When Chen Shaowen's body was torn by four mutant zombies, his mind suddenly awoke inexplicably. Although he didn't recover his memory after becoming a monster, and he didn't know what happened after he drank the medicine, he still remembered all the things before that.

He still remembers that he had a brother. He also remembers Ouyang Feng, Liu wanting, Zhang Shiyu, Chen Tianhao and so on. Moreover, he knows that he seems to have lost an important relative.

According to his unique feeling, Xiaowu comes to the outside of Tianhuo base and finds the place where Chen Shaowen died. The mutant zombie will not be polite to the guy who breaks into his territory. However, after Xiaowu easily tears up several mutant zombies, the mutant Zombie King finally knows that Xiaowu can't afford to offend him.

This is also why after Xiaowu appeared just now, the mutant corpse king will leave with his subordinates. In fact, the mutant corpse king should be glad that if Xiaowu does not recover his mind at this time, it will become Xiaowu's first attack target.

Because Xiaowu's evolution is similar to that of zombies, and it also depends on swallowing other powerful life forms to advance. The mutant king of corpses can just meet Xiaowu's requirements, but now Xiaowu has regained his mind. He doesn't want to take this disgusting zombie as food. Although he can only eat raw meat because of the change of body structure, Xiaowu can still eat mutant animals Enough for zombies

Now I think that when I was just sober, I was holding a zombie's arm and munching. Xiaowu felt a little nauseous.

With Xiaowu's leadership, the crowd soon broke away from the corpse tide. After walking out of the corpse tide, Xiaowu stopped and stood on the edge of the corpse tide. With his presence, the zombies did not chase him. Until all the teams came out, Xiaowu turned around, waved to Liu wanting and Zhang Shiyu, and then ran into the corpse tide.

"Xiaowu!" Zhang Shiyu and Liu wanting shout at the same time, and as soon as they show their figure, they will catch up with the corpse tide.

"Don't chase me! He is not the person you used to know, he has his own way of life, stay with you, he will only feel uncomfortable A person appeared in front of the two women, but it was Li Tianxiang.

Because of the saliva of the female zombie, Li Tianxiang smoothly returned to the team, followed the crowd and rushed out of the corpse tide. After seeing the male and female zombies, Li Tianxiang suddenly didn't want to die again. People were like that, and he was still very happy. He didn't seem to feel that the identity of the corpse brought them any trouble.

When he saw the two zombies looking at each other, Li Tianxiang knew that no matter what their identities were, as long as they were in love If the corpses can be together, they think it's enough.

I'm still a human being and an evolutionist. Shouldn't I be happier than they are? Why did I just want to die?

Li Tianxiang, who wants to understand, follows the team out of the corpse tide. When he sees that Zhang Shiyu and Liu wanting are going to chase Xiaowu, he shows up and stops the two girls. He looks back at the direction of Xiaowu's disappearance and knows that he is going to look for the two zombies who are also keeping their senses. Maybe, for Xiaowu, the two guys and he are "their own corpses".

Liu wanting and Zhang Shiyu look at Xiaowu and stop. They also know that Li Tianxiang is right. Xiaowu can't stay with them. Even if Xiaowu wants to, there is a monster more terrible than zombies in the base. I'm afraid that both Xiaowu and the survivors will not be used to it.

Xiaowu, of course, went to look for the two zombies. The two zombies were Qianxun and Qianqian. Qianxun was bitten by Qianqian and didn't accept the evolutionary medicine that ouyangfeng gave him, so he was infected and became a zombie.

But maybe it's because he was bitten by Qianqian, and in the process of becoming a zombie, Qianqian has been with him all the time. In addition, he has the obsession of keeping consciousness after the corpse. He has become Qianxun of the zombie and has not forgotten Qianqian.

It's just that Chihiro can't speak at present, just like Xiaowu, he can only hiss, but his consciousness is still preserved, which can be confirmed. Maybe this is the miracle created by the true love between him and Qianqian.

After Qianxun became a zombie, he strengthened the zombie. However, Qianqian still took Qianxun to the outer part of Tianhuo base, because they are now zombies. On the contrary, they are safer in large-scale corpses. If humans see zombies, they will kill them directly, and they won't care if you keep your mind.

Because of their own independent consciousness, Qianqian and Qianxun are not controlled by the mutant zombies, but the corpse tide will still regard them as their own kind and will not attack them.

