spatial power?"

"Ha ha ha ha!" Tang Haotian came over, took Liu Wu's shoulder and said with a smile, "he's a pervert. Don't compare with him. First of all, he's a third-order evolutor, one higher than us. Second, he's not the only one with these two powers. In addition to the space power and the Potion power, he has a telescope skill in his eyes. He's an agile evolutor, so he has a sensitivity The agility powers. "

Tang Haotian's series of words made Liu Wumu stare. After a long time, he shook his head and grinned bitterly: "Damn it! People are more angry than people

"So! Just don't compare with him GUI Wuwu chimed in and said, "just think it's a movie. He's the main character. Haha! Although it's not the leading role, it's good to be around the leading role. "

"In the movies!" GUI Wu's words made Liu Wu sigh for a while. Looking at the scattered zombies on both sides of the road, he sighed: "yes! Since the end of the world, we have been acting in movies, and this environment is really like a movie. "

After hearing Liu Wu's words, all the people in the car were silent and looked at the scenery on both sides of the road. When passing by a small and thin zombie, all the people's eyes were attracted by him. This is a little boy who looks like only seven or eight years old, staggering and aimless. In front of him, there is a zombie transformed by an adult, also walking along the road Road, blind forward

No one knows the story between the two zombies. Maybe they are father and son, maybe the child is dead. The father went to rescue the child and was bitten. Maybe the father died first and then killed his child. Maybe there is no relationship between the two zombies at all

The oppressive atmosphere lasted until they arrived at their destination. The defense of the Institute of Biochemistry and the Institute of biochemistry was very tight. The iron fence around the Institute had not been damaged. However, from the perspective of the wanderers in white inside, the iron fence had lost its protective effect.

Outside the Research Institute, there are about hundreds of loiterers and more than 20 enhanced zombies. With the passing of the end of the world, it seems that the proportion of enhanced zombies is gradually increasing. However, this number of zombies is ignored by Ouyang Feng. In order to save time, Ouyang Feng did not order those new enhanced zombies in the carriage to fight.

"Do it! Quick fight, quick decision After Ouyang Feng finished, he pounced directly on the zombies around him. Tang Haotian, GUI Wuwang and others all joined in the battle. Hundreds of zombies were killed in front of them, but they didn't persist for five minutes. Ouyang Feng walked around the zombies killed by others. More than 500 zombies and more than 20 enhanced zombies not only synthesized the enhanced potion The consumption of Apocalypse points has been made up, and there is still some profit.

This is the terrible part of apocalypse. As long as there are zombies, the intensifier is basically as much as Ouyang Feng needs , the fastest update of the webnovel!