When Xu Mo said this, he stood up and went to the window, his voice suddenly became very light:

"in this way, we built the fence you saw, stopped the scene outside, and cleaned up the buildings inside, and let the survivors of the town go out to play at a fixed time every day. In this way, when the old people came to the village, they would go out to play When you look out of the window, you will see that everything has not changed, and they will not think that this world is not the original world. "

"Ha ha! In fact, I used to think about whether I could be an actor or even a director. I didn't expect that at this end of the day, I actually directed a film or a series, which has It's been eight or nine months in a row, but maybe it won't be long. " Speaking of this, Xu Mo's voice was a little gloomy. Liu Wu came to him and patted him on the shoulder, giving him wordless comfort.

After listening to Xu Mo's story, ouyangfeng and them were silent. Although Xu Mo didn't explain in detail how to hide the old people to build such a tall fence and how to paint those patterns, ouyangfeng could imagine the difficulty.

"Well What did you rely on to survive to this day? I mean, the source of supplies here! And the drugs that the elderly need? " Ouyang Feng asked.

"What we left behind before the end of the world, and what we went out to collect!" Xu Mo smiles: "the people who robbed you with me first, and the guards on the defensive wall outside, these are our fighters."

"At first! The number of our fighters exceeds 1000, and now it is less than 100. Because they are deeply involved in the play, the mass actors in the town actually regard the town as a paradise free from the invasion of the last days. We are not reluctant to join the fight any more. They have hope in their hearts. Even if they cheat themselves, it is better than nothing. "

"In order to save fuel, we walk out every time, and then drive back when we find the vehicle, extract the fuel and leave it to the power generation system. Fortunately, in the later stage, I became an evolutor, and when I took them out to search for materials, it also reduced a lot of personnel losses. Otherwise, there may have been no fighters in this place for a long time"

"this is due to the following reasons For, after we know the existence of the evolutionist, when we go out to meet the zombie, almost all the spoils belong to me. I absorb all the liquid in the zombie, because Liu Wu said that no matter how many intensifiers there are, it's not as stable as having an evolutionist. Because of this, until now, Liu Wu is a second-order intensifier, or when I become an evolutionist It's only after the evolvers. "

Xu Mo looked at Liu Wu beside him and was moved in his eyes: "without their support, I can't get to today's goal."

"What are you doing this for? These old people are not related to you, are they Ouyang Feng looks at Xu Mo's eyes and asks.

"Because at the end of the world, I was not with my father. I don't know if he is still alive. All I know is that if he is still alive, he will hope to get the life he has now. These old people must also need to..." Xu Mo looks at Ouyang Feng and answers. In his eyes, there is a kind of brilliance that Ouyang Feng has never seen before. The brilliance is pure and Holy

"Consider yourself and others!" Ouyang Feng slowly gets up and comes to Xu Mo and Liu Wu. It seems that he knows what he is going to do. Tang Haotian and others all come to Ouyang Feng's back and look at Xu Mo and Liu Wu in front of him with Ouyang Feng.

Xu Mo and Liu Wu are not flustered. They look at the eyes of Ouyang Feng and others. They just have the meaning of asking.

"Bang!" Ouyang Feng suddenly pushed Jinshan down Yuzhu, like Xu mo before, kneeling on both knees, kneeling in front of Xu Mo, and then "bang bang!" After kowtowing a few times, Tang Haotian and others made the same move as Ouyang Feng. Only Lu Feng and Li Tianxiang stood still upright. However, they stood at attention and saluted Xu Mo and Liu Wu solemnly

"This is what you gave me before. Now I give it back to you. I can't afford it because of your gift!" Ouyang Feng kowtowed his head and knelt down on the ground. After that, he slowly got up and looked at Xu Mo in front of him. In his eyes, he was extremely solemn and respectful

The actions of Ouyang Feng and others shocked Xu Mo and Liu Wu. They stood there stupidly, and didn't even reach out to help Ouyang Feng get up. They looked at Ouyang Feng stupidly, tears gushed out of their eyes, followed their cheeks, and fell on the ground