After Xiaowu came to the corpse group, Qianqian and Qianxun paid attention to it. Especially, after finding the place where Chen Shaowen died, Xiaowu knelt down and wailed. He was a sad boy. Although his appearance was terrible, Qianqian went forward to ask.

When Xiaowu saw that the two zombies still had their own consciousness, he immediately felt a sense of intimacy. After the return of consciousness, Xiaowu already knew his current image. Although he still regarded himself as a human in his heart, he also knew that his image could not return to the crowd.Especially now that he has confirmed Xiaowen's death, he has no desire to return. Just when he thinks that his future life will always be lonely, Qianqian and Qianxun's appearance makes him excited.

In terms of image, Qianqian and Qianxun look much better than Xiaowu, but at least they are zombies. Although Xiaowu doesn't know what his current life form should be, it doesn't prevent him from treating Qianqian and Qianxun as his own kind.

Although Qianqian and Qianxun's strength is a little poor, they can't even reach the mutant zombie, but this is not a problem for Xiaowu. Even the mutant corpse king, although he has some wisdom, can communicate with himself, but Xiaowu still can't regard it as his own kind, because his thought is not human thought.

So, since last night, Xiaowu has been following Qianqian and Qianxun. With his powerful existence, Qianqian and Qianxun are safe. Xiaowu once wanted to kill two mutant zombies to add strength to Qianqian and Qianxun, but Qianqian refused.

Because Qianqian's state has not stabilized yet, he is afraid that if his strength rises too fast, he will wipe out Qianxun's consciousness. Besides, now they are in the tide of corpses, so there should be no great danger.

They are lucky to say that none of the missiles launched by Duan Lei is in their direction. Otherwise, they may have hung up long ago, just strengthening the zombies, but they can't resist the power of the missiles.

Here Xiaowu goes to look for Qianqian and Qianxun again. Duan Lei also starts to take the survivors to the hope base, because there are only four hurricanes in their team, and all the survivors are on foot. Therefore, there is still a long way to go to reach the hope base, at least there is no way to get there tonight.

At the moment, Duan Lei has already left in a hurricane. Liu wanting, Zhang Shiyu, Lu Feng, Liu Qiang and tie Zhu are left with him to lead the team. Duan Lei needs to go back to make arrangements and bring the news of Ouyang Feng's fall back to the hope base

Because of the appearance of Xiaowu, there was no loss in this breakthrough. More than 600000 survivors escaped completely, which is several times more than the original number of hope base.

So now Duan Lei is also a bit of a headache. So many people can't get into the base all at once. In that case, the order that they managed to establish before may collapse in an instant.

Therefore, it's impossible for those people to enter that community at present. When breaking through the siege, those fortifiers who have been protecting on both sides are OK. Only because of the fall of ouyangfeng, Duan Lei doesn't have the heart to observe those people. He can only wait until after the base, and then slowly distinguish.

Liu wanting and Zhang Shiyu are sitting in the car, keeping silent and silent, thinking about their own thoughts. Duan Lei doesn't comfort them, because he doesn't know what words he should use to comfort them. He just hopes that with the passage of time, they can gradually get out of the haze in their hearts.

It's mainly the words of Liu wanting and Zhang Shiyu. Although she also has a good feeling for Ouyang Feng, she doesn't have much contact with her. Maybe in her heart, the variation of Xiaowu makes her more sad, right?

The dust gradually dispersed, and the sky fire base showed its face again. Compared with ouyangfeng when they just arrived, the sky fire base now is really devastated and has completely become ruins. A large number of zombies poured into the base and wandered around in the sky fire base, looking for the human corpses buried under the ruins.

There are only 600000 survivors who follow Duan Lei to leave, perhaps because they don't trust them, or because they are used to staying here. More than 300000 survivors do not choose to leave, but stay.

However, no one thought that the frenzied equation wanted to attack the departing team with missiles, but because of Ouyang Feng's quick reaction, it detonated the missiles in time, razing almost the whole Skyfire base to the ground. Naturally, the survivors left behind were also seriously injured.

Even if some of them did not die in the missile explosion and the collapse of buildings, they were soon dragged out by the influx of corpses and torn to pieces.

Today's sky fire base seems to be back to the moment when the sky fire came. Before the survivors from the ruins could see the surrounding situation clearly, they were drowned by the zombies and screamed bitterly. The sky fire base was completely destroyed

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