At this moment, Xu Mo and Liu Qiang, who have been repressed since the end of the world, finally burst out. After the sky fire came, all their efforts were finally rewarded

After the beginning of the end of life, Xu Mo's initial fear, hesitation, mid-term vision, persistence, and now fatigue and confusion, all the hard work, sacrifice, helplessness and pain they had experienced, all disappeared in Ouyang Feng's kneeling

In front of these people, any one of them will be able to level their town and kill all their people. But it is these strong men, those soldiers who would rather die than surrender, and who are proud of themselves, who just knelt down in front of them and bent down their back.At the beginning, Xu Mo and his family bent their knees to beg for mercy, not for their own lives, but for their own ideals. For these old people, who still don't know the end of the world, and don't know what zombies are, if they were all killed, the town might soon be completely out of control. What they did was to delay the end of the world for most of the time It's just a year.

Ouyangfeng and they stand there quietly, watching Xu Mo and Liu Wu vent their burden silently, which has been accumulated in their hearts for a long time

After more than half an hour, Xu Mo and Liu Qiang's mood gradually stabilized. He reached out to wipe the tears from his face. Xu Mo closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then he opened his still red eyes and looked at Ouyang Feng with a smile: "sorry, I'm a little out of control."

Ouyang Feng shook his head, turned to look out of the window, said with emotion: "you are very strong, if it is me, I don't know if I can persist until now."

"We don't know, or even we don't know how long we can hold on. We just cling to the idea that if we can hold on, we won't give up. We've been muddling along till now." Xu Mo also looked out of the window and said with boundless emotion:

"in fact, it's a miracle that we can persist until now. To be honest, we have saved these old people, but these old people have also saved us, because in our hearts, they are our goal to persist. Without them, maybe we would have scattered long ago."

"When I said I wanted to help you, why didn't you accept it?" Meng Fei asked suddenly.

"Because we met some survivors before and brought them back. Unexpectedly, those people caused us a lot of trouble. In the end, in order to solve them, we lost a lot of manpower." Liu Wu answered Meng Fei's question for Xu Mo:

"they not only think that it's a waste of resources for us to support those old people, but also try to incite those people in the town to start a riot. Fortunately, most of the people in the town have relatives there, so few people are incited by them. However, in order to quell the riot, we still suffered a lot, or else It's... "

At this point, Liu Wu looked at Xu Mo, did not continue to say, it seems that the things behind, and Xu mo.

"Alas! If it wasn't for that time, Xiaoyu's reaction was appropriate, and the play that we have been playing was torn down that day. Xiaoyu is a girl, the nurse here, and my girlfriend. In that riot, in order to prevent the mob from entering here and buy time for us, she reversed the release of zombie virus in the room where we entered, following those who tried to enter People here have become zombies together... "

Xu Mo sighed and continued to speak. In his eyes, there was a trace of sadness. It seemed that he recalled the situation at that time.

"When we got there, there were all zombies in that room, including Xiaoyu, she I killed it myself Speaking of the end, Xu Mo clenched his fists.

Ouyang wind reached out and patted Xu Mo's shoulder, and didn't say anything.

"Well What were you doing with the hurricane? " Meng Fei asked Liu Qiang again.

"Because we have to go to the city to get some resources, we have searched all the places with materials around us for a long time, and most importantly, we are short of drugs. Many of those old people need to take medicine every day. There is a 98 year old Uncle Zhang, whose medicine is only a few days old, and he doesn't want to do anything Once the supply of medicine is lost, he will... "

Liu Qiang replied: "there are two cities nearest to us. One is juqing city in the north, and the other is Haqi city in the south. We have investigated these two cities, which have been completely occupied by zombies. Moreover, there seems to be signs of human survival in the center of the two cities, but they are surrounded by zombies and can't get out at all And we I can't get in

"Because we want to save fuel, we have not left any vehicles for our own use. All the vehicles we collected before have been destroyed by us and used to build the defensive wall outside. Now we have to enter the city and need a solid good car."

"We went out this time to try our luck in Haqi city to see if we could find a car on the edge of Haqi city. Who knows we saw your hurricane, so..." At this point, Liu Wu looks embarrassed.

